Enemies in Remnant: From the Ashes are the hostile creatures players encounter in the game. Due to Remnant's dynamic generation system, precise enemy spawns and locations can vary across repeated playthroughs. Further information about specific enemies can be found on individual pages linked below.
Enemy Variations
In Remnant: From the Ashes there are two primary enemy types:
- Basic Enemies - are the standard enemies which spawn in realms and dungeons. They have modest health, basic attacks and will respawn in the world if players rest at a checkpoint.
- Elite Enemies - are superior versions of select enemy types, possessing greater health, damage and unique attack patterns. They may also drop exclusive rewards such as Lumenite Crystal. When an elite enemy spawns, players will hear a distinct audio warning like a chime.
Enemy Scaling
Remnant: From the Ashes is both a solo and three-player co-op game. During co-op, depending on the number of players present, the following enemy mechanics are scaled:
- Enemy health is increased
- Enemy damage is increased
- Number of enemies appearing in an area increases.
Enemy stats will also increase on higher Difficulties.
Enemy Races in Remnant: From the Ashes

The Root
The Root is an enemy race found on Earth. The Root comes in a variety of terrifying incarnations: From small, fast creatures with mouths like bear traps to enormous, lumbering behemoths that can easily slaughter entire teams of armed survivors. They are generally weak to Fire (+15%) and resistant to Rot (-10/15%).

Buri Tribesmen
The once proud and powerful inhabitants of Rhom are now fragmented into small, secretive enclaves locked in a vicious stand-off for power. Some of the Buri Tribesmen have mutated and grown to revere the Akari and to despise Ezlan and the Basha priesthood. Some common enemies are weak to Radiation (+10%).

The Iskal
From the world of Corsus, a dangerous genetically-mutated race called The Iskal inhabit the planet's grounds. These creatures have a unique DNA that is a combination of mammal and insect which allowed them to evolve and adapt through their surroundings. They are generally weak to Radiation (+10%) and less commonly weak to Fire (+10-15%).

The Pan
Situated in the realm of Yaesha, The Pan is a race of incredibly agile, goat-like bipeds with a unique hierarchical society governed by an immortal priesthood. Theirs is a strict culture made up of two castes: The Commoners that form the bulk of the workforce and the idle Nobility, of which the Pan Priests are preeminent. They are generally weak to Rot (+10%) and Frost (+10%).

The Urikki
Giant warlike creatures baring a slight resemblance to the rodents of earth. The Urikki have become the dominant force on this world due to their strength and ferocity. The Urikki descended from the more numerous and smaller creatures known as the Emin. The Emin still exist, living much as they always have, below the surface in networks of tunnels known as Warrens. Many years ago, the first and greatest of the Urikki, Magir, swore a blood oath to his dying mother that the Emin would pay for their misdeeds. To this day, the Urikki’s vengeance often takes the form of raids on Emin’s Warrens in the middle of the harshest winter months. They are generally weak to Fire (+10%) and Radiation (+5%) while being resistant to Frost (-5%).
Enemies in Remnant: From the Ashes
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I can now confirm the existence of an enemy that is like a smaller version of the Raze boss, on Rhom. It is colored a lighter gray with a red core.
- Anonymous
Some notes for future editors: 1) The “Fleshopede” may be that reptilian creature on Yaesha, as the patch notes say the Fleshopede was changed to drop ammo and I know that enemy hasn’t historically dropped ammo. An article on the official site also refers to the “lizard-like Dracopede”, so perhaps “Fleshopede” refers to something else entirely. 2) There are a number of Rhom enemies still missing, including a green exploding version of the Wasteland Skull, a tribesman with a sniper rifle, a tribesman with a rocket launcher, and a ranged tribesman that fires bolts from a staff (like a weaker shaman). 3) There are two types of Buri Impaler, the skull-wearing one and a stronger version with a pointed metal helmet. 4) There seem to be two types of Pan Swordsman, one wearing red and one wearing blue. These may be different enemies. 5) There is a Pan enemy that is like a weaker version of the Blink Thief, and wears a similar mask. 6) Somebody should also confirm if the Storm Warden and Kin Caller (names confirmed on official accounts) are in the game and not cut content. There is also a Pan enemy seen in promotional images that holds a lantern, and it should also be confirmed if this is in the game. 7) There are definitely two versions of the Swamp Relentless or “Iskal Knight”, one with armor and weapons and one without. These should receive separate entries. 8) The Blademaw and Iskal Hulk are the names I gave to the creatures in the wooden tunnels on Corsus, the Blademaw (name sourced from concept art) being like a bulkier Swamp Hound with mandibles, and the Iskal Hulk (name improvised) being the smaller and greener forebearer of the newly-introduced Temple Guardian. “Sword Elf” refers to the treeptop-dwelling elves that are in the early stages of the infestation. Quill Witch (name from concept art) is the aboveground spined insect, and the Toxic Maiden (name from concept art) is the new sparking insect that drops from the ceiling.
There is a Rhom enemy that appears during the "The Lost Gantry" random event resembling a human with a rocket launcher. Perhaps another tribesmen enemy?
There also seems to be a regular enemy version of the Blink Thief that spawns in the caves on Yaesha, and can spawn during the Re-Animator fight. Possible placeholder name "Blink Spearman"?
Some new Iskal enemies from Swamps of Corsus: In the caves where you face the Barbed Terror, the main enemies are these thin green zombified horned things. They attack you at melee range with their claws. There is a ranged enemy with a similar appearance, but with a greenish frill from which they fire spines. There is also a glowing Banshee variant that detaches from the ceiling, and which seems to have electricity powers. There is also an enemy resembling a smaller version of the Dream Eater that can move extremely fast. There is a new elite enemy appearing in the subterranean tunnels (where you fight Canker), which resembles a gigantic cross between a Swamp Hound and a Colossus, and can be seen prominently in the trailer. New enemies also appear aboveground, including a beefed-up Banshee variant with spines. There are also Corsus enemies that were in the game before the DLC, including infested sword-wielding elves inhabiting the treetop dwellings, and what seems to be an armorless version of the Iskal Knight (which can appear during the Canker fight). This is not an exhaustive list; there's probably a lot more.
- Anonymous
This page is in need of major revision. None of the new enemies from Swamps of Corsus have been added yet, and many enemies from before the DLC still do not have pages on this Wiki (particularly several from Yaesha, including the undead Pan and reptilian crawlers).
- Anonymous
Can we cut the filler out of enemy descriptions? Things like "Basic Enemies respawn whenever a player or a team rests at a checkpoint"? It adds a lot of unnecessary clutter to the articles. Besides, that information, aside from being obvious, is already mentioned on the Enemy homepage here.
- Anonymous
Where did you get these names? If they’re not official, then some our outright wrong having been named by ingame characters(tumbleweeds, deadwood, etc)
- Anonymous
Doesnt include the human group 'Mud Dogs' on Earth that spawn in Cutthroat Channel, and their dogs.