Patch Notes for Remnant: From the Ashes are Updates and changes made to the game by developers. This page gives players an overview of changes to the game deployed by Gunfire Games. Developers usually deploy patches to balance gameplay, adjust mechanics, fix bugs and errors or add content.
HOTFIX: 249276
August 26th 2020 We've released a hotfix to the Subject 2923 update for all platforms (Steam, Epic, Xbox, and PlayStation 4) with performance improvements (including the final boss in Subject 2923), miscellaneous bug fixes, and rebalances Flop modifiers.
- PC Build: 249276
- Console Build: 249159
- Multiple performance improvements (major hitch should be fixed).
- Fusion Rifle will only be given on the first attempt.
- Long gun no longer switches during the phase transition after the first attempt.
- Fixed a bug that caused certain projectiles to deal increased damage.
- Adjusted timing and size of some attacks in the final phase.
- A multitude of various minor bug fixes.
- Fixed issue with Root Rift interaction point being at the floor vs the expected center point.
- Fixed issue where the player becomes unresponsive after Black Cat Band blocks lethal damage from a quick time event. Black Cat Band will no longer block damage from or stop the player from dying to damage from quick time events.
- Improvements to achievement flagging.
- Smoother cutscene experience after Guardian Siege in multiplayer.
- Modified cinematics to show visuals for a weapon if the player already has it.
- Cleaned up zones spawned by quests on Survival Mode death.
- Disabled VOIP in Steam if you’re playing from Epic.
- Fixed miscalculation of damage on Fan of Knives mod while wearing Labyrinth Armor.
- Flop is now its own type of damage. Removed Unarmed damage from Flop.
- Ring of the Unclean now causes unarmed Melee attacks to deal x3 damage and Flops to deal x4 damage.
HOTFIX: 248851
August 20th. We've released a hotfix to the Subject 2923 update for PC (Steam & Epic) that fixes the "Potential Cheating Detected" issue, resolves miscellaneous issues, and adds the original Remnant: From the Ashes pre-order bonuses to every account for free!
- Build: 248851
- Added Remnant: From the Ashes pre-order skins and Survival Pack pre-order bonus to all accounts!
- The entitlement will activate on new characters. Once claimed, all characters will be able to use the pre-order skins.
- Adjusted behavior of the Root Heart in Ward Prime to default to teleporting to the final fight after failing the encounter.
- Turned off collision on the shield props on the ground to prevent boss/players from getting hung up in the Brudvaak fight.
- Added small collision blocker in the Ixillis arena to smooth out the extension of the wood floor to match where the broken posts are.
- Lighting optimization in Reactor Room.
- Resolved “Potential Cheating Detected” error.
- Players previously affected should now be able to play in multiplayer games again.
- Fix for Steam achievements not unlocking when achieved.
- Fix for Hero’s Sword consuming twice as much stamina as intended.
- Fix for Leto's armor stagger reduction misbehaving.
- This brings the Leto's 2 piece in line with the function of Mantle of Thorns which also applies the same effect of stagger reduction.
- Removed armor from Obryk’s tender areas.
- Ziggurat entrance in Yaesha now orients correctly on the minimap.
- Alternator - Incinerator mod
- Changed the number of charges from 1 to 2 and increased the mod power requirement from 890 to 900.
- Rebalanced the distribution of flop damage and unarmed damage.
- Removed flop damage increase from Leto's set and increasing the amount found on Ring of the Unclean.
Subject 2923 DLC Pre-Patch
Platforms: PC (Steam)
Date of Patch: 13 August 2020
Resting at World Stones / Shards now refills Mod Power
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Worldstones and Shards refill Health and Ammo. Now they refill Mod Power as well. No one wants to die on a boss and then feel “weaker” on the next attempt because you no longer have any Mod Power. Fixed!
Items/Perks/Traits that increase “Mod Damage” now affect Summons
Health of Summon now scales with Weapon Level (of weapon it is slotted into)
Summons can now Crit (player’s Crit value)
Summons can now deal Weakspot damage (their own modifier)
Iron Sentinel will now die when the player dies.
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Mostly quality of life fixes and one bug fix!
Melee Weapons (General)
Gained 10% Weakspot damage modifier (across the board)
Proc Chance effects on special weapons (e.g. Smolder) no longer proc on basic strikes
DEVELOPER COMMENT: While we didn’t want to give a full Weakspot bonus to Melee Weapons we decided a small buff would be worth the effort. We also removed the proc chance on all special melee weapon’s basic attacks while ensuring the charges were all 100% chance. The goal was to remove RNG and give the player a bit more agency as to when to apply statuses and effects.
Liz & Liz / Root Mother
Increased max health on Nightmare and Apocalypse
DEVELOPER COMMENT: All these ladies have toughened up their resolve and are now a bit more challenging to kill on the harder difficulties!
Buff Icons
Buff icon colors changed for clarity
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We’ve changed the color of buff icons to better represent what effect they have on the player. Red represents offense. Blue represents defense. Green represents a healing effect. Tan/Yellow represents utility (misc). Armor buffs use their specific icon so it’s easier to differentiate which buff is which on the buff bar.
Corrosive Status
Now grants “stacks” of damage reduction and is consolidated across all Corrosive gear
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We reworked the Corrosive Damage Status to utilize the stacks system. Now, anything that applies Corrosive Damage applies stacks of the Corrosive Debuff (Corrosive Aura, Butcher’s Flail, Hive Cannon, etc). At maximum stacks, the damage debuff remains the same as before.
Survival Streak Rewards
Adventurer Goggles and Hero Sword can now be purchased from Rigs (Glowing Fragments)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We wanted to make sure these items were available to more players, so we conjured up an alternate method to obtain them. You’ll still need to complete the streaks to get the achievements, but the rewards are now more available.
Perfect Dodge Effects
Added a special effect to signify when a Perfect Dodge has been performed
DEVELOPER COMMENT: To better facilitate Perfect Dodge gameplay that is less reliant on watching the buff bar for activation, we added a special VFX when wearing an item that utilizes Perfect Dodges.
Lumenite Rewards
Increased Lumenite Drop Chance on harder difficulties for Specials/Elites
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We wanted to increase the drop rate a bit, so we did. Additionally, Specials and Elites on Nightmare and Apocalypse have a small chance to drop an additional Lumenite.
Fixed an issue with unarmed charge melee attacks that prevented certain trinket proc effects.
Heart of Darkness
Reduces healing penalty duration from 60s to 30s
Soul Anchor
Increase per/summon damage buff from 5% to 6.25% (max 25%)
Daredevil’s Charm
Increases incoming damage penalty from 1% to 15%
Brutal Mark
Changed to 25% damage when enemy HP is below 50%
Added “after 60s” requirement to buff (to prevent mid-fight ring-swaps)
Talisman of Animosity
Added 10% ALL damage buff for 10s after a Weakspot kill
Storm Amulet
Added 10% damage buff to all Shock Mods (Blink Token, Stormcaller, etc)
Reduced damage buff from 20% to 15%
Rock of Anguish
Changed behavior to grant ramping buff for each 25% HP missing
Butcher’s Fetish
Added 20% Crit damage bonus to Fetish buff
Reduced Crit Chance from 15% to 10%
Galenic Charm
Reduced damage buff from 30% to 25%
Amulet of Epicaricacy
Increased baseline Mod gen from 10% to 15%
Increased w/ Status Mod gen from 25% to 30%
Nightmare Spiral
Increased Lifesteal from 2% to 3%
Leto’s Amulet
Increased stamina cost reduction from 10% to 15%
Twisted Idol
Added -15 Armor Encumbrance
Cleansing Jewel
Cleanse effect applies to all allies (no longer needs Elder Armor)
Mender’s Charm
Increased team healing effectiveness from 50% to 100%
Ring of Supremacy
Increased no-damage penalty requirement from 5s to 10s
Empowering Loop
Reduced Fire Rate penalty from 15% to 10%
Grim Coil
Reduced clip damage requirement from 60% to 40%
Increased damage buff from 4% to 7% per stack
Reduced total stacks from 5 to 3
Hunter’s Band
Removed range requirement
Reduced Weakspot damage bonus from 30% to 20%
Added 10% Ranged damage bonus
Ring of Shadows
Reduced awareness reduction from 40% to 25%
Added 15% Ranged damage to unaware enemies
Ring of the Mantis
Reduced stand-still requirement from 1.5s to 1.0s
Iskal Hunter’s Band
Increased spread reduction from 35% to 40% (smaller spread)
Hunter’s Halo
Increased ideal range bonus from 4m to 6m
Compulsion Loop
Increased buff duration from 5s to 7s
Gunslinger’s Ring
Increased Fire Rate from 5% to 10%
Celerity Stone
Added 20% Reload Speed and 25% Weapon Swap Speed for 15s after using a Consumable
Braided Thorns
Added 10% base Crit Chance
Reduced post-kill Crit Chance from 15% to 10%
Increased Crit damage from 15% to 20%
Akari War Band
Increased duration from 10s to 20s
Devouring Loop
Removed from game (… JK)
Band of Pollux
Reduced Ranged penalty from 20% to 15%
Band of Castor/Pollux Combo
Increased encumbrance reduction from -15 to -25
Added 10% Melee damage
Ring of the Unclean
Added a Flop damage modifier (what’s dirtier than Flop kills?!)
Gift of the Iskal
Reduced healing penalty from 25% to 15%
Pillar of Stone
Increased Sway Reduction from 50% to 60% (less sway)
Increased Recoil Reduction from 25% to 30% (less recoil)
Added 50% increased ADS (AIM) movement speed
Ezlan’s Band
Added 0.238 HP regen per second
Blood Font
Increased HP regen significantly
Added 15% bonus to healing effectiveness
Leech Ember
Increased lifesteal from 2% base weapon damage to 2.5%
Made lifesteal value visible
Ring of Elusion
Increased duration from 5s to 10s
Aggressor’s Bane
Adjusted/Increased aggro generation behavior
Band of Accord
Reworked scripting to ensure benefit to single-player and multiplayer (client and host)
Provisioner’s Ring
Increased stowed reload speed by 50%
Soul Ember
Excess summons will explode when another summon is used
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Since the oldest summon is dying/expiring when resummoning an extra summon, we wanted to ensure that they would still explode properly. This should make strategic resummoning a fun option.
Power Transfer Set Bonus: Changed from 5 stacks of 5% to 1 stack of 25%
Power Transfer Single Perk: Reduced ADS from 30% to 25%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Void is one of the best all-around armors in the game. Conceptually, the Power Transfer mechanic was cool but we found that if you got hit once, the damage reduction wasn’t significant. You actually had to get hit too much for it to matter, and by then you were dead. Instead, we changed it to 1 stack. Get hit once, now you have full damage reduction. Don’t get hit for a while? Full damage has returned. Overall, this armor feels much better (and it was already good!).
Harden Set Bonus: Completely reworked Set Bonus
Harden Single Perk: Completely reworked Single Perk
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Carapace was designed around the idea that the shell hardens like a swamp creature. However, the original method required taking damage to become more effective but, like Void, ended up having similar problems. We changed the behavior so that Harden happens automatically after taking no damage for a short period of time – basically becoming “battle ready”. All stacks of Harden return at once. Taking damage removes a single stack. When all stacks are removed, the wearer gains a “Scurry” buff which increases movement speed by 10% for each piece of Carapace Armor you are wearing (up to 30%!). For the Single Perk, players will gain an additional 5% ALL damage buff for each piece they are wearing (so much for “single” perk!).
Believer Set Bonus: Increased Duration from 10s to 20s
Believer Set Bonus: Reduced ALL damage buff from 35% to 30%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Elder is an incredible armor set and truly shines in multiplayer or with summoner builds. The damage buff is still probably a bit too high for multiplayer, but it does come with limitations – namely the Dragon Heart requirement. We doubled the buff duration to make it more viable in more cases as well.
Challenger Set Bonus: Reduced ALL damage buff from 35% to 30%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: After the last rework, the Scrapper Armor became an incredible tool for players that loved to get up close and personal. The damage buff was a tad too high so we reduced it slightly.
Wanderer Set Bonus: Completely reworked Set Bonus
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Drifter Armor was always meant to be a utility-based option. However, end game it turned out to be mostly only useful for a single-piece. Since our goal was to make more armors viable at more points of the game, we reworked it! After sprinting for 1s, Evading, or Combat Sliding, the player will gain a stack of “Inertia”. Inertia grants increased Ranged and Melee damage for 10 seconds and stacks 5 times. An interesting facet is that stacks wear off one at a time instead of all at once!
Opportunist Set Bonus: Increased duration from 10s to 20s
Opportunity Set Bonus: Removed movement speed buff
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We wanted to increase the viability of Akari Armor so we doubled the duration of the buff. Since the duration is now 20s, we removed the movement speed buff to compensate.
Assassin Set Bonus: Added a 10s timer on post-reload buff
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We didn’t want players holding onto the buff for too long, so we added a generous 10s duration. If you hold it for any longer than that, you probably didn’t need it anyway. This change does not affect the moment-to-moment gameplay impact of Slayer/Assassin.
Sharpshooter Set Bonus: Completely reworked Set Bonus
Sharpshooter Single Perk: Completely reworked Single Perk
DEVELOPER COMMENT: One of the most-changed armors in the game, we’ve gone back and forth on Hunter Armor since day one. The previous Weakspot buff was loved by some and disliked by others, so we decided to meet in the middle. The Sharpshooter Bonus now grants both Ranged Damage AND Weakspot Damage with no range penalty of any kind. In addition, the Single Perk now reduces weapon spread, making Hunter’s the King/Queen of precision.
Momentum Set Bonus: Increased the Crit Chance/Crit Damage buff from 2.5% to 3.0% (max)
Momentum Set Bonus: Increased duration from 2.5s to 3s
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Once the best armor set in the game, Radiant sort of fell behind when we reworked the armors in a previous update. While it has never been “bad”, it was surpassed by the effectiveness and ease of use of other armors. We made the buffs a little stronger and we also increased the duration a bit more. It’s pretty crazy now!
Regrowth Set Bonus: Completely reworked Set Bonus
Regrowth Single Perk: Completely reworked Single Perk
Regrowth Weight: Reduced from Heavy to Medium (!!!)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Twisted was another set that suffered from different issues. Regeneration was nice but it didn’t help you kill the badguys any faster… it just made the fight longer. We wanted to keep the regrowth theme while incorporating damage into the mix. Twisted now gains “Bloom” stacks when at full health. Bloom increases total outgoing Melee and Weapon Mod damage (which includes summons now, BTW). Stacks 10 times. Taking damage removes 5 stacks. The Single Perk maintains some health regen at 0.334 per second (the old two-piece bonus!). Oh, and it’s also a medium weight armor!
Power Surge Single Perk: Removed auto-loot (magnetized) effect
Power Surge Single Perk: Added Mod Power refund on cast
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Labyrinth Armor was always about Mod Power so we felt the Single Perk of magnetized loot didn’t fit the theme quite as well as we had hoped. We changed it so that it now refunds a portion of the Mod Power used to cast the Mod which fits much better. This also stacks with other similar effects on other gear. Don’t worry, the magnetized loot option is somewhere else. =)
Blood Pact Set Bonus: Completely reworked Set Bonus
Blood Back Single Perk: Increased automatic Mod Power regen rate
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Cultist armor was great when you are starting out, but like other armors that had no damage increases, it ended up being a “wear one piece” type armor. We changed it so that it now grants extended duration to mods. This includes things like Mender’s Aura, Hotshot, Song of Swords, Swarm… etc. The idea is that we gave it “damage” without giving it “damage”. At the same time, it has excellent new utility!
Freeloader Single Perk: Adjusted scripting behavior (to work better with other Ammo-items)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: No major change here except that the behind-the-scenes scripting has been improved to give better synergy with things like Band of Discord. Otherwise, still a great armor!
Juggernaut Set Bonus: Completely reworked Set Bonus
Juggernaut Single Perk: Completely reworked Single Perk
DEVELOPER COMMENT: One of the most interesting armors in the game, Leto’s was the only option that required all 3-pieces to be effective EXCEPT for wearing the 1-piece too boost your damage. We didn’t like how that was going so we decided to go “FULL JUGGERNAUT”. Leto’s is STILL one of the most unique armors in the game in that it now has a unique single, double, and triple perk. At 1-piece, it gains a massive 25% reduction to stamina costs. At 2-piece, it gains the old 3-piece stagger reduction bonus. At 3-pieces, it gains 10% damage reduction per 10% missing health, up to 5 stacks.
Projectile Mods that don’t explode on impact now deal 50% additional Weakspot damage
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Projectile Mods that didn’t explode were left behind with some of the new items added to Subject 2923. We gave them a Weakspot buff to help them out.
Mender’s Aura
Increased maximum charges from 1 to 2
DEVELOPER COMMENT: A great utility Mod that’s now even better!
Hive Cannon
Primary now grants Corrosive Stacks
Hive Shot (MOD) now grants Corrosive Stacks
Curse of the Jungle God
Tentacle Shot (MOD) now applies Overload Status to enemies
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We wanted to buff this a bit more. So we did!
Pride of the Iskal
Increased travel speed of Beetle from 1500 to 1700
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We have to go faster!
Made lifesteal value visible in description
Hero’s Sword
Can be used without Swamp DLC
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Since the Invoker Trait came with Swamps of Corsus DLC, it had an entitlement that disallowed use when the DLC wasn’t owned. However, it could be obtained without the DLC. We made sure this can now be used by anyone when unlocked, regardless of which DLC you own.
Reworked grant additional mod generation when damaging an enemy affected by a Status
DEVELOPER COMMENT: After reworking melee procs, Catalyst became a mostly useless Trait. By giving it the Amulet of Epicaricy effect, it still has a place in many builds, and, in some cases, is just outright better than the old Catalyst effect (we miss you, Devouring Loop!).
Now affects the duration of Spore Shot and Hive Cloud
Reduced max value from 25 to 20
DEVELOPER COMMENT: A slight nerf. Stam Regen was a tad too crazy.
Survival Recovery
Reduced max value from 100 to 30
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Far too much infinite running in Survival due to both movement speed and the fact that stamina refilled almost instantly.
Survival: Swiftness
Reduced max value from 50% to 30%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: I think most Survival players saw this coming. 50% was just a bit too strong and reduced enemy interaction to almost nothing. It’s still going to be strong… just not as bad!
Survival: World Walker
Reduced max value from 50% to 30%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: This change goes along with the Swiftness and Recovery adjustments. The goal is to create a bit more interaction with enemies and reduce the effectiveness of just running by enemies,
Reduced duration from 40s to 30s
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Because who needs to run that fast for that long?!
Beetle Extract
Increased value from 15 to 20
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Along with the Recovery nerf, this is to help make Beetle Extract a bit more enticing in normal gameplay.
Survival: Beetle Extract
Reduced value from 25 to 15
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Adjustment to require a bit less infinite running in Survival.
Survival Mode
Adjusted initial scaling curve to make the first 10 zones a bit more manageable
Adjusted post 10 curve as well as harder difficulty scaling to make runs a bit shorter
Added 8 new Traits to Survival (4 automatic, 4 purchasable via Vendor)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: To add some new spice to Survival Mode, we made some difficulty adjustments. Additionally, we’ve added purchasable Traits that you can “opt into” (so they don’t thin out your main Trait pool automatically) and added 4 new Traits into the mix as well.
Wasteland Goodboy
Secret, secret… I’ve got a secret!
Swamps Of Corsus DLC Patch
Platforms: PC (Steam)
Date of Patch: 28 April 2020
The Swamps Of Corsus DLC Patch provides both an update to the original game and new content that can be accessed through the DLC. Below you can find information with the complete patch notes of the Swamp Of Corsus Update.
Full Patch Notes:
Corsus Adventure Mode (DLC)
We’ve created a new Corsus biome unique to Adventure that revamps how you play the Swamps. This new Adventure is built separately from the Campaign Corsus and functions more like the other larger biomes of Earth, Rhom, and Yaesha. There’s lots to explore and plenty of secrets to discover! The size of the Corsus Adventure does not impact the size/length of the Campaign experience.
Corsus Campaign Update
We have also updated the Campaign Corsus by injecting new content (dungeons, enemies, bosses, and rewards) as well as given an old (rather large) friend an update! This keeps Corsus in Campaign the same size but refreshes it with a few new experiences. This is not part of the paid DLC, it’s completely free!
New Game Mode: Survival (DLC)
We’ve added an entirely new way to play Remnant. It’s called Survival Mode!
Players arrive in the Labyrinth surrounded by mysterious Obelisk Vendors and a Corrupted World Stone in the center. You have nothing but a Pistol, a handful of a Scrap, and a will to live. Spend what you can at the Obelisks and then head through the World Stone to a random biome. Explore, Collect Gear to fill out your loadout, collect Survival Trait Tomes for stackable stat increases, and fight your way through each biome until you defeat the boss. Only then you can return to the Labyrinth to spend your hard-earned Scrap on Gear, Dragon Heart Upgrades, and Consumables.
Gear Obelisks (Purple) have a random inventory which refreshes every time you return to the Labyrinth, and the Upgrade (Orange) and Consumable (Green) Obelisks have ramping costs. Chests always guarantee a Purple Gear Item as well as a chance for a Survival Trait, Ammo, and extra Scrap. Elites and Special Enemies have a chance to drop Dragon Heart charges, Survival Traits, and Ammo. Killing Bosses automatically drops their Mods and Boss Weapons, but also cuts a chunk off the clock! Killing at least one boss grants a significant starting Scrap bonus upon returning. Killing multiple bosses in the same run awards a smaller Scrap bonus for each additional kill beyond the first.
There is no crafting in Survival. Players level up through EXP and gain Damage, Health, and Stamina automatically. The world automatically levels up over time so don’t take too long or the difficulty will become extremely oppressive! Time is against you… but don’t worry, the timer pauses in the Labyrinth on Normal and Hard difficulties!
Survival Mode is fully playable solo or in multiplayer, however, multiplayer comes with some special rules. Gear is NOT shared in Survival co-op. Players that pick up an item will be the only one to get that item, and their teammates will get a Scrap value from it instead. You will need to coordinate with your teammates to ensure that the whole team can get outfitted, otherwise, failure is imminent!
Of course, we didn’t forget about rewards! We’ve created 5 unique account-bound rewards for Survival Mode. Unlock them, then enjoy using them on any new character (outside of Survival Mode), including Hardcore! Plus, for every boss you kill, you will earn Glowing Fragments – a new currency for unlocking Armor Skins. The more World Bosses you kill, the larger your Glowing Fragment bonus will be!
Good luck. You’ll need it.
New Difficulty: Apocalypse
Added Apocalypse Difficulty for all modes of play
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Someone on the internet said that Nightmare Difficulty was too easy. Well then… enjoy the Apocalypse. This difficulty can also be selected in Survival Mode.
Campaign /Adventure Difficulty Reward Adjustments
Increased Lumenite rewards for Boss Kills on Hard, Nightmare, and Apocalypse
Increased Scrap bonus for Hard, NM, and Apocalypse
Added small chance for Simulacrum reward for World Bosses on Nightmare and Apocalypse
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Players wanted additional reasons to play on more challenging difficulties, so we also increased the Lumenite rewards for killing bosses. We also adjusted the amount of Scrap you get. However, keep in mind that Survival has its own rules!
Armor Skins (DLC)
Armor Skins added to the game
New NPC “Whispers” added to Ward 13
DEVELOPER COMMENT: A new vendor – Whispers – has arrived in Ward 13. He trades Armor Skins for Glowing Fragments. Glowing Fragments can be obtained in Survival Mode from Boss Kills and sometimes even Elites and Special enemies! They can also be obtained from Boss Kills in Campaign on Hard, Nightmare, and Apocalypse difficulties. The harder the difficulty, the more Glowing Fragments you can earn! Some skins can be purchased without DLC!
Bad Luck Protection
Added Bad Luck Protection to reduce streaks of similar quests/items/tile-sets
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We’ve noticed many players have had runs of “bad luck” when looking for certain quests and items. While we do like some randomness, we feel that it may have been a bit extreme for some players, so we decided to do something about it! Each time a player gains a quest/item/tile-set, the chance they get that quest again is reduced (or conversely, the chance they see something new is increased). This should smooth out adventures across the board!
Auto-Equipping Mods
Added Mod Auto-Equipping when slot is empty
DEVELOPER COMMENT: When players start a fresh character or are in Survival and kill a Boss, many of them forget they’ve attained a new Weapon Mod. If there is slot available, Mods will auto-equip.
Misc Fixes
Reduced chances of dying when using a teleporter
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Going through a Teleporter sometimes causes instant death. We investigated this and have hopefully reduced the chances of this happening. However, since it is a rare occurrence, we are looking into any other cause that may be generating damage with the goal of preventing this from happening ever again!
Rhom Fire
Allowed Rhom Sun Gate Fire to be rolled off and cured by Revive and World Stone
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Sometimes when exiting certain dungeons in Rhom, players might get the Sun Gate Fire applied to them. We are still looking into the cause of this, but we made sure that players can now “roll” off the Fire Debuff when they are able to roll, and both being Revived or touching World Stone will cure it.
Sweet Menu Updates
New Mode Selection and Difficulty Banners to make things look pretty!
Trait Toast Updates
Fixed an issue where Trait Toasts (+1 TRAIT!) wouldn’t appear for Hosts & Clients
Force Feedback / Controller Vibration
We did a complete Force Feedback Pass for all systems. For consistency and feel! This includes anything that previously had Force Feedback as well as things that did not have proper implementation.
Audio Input
Added option for Audio Input Device Selection for PC
Continued to better optimize performance on all platforms
General Description Text
Adjusted numerous text entries for clarity (Weapons, Gear Items, Mods, Traits, etc)
General Enemy Resistances Update
Reduced most enemy resistances
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Many enemies had significant resistances to their element type which we do like, but we felt the values were too high on some enemies. We’ve reduced it enough so that many more weapons can be used in more places, but you’ll still have a noticeable penalty when using elements against enemies that also use the same type. Certain enemies that were immune to their status type before are still immune.
General Enemy AOE
Adjusted many AOE's to allow dodging (some were unable to be i-Framed / Dodged)
Fixed an issue causing some AOE falloff damage to be incorrect (both player and enemies)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Certain AOE's were unavoidable with i-Frames (Dodge). We did a pass to fix this on as many AOE's we could find that did not allow proper evasion gameplay! Also fixed an issue that caused certain AOE falloff damage to be reversed for both enemies and players.
General Ranged Characters
Increased initial target acquisition time on all Ranged Soldier enemies
DEVELOPER COMMENT: A lot of ranged enemies could acquire their target and immediately shoot which often led to frustrating “where did that come from?!” moments. We fixed these.
General Enemy Damage Types
Updated all improperly implemented damage types for a variety of enemy attacks
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Some enemy attacks were labeled improperly which prevented defenses from working appropriately. For example: Stormcaller’s lighting bolts were dealing “Melee” and now deal “AOE_Shock”. Wasteland Cyclops was dealing “Ranged” instead of “Ranged Radiation”. We did a full pass to ensure these were updated so that the appropriate defenses were effective.
Root Cultist
Increased Health for certain difficulties
DEVELOPER COMMENT: This guy became a bit of a pushover on harder difficulties. We adjusted the value of his total HP to make him slightly more challenging. Slightly…
Wasteland Skulls
Lowered health bar to be more visible when close to player
DEVELOPER COMMENT: At certain ranges, it became hard to determine how much health was remaining on Skull type enemies. We lowered this to improve it a bit, though at some ranges it will eventually become an issue. BACK UP!
Swamp Zombie
Reduced HP from 150 to 95
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The first part of Corsus is one of the hardest areas in the game. This is partially due to the enemy variety and partially due to the Zombies having a tad too much health. It wouldn’t normally be an issue, but a certain Elite can summon them, and they also come alive after killing the Soldiers. A slight adjustment makes them a little bit more manageable.
Swamp Zombie Crawler
Reduced HP from 100 to 70
DEVELOPER COMMENT: This goes along with Swamp Zombie. A few less HP to lessen the load.
Swamp Relentless
Increased size of head target when downed/regenerating
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Often when you would down a Relentless and try to shoot the head, you’d get the “resist” message We increased the size of the damageable area to clean this up.
Swamp Hound
Reduced Damage of Emerge Attack
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Swamp Hound’s Emerge Attack was doing too much damage. We reduced this to make it feel a bit more fair.
Pan Immolator
Reduced the size of AOE blast from 2.5m to 1.75m to better match the VFX
Prevented AOE from hitting through collision
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Immolator AOE felt “cheap” when hitting through certain collision as well as connecting outside of the VFX range. Adjusted it so neither happen!
Pan Thundertusk
Enabled Evasion of Self-Detonation
DEVELOPER COMMENT: This fixes an annoying issue that prevented players from i-Framing (Dodging) the Tundertusk’s self-detonation effect.
Adjusted adds spawn behavior to appear after Gorefist enables his Mantle of Thorns effect
Adjusted total spawn behavior (instead of 2-3, he now spawns 2 initially, then 2 after a delay)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: To reduce the RNG factor of this fight, the Root Spores only appear after Gorefist activates his Mantle of Thorns. We also removed the variance between the 2-3 spawns and forced 2, then a delay, then 2 more.
Adjusted Scald’s behavior to prefer to be a bit closer to the player(s)
Fixed an issue that prevented dodging Sear & Scalds AOE blast and avoiding "Burning"
Reduced Scald's Crossbow Projectile damage by 80%
Adjusted AOE radius from 2.5m to 1.75m to better match the VFX
Prevented Scald’s AOE from hitting through collision
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We fixed quite a few issues that were causing tons of headaches. Some were bugs, some were elements that were a bit over-tuned. This fight should now feel more fair.
Adjusted add spawning behavior to reduce total amount of unique enemies at any one time
Added AOE damage falloff to Lighting Strikes
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Stormcaller spawned quite a few enemies which frequently resulted in scenarios where the player just got overwhelmed. We adjusted the spawn behavior to address this while maintaining a fair challenge. His bolts were also doing full damage at max range, so we added AOE falloff to lower the damage if you happen to be just inside the damage range.
Removed Elite spawn that had a random chance to spawn
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Randomly during the fight an Elite enemy had a chance to spawn in place of a regular soldier-type enemy. We removed it so that there wasn’t such a huge difference in difficulty between fights that spawned the Elite and fights that did not.
Can no longer receive Regenerator
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Regenerating bosses that run away are no fun!
Adjusted the Shield health value to be breakable at all difficulty levels
Added faster Radiation accrual for players standing inside the Shield
Adjusted EXP reward to match other mini-boss rewards
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Shade/Shatter Shield received a huge HP spike on higher difficulties. We made sure this is easier to break. Additionally, we made it riskier to simply stand inside the shield. Other than that, a very minor fix for an issue that was awarding the wrong EXP/Scrap values.
Can no longer receive Regenerator
Decreased the swing time of his post-teleport swipe attack
Reduced the AOE size of his teleport explosion to better match the VFX
Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause him to remain invisible for clients
Changed behavior so that he no longer constantly teleports during add phase
Changed his aggression level and attack pattern when low health
Changed add spawning behavior
Adjusted EXP and Scrap reward to match other mini-boss rewards
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Cleaned up Onslaught’s behavior a bit and removed the chance to spawn with Regenerator. Onslaught should no longer teleport in place over and over, but he may also have a few new tricks up his sleeve.
Increased penalty of being direct hit by Fireball from 1 to 3 Burning stacks
Fixed an issue that applied Burning even when evading the Fireball attack
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Since Burning has updated, Singe received a slight buff assuming players were hit by his Fireball. However, even though players could dodge the impact, it would still set players on fire which meant it became much more punishing. We fixed that error.
Adjusted add spawns for SP and MP
DEVELOPER COMMENT: There was a large variance in adds during this fight in both SP and MP. We adjusted this slightly to make it more consistent across all scenarios.
The Unclean One
Removed Weakspot on head and replaced it with armor
Reduced overall health to compensate for removal of head Weakspot
Added Alternate Kill. GOOD LUCK!
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Unclean One has learned to protect his face but he has yet to find a way to cover his cheeks. Oh, and he now has his alternate kill… if you can figure it out… and survive it. SLAM!
Wisps will now break on Flicker Cloak instead of waiting until it breaks
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Small bug fix that caused a bit of frustration!
Fixed a bug that would grant both kill variant rewards
DEVELOPER COMMENT: This one is straightforward. Depending on how this Boss was killed, sometimes it would reward both rewards.
Reduced width of Dreamer Ranged Slam Attack
Fixed an issue with both Dreamer Spin Attacks that caused it to do inconsistent damage
Nightmare now summons all players in co-op to the Nightmare Realm
Reduced the health buff in co-op per additional player from 0.85 to 0.6
Removed “Resist” text when shooting non-Weakspots while under effects of the Nightmare Buff
Fixed an issue with adds not spawning in Dreamer phase
Fixed an issue with MODS not being usable during the fight
Added Lumenite to quest reward table
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Dreamer fight has gone through a few updates since we launched. We wanted to ensure that the multiplayer experience was more interactive, so we decided to have Nightmare summon all co-op players into his Nightmare Realm. Since all players can now get the damage buff at the same time (but must earn their own stacks individually) we have adjusted the total amount of damage required to break the Dreamer out of the Nightmare shell. We also fixed a few annoying bugs, including MODS not being usable some of the time and adjusted both Dreamer Spin Attacks so that they deal more consistent damage (instead of double damage sometimes).
Melee Update
Increased base Melee Damage by 50%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Due to lots of community feedback and even more internal testing, we decided to increase melee damage across the board. This makes melee much more effective as a “free” sidearm while still requiring risk by being in close. Along with this change, we’ve adjusted many melee items such as damage boosts, activation requirements, effect durations, etc.
Armor, Status Resistance, Damage Resistance Update
Adjusted Armor Values, Status Resistance Values, and Damage Resistances
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With the melee update and the new difficulty, we determined that we were granting far too much total resistance across the board. Since we originally balanced Nightmare difficulty against the players having certain number of specific Traits, the incoming damage spiked. To add to the problem, some armors also granted considerable boosts to Status Resistances and, when combined with Traits like Mother’s Blessing, Guardian’s Blessing, and Keeper’s Blessing, the overall damage discrepancy between the “haves” and “have not” armors became too great.
To address this, we made some changes across the board that should help smooth out the differences between Light, Medium, Heavy, and Ultra Heavy armors. This should allow players much more freedom to use the armors they enjoy as well enable better mix/matching. These changes also come with difficulty tuning balances reduced incoming dmg, etc) to offset the reduction to resistances.
Mod Power Buildup
Mod Damage no longer generates Mod Power
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Since Mod Damage used to generate Mod Power, there were many cases where the player turned into a “magic turret” that constantly spit out Mods over and over due to the constant refill. We removed this functionality but also adjusted (reduced in many cases) the Power Requirement for many mods to compensate
Fixed issue where player could not vault out of roll (would just roll again)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: One of the most frustrating issues with vaulting happened when the player rolled towards a vaultable object but could not cancel into a vault at the end. This resulted in the player rolling over and over. We fixed this. PARKOUR!!!
Dragon Heart
Adjusted Dragon Heart activation time 2f earlier
Fixed a bug preventing Dragon Hearts from being used during recovery frames of Evades
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The frame change was meant to help better sync the actual activation with the animation. Players also couldn’t cast Dragon Hearts during the recovery of Evades unless they canceled into Move or Aim. We fixed this so Dragon Hearts are more responsive post-Evade.
Fixed a bug preventing Consumables from being used during recovery frames of Evades
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Like with Dragon Hearts, players could not cast Consumables during the recovery of Evades. We fixed this one too!
Friendly Fire Damage
Increased Friendly Fire Damage on Hard from 25% to 50%
Increased Friendly Fire Damage on Nightmare from 25% to 75%
Set Friendly Fire Damage on Apocalypse to 100%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: To better facilitate cooperation and team awareness on more challenging difficulties, we increased the friendly fire damage. On Hard, accidents and wild sprays are noticeable but very manageable. However, on Nightmare and Apocalypse, you run the risk of downing your own teammate if you are not careful and coordinated. Keep in mind that Friendly Fire Damage is still reduced by armor and damage reduction effects. These changes coincide with the increased reward update.
Advanced Stats: General
Adjusted advanced stats so they can properly show negative effects as well
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Basically, we fixed an issue that prevented the proper updating of stats that were receiving negative effects. They should be a bit more accurate.
Advanced Stats: Mod Power
Added Mod Power to advanced stats
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Since we have more Mod Power Damage bonuses, we figured that players would like to see how much of a bonus they were receiving.
Area of Effect(s)
Fixed an issue causing some AOE falloff damage to be incorrect (both player and enemies)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The core blast radiuses weren’t functioning as we intended. AOE blasts were intended to have a core blast radius where max damage is dealt and then fall off (ramp down) outside of this range. We adjusted these curves to work as intended.
Damage Types
Properly split damage types among Ranged, Melee, and Mod behind the scenes
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Some gear items were using DamageMod to increase all damage. In order to better accommodate buffs, we split them into 3 separate categories so that these items gave specific buffs (listed in their text) so there would be no confusion. There should be no impact on the user experience, but we listed it here for completeness.
Mod Damage Types
Changed Mods to deal either Mod or Elemental Damage
Removed “Ranged” and “Melee” damage type from certain Mods
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Some damage sources were marked as both ranged damage or melee damage which ended up massively increasing damage when both a ranged + mod damage increase was applied, or melee + mod damage was applied. However, before this patch, there were no cases of this being exploited. In the current patch, because we have more “Increases Mod Damage” options, we noticed the issue and had to fix it before it got out of hand.
Burning / Bleeding Effects
All weapons and mods that add Burning / Bleeding can stack 3x total
Changed visualization of status effects on enemies (colors, stack value, time remaining)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Our DOT effects weren’t as clear as we wanted it to be considering some weapons could stack them and others could not. We changed it so that now all weapons and mods that apply a specific DOT apply the same effect which can stack 3x. This means that an enemy can have a maximum of 3 stacks from any source. For example: 1 stack with Charge Attack from Smolder, 1 stack from a proc on Hotshot, and 1 stack from exploding a Pod on Earth. We also implemented the visible stack count and a draining timer effect on each status effect!
Ping System
Reduced the co-op indicator duration (next to health bar) from 30s to 10s
Increased the Default Ping Duration from 3s to 7s
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We found that 30s was far too long for the help indicator icon next to the player health bar. Often players would see a ping indicator that was 20 seconds old so it wasn’t as helpful… so we reduced it. We also realized the 3s default was too short, so we increased it!
Adjusted aim speed scalar and zoom-in time for scoped weapons to ensure similar behavior
Adjusted Aiming Side Switch Delay from 0.2s to 0.1s
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The zoom-in behavior between different scoped weapons was inconsistent so we made a few minor adjustments to get them closer together. We also reduced the side-switch delay after aiming to make it feel more responsive while still limiting accidental switches.
Melee Critical Chance
Adjusted the base critical chance for different weapon types (Sword/Spear 10%, Scythe 15%)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: To give a bit more personality to each weapon type, we adjusted the base critical rate for Swords, Spears, and Scythes. Hammers and Axes remain the same.
Repeater Pistol
Adjusted fire rate from 6.5 to 7.0
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We adjusted the fire rate to make repeated shots feel a more responsive. When fired back to back to back, it is a very slight DPS increase and doesn’t feel like it “hangs”.
Magnum Revolver
Reduced post-fire Spread from 6.0 to 4.0
Increased Recoil Recovery from 0.4s to 0.2s
Increased damage from 63 to 65
Increased reload speed by 25%
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 50m to 45m
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Revolver has always been a powerful handgun, but it suffered from being a bit over-tuned with recoil and responsiveness (originally to give it that super punchy KICK). We reduced the post-firing spread and increased the spread recovery so that it's easier to line up your next target. We also gave it a considerable reload speed increase along with a miniscule damage increase.
Submachine Gun
Added minor amount of Weapon Sway after a 1s delay
DEVELOPER COMMENT: This is just for consistency across all weapons.
Hunting Pistol
Increased Weakspot modifier from +110% to +120%
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 40m to 35m
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Minor adjustments to the sound profile and the Weakspot Modifier. Nothing to write home about as this is already a fan favorite… we just wanted to poli***** up a tiny bit more.
Hunting Rifle
Increased fire rate from 1.8 to 1.9
Increased Weakspot modifier from +105% to +110%
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 40m to 35m
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Hunting Rifle has always been our gold standard in regard to balance. The fire rate change is to reduce the lag feeling when firing shots back to back at base fire-rate speed. The Weakspot Modifier was increased slightly, and the sound profile was reduced by a small amount. Overall, it is the same weapon with an extra bit of polish.
Increased reload speed by 10%
Increased fire-rate by 10%
Adjusted female fire animation to no longer distort while aiming up/down
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Slight DPS increase on an already beast of a weapon. The huge range penalty of the Shotgun often got in the way of players using this at higher levels. We kept the penalty but made the weapon a bit more responsive for in-close play.
Reloads both shells in one motion
Decreased reload speed by 5% (overall still faster due to single reload)
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 40m to 35m
Reload end sound no longer plays twice.
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Since the Coachgun only has 2 shots then must reload, we wanted to smooth out the experience so that it was still desirable at any level of play. The main purpose of this change was to ensure both shells are reloaded when starting the reload and then evading (instead of cutting 1 shell off). This is a quality of life change but also a very slight buff even with the slightly slower reload time.
Assault Rifle
Increased fire rate from 7.0 to 7.3
DEVELOPER COMMENT: This is simply a fine-tuning balance change meant to bring up the overall DPS of the AR about 3-5 total. Otherwise, we feel this weapon is in a great spot.
Chicago Typewriter
Reduced Stationary Initial Spread from 3.4 to 3.2
Reduced Moving Initial Spread from 3.5 to 3.4
Reduced Stationary Min Spread (after firing) from 0.8 to 0.65 (reticle gets tighter at max firing)
Reduced Moving Min Spread (after firing) from 0.85 to 0.8 (reticle gets tighter at max firing)
Reduced fire rate from 9.2 to 8.8
Increased reload speed by 13%
Increased Firing Sound Radius from 35m to 40m
DEVELOPER COMMENT: After our last patch, we made the Typewriter much more useful in close. We found the reload speed was a tad slow while the sustain DPS (all rounds) was slightly too high. We adjusted both which results in slightly lower burst DPS but higher overall DPS due to the faster reload.
Sniper Rifle
Increased Weakspot modifier from +115% to +120%
No-Scope Accuracy is now pin-point accurate
Changed No-Scope reticle to better represent the shot type
Reduced Bullet magnetism in no-scope by 20%
Reduced Scope magnification from 5x to 4x
Decreased the post-firing delay before reloading
Increased Firing Sound from 20m to 45m
Removed an extra reload sound playing on Reload Start
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We felt the Sniper Rifle was a bit unruly to use out of scope mode and also zoomed a tad too far in many other cases. We've now made it incredibly useful in both modes but reduced the bullet magnetism (which exists on both PC and Console) when not scoped. We've also made it a bit more responsive post-fire but increased the sound profile to avoid the extreme long-range exploiting of enemies.
Adjusted post-firing lag before reloading (more responsive)
Increased fire rate slightly
Reduced reload speed by 15% to compensate for reduced post-firing lag and increased fire-rate
Increased Weakspot modifier from +100% to +110%
Reduced Ideal Range from 30m to 18m
Adjusted Primary Falloff Range to from 50 to 42m
Increased Secondary Falloff Range from 60m to 70m
Increased projectile size from 3cm to 4.5cm to make it slightly easier to hit targets
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 40m to 15m (firing won't alert unaware enemies > 15m if you miss)
Killing unaware enemies in 1-shot from beyond 15m won't alert others if they are > 3.5m away
DEVELOPER COMMENT: To better give the Crossbow a more unique theme, we've adjusted it so that it can be used in a stealthy matter. It no longer alerts enemies outside of 15m when fired unless you hit an enemy and they do not die. However, if you 1-shot an enemy, it will not alert any friends unless there was one within 3.5m range. With this change, we adjusted the Ideal and Falloff ranges to compensate for the updated functionality (basically to keep it fair).
Ricochet Rifle
Removed projectile lifespan and instead added 4 total bounces (5 possible targets)
After all total bounces have occurred, projectile will immediately despawn
Reduced initial damage from 100 to 80 (but can hit for over 200 total)
Reduced capacity from 28 to 22
Increased Weakspot modifier from +100% to +120%
2nd bounce scales to 50% of base damage.
All remaining bounces scale to 85% of previous damage (i.e. 80, 40, 34, 29, 23 = 206)
After initial bounce (including geometry), will smart-pick another target within 10m
Capped vertical bounce range to 10 degrees when there is no bounce target within 10m
After initial enemy bounce, projectile slows slightly (so you can enjoy the ricochets!)
Reduced base Critical Chance from 20% to 5% to compensate for 4 "guaranteed" bounces
Changed reticle to better represent the shot type
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 30m to 25m
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Ricochet Rifle has always been a fun concept but was never fully realized. We changed the behavior to be more interesting and to better represent the original idea. Basically, it ricochets like it should and it smart picks targets within a range, however, players are still incentivized to aim the first shot for the sweet Weakspot Modifier.
Beam Rifle
Increased Weapon Capacity from 30 to 50
Increased Total Capacity from 180 to 200
Increased base damage from 13 to 20
Reduced fire rate from 5 to 4 (to compensate for base damage increase)
Reduced Ramp Up Increment from 0.4 to 0.3
Reduced Ideal Range from 20m to 15m
Adjusted Primary Falloff Range to match original values (40m)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With a low capacity, the Beam Rifle’s slow reload time ended up being less effective on trash mobs. We wanted to ensure it was still useful against these types of enemies, so we increased the base damage as well as increased the total weapon capacity. This has the effect of killing weaker enemies more quickly and not needing to reload quite as often. The total DPS when sustained also goes up so the Beam Rifle remains effective against bosses.
Increased fire-rate from 8.5 to 9.3
Increased weapon capacity from 24 to 26
Increased total capacity from 144 to 156
Reduced Horizontal and Vertical Recoil
Reduced initial Reticle Size
Reduced spread per shot
Reduced reload speed by 13%
Added minor amount of Weapon Sway after a 1s delay
Flamethrower (MOD)
Reduced power requirement from 30 to 24
Increased total charges from 25 to 50
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 30m to 10m
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Spitfire has always been another fan-favorite but usually lost out to the SMG in overall versatility. To combat this, we increased the fire rate, slightly increased the weapon capacity, and increased total capacity. We also made it much more stable when firing (easier to control) and but slightly slower to reload. For the Flamethrower Mod, we reduced the mod power build-up to only require 2 shots instead of 3 and doubled the total amount of charges it can hold. We also made it much less likely to alert other enemies in the area (until they are on fire and screaming for help!).
Increased reload speed by 15%
Increased impact scalar from 1.0 to 1.1
Reduced impact level against players by 1 (less staggering teammates)
Spore Shot (MOD)
Increased Power Requirement from 450 to 500
Reduced Max Charges from 3 to 2
Reduced projectile damage from 100 to 25
Reduced AOE damage from 50 to 25
Increased DOT from 8 to 12
DOT AOE slows all non-boss and non-worldboss enemies
DEVELOPER COMMENT: One of the hardest hitting weapons in the game, the Sporebloom suffers from having to reload after every shot. While the sustain DPS has always been relatively solid, needing to reload between every shot makes it hard to use effectively outside of certain fights. We adjusted the reload speed and increased the impact scalar to give it a bit more kick more often. We lowered the raw AOE burst of the Spore Shot but boosted the DOT damage. This separates the mod functionality from Explosive Shot. In addition, the Spore Shot mod now slows all non-boss enemies which makes more likely to eat all (or most) of the DOT damage (and plenty of full Sporebloom shots!).
Increased ideal range from 12.5m to 13m
Reduced Spread from 1.5 to 1.35
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 40m to 35m
Radioactive Volley (MOD)
Reduced Power Requirement from 300 to 250
Reduced Charges from 5 to 3
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With 5 shots, Radioactive Volley burst was the highest DPS in the game. We wanted to keep the low power requirement and multiple shot gameplay but reduce just saving up 5 charges to dump into a boss all at once. To achieve this, we reduced the total charge count by 2 but also lowered the power requirement slightly. Overall, it still does incredible damage.
Particle Accelerator
Reduced base damage from 80 to 70
Reduced base reload speed by 15%
Reduced Scope magnification from 4x to 3.5x
Gravity Core (MOD)
Adjusted Gravity Core Explosion to add damage per target beyond 1, then divide total num targets
(Deals 500 base. Adds 300 per additional target. 2 enemies take 400 each, 3 take 367, 4 take 350, etc)
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 40m to 35m
DEVELOPER COMMENT: From the last major patch, the Particle Accelerator ended up being THE weapon in many cases. This was due to having excellent damage and an extremely powerful mod. We've adjusted the base damage a bit while maintaining all other features of the primary fire. The base reload speed was also reduced slightly. For the Gravity Core mod, we've adjusted the behavior so that it can still destroy groups of scrub enemies but will be less-likely to 1-shot entire bosses like Riphide.
Adjusted reticle scale to 1.0 from 2.0 (bug fix)
Reduced reload speed by 5%
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 40m to 35m
Undying (MOD)
Added cooldown of 5 minutes upon revive (resets upon true death or touching a World Stone)
Added cooldown icon to show remaining duration until it becomes active again
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With such great DPS going out at higher levels we noticed that it was incredibly easy to constantly recharge it every time you were raised from the dead, resulting in extremely easy no-death scenarios. The cooldown was added to prevent this. We fixed a persistent issue with the double-scale reticle. We also slowed down the reload speed by a tiny amount to slightly adjust the sustain DPS. This results in a very minor sustain DPS reduction (which has zero effect on the burst DPS).
Curse of the Jungle God
Increased fire rate from 3.5 to 4.0
Reduced damage from 28 to 25
Reduced reload speed by 13%
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 40m to 20m
Increased Tracer Speed from 16000 to 28000 to better match the hitscan
Fixed incorrect scope magnification text from 2x to 2.3x (no functionality change)
Tentacle Shot (MOD)
Increased base damage of Tentacle from 60 to 75
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 40m to 10m
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We wanted to up the total burst DPS of Curse by a small amount, so we increased the fire rate and slightly lowered the damage per bullet. We also wanted to keep the sustain DPS where it was, so we lowered the reload speed by a small amount. Overall, the weapon does more burst and the same sustain DPS. For the Tentacle Shot mod, we reduced the sound profile so that firing it won't alert other enemies outside of 10m.
Eye of the Storm
Increased Weakspot modifier from +105% to +110%
Increased Tracer Speed from 12000 to 24000 to better match the hit scan
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 40m to 30m
Static Field Shot (MOD)
Increased base projectile damage from 40 to 65
Increased explosion damage from 100 to 165
Increased dual explosion damage from 200 to 325
Fixed a bug that prevented proper damage scaling based on Weapon Level
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 40m to 20m
DEVELOPER COMMENT: A minor buff to the Weakspot modifier on primary fire while also making a couple of quality of life changes. Increased the base damage of Static Field Shot as well. Fixed the damage scaling on Static Field Shot so it gains the proper damage bonus.
Hive Cannon
Added ability to trigger “on kill” proc effects with the AOE (like Jewel of the Black Sun)
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 40m to 20m
Hive Shot (MOD)
Reduced Power Requirement from 600 to 500
Reduced Base Damage Potential (1 charge) from 356 to 330 (including impact damage)
Reduced the DOT time from 22.5 seconds to 12 seconds (300 over 12s instead of 326 over 22.5s)
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 40m to 15m
Adjusted the projectile collision to better match the VFX
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Hive Cannon was not triggering “on kill” effects with AOE such as Jewel of the Black Sun so we fixed it! We also wanted to make the DOT a bit more deadly so we sped up the damage dealing capacity while slightly lowering the total amount of damage it can do. We also made it require less buildup so you can fire it more frequently.
Reduced Ideal Range from 2500 to 2000
Increased Falloff Range to compensate for Ideal Range adjustment
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 40m to 17.5m
Skewer (MOD)
Reduced Total Charges from 5 to 2
Increased Power Requirement from 750 to 1000
Instantly applies 3 charges of Bleed (up from 1)
Added Ghost Reticle (red dot) when an obstacle is in the way of projectile path
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 40m to 25m
Reduced duration before projectile dissolve from 10s to 5s
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With the changes to stacking Bleeds, we wanted the Devastator to excel at applying them. Skewer now applies all 3 stacks at once. We reduced the total charges to 2 since you no longer need to shoot 5 times to get 5 bleeds. Super fun!
Reduced Reticle draw size to better match actual spread value (was previously too large)
Reduced Initial Spread from 6.5 to 6.0
Reduced Firing Spread increment from 0.75 to 0.65
Increased Initial Spread Decay from 1.5 to 2.0 (shrinks faster on initial aim)
Increased Firing Spread Decay from 1.2 to 1.3 (shrinks faster post-fire)
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 40m to 35m
Banishing Shot (MOD)
Reduced Firing Sound Radius from 40m to 5m
Removed initial damage on Banish projectile (was 10) to allow non-aggro banishes
DEVELOPER COMMENT: For a final boss weapon, the Repulsor had some great benefits but the spread felt a little too large. We noticed a bug with the draw scale (size) of the reticle which was larger than the real spread. This was fixed, and in addition, we adjusted some of the spread and decay values to make the Repulsor a bit more impactful. For Banish, we also removed the initial 10 damage. This is so that players can banish enemies without aggroing them before they become banished. You can now banish unaware enemies and they remain unaware unless they see you once they come out of their Banish.
Guardian Axe
Changed effect to “Generates 2x Mod Power per hit” (was previously 300% pre-melee buff)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With the melee damage update, the Guardian Axe effect needed to be adjusted accordingly. It now grants double the amount of Mod Power per swing.
Fixed an issue that caused basic attacks to proc Force Burst w/ Trait: Catalyst
DEVELOPER COMMENT: While the base proc chance for Worldbreaker was set to 0, having Catalyst would increase this above 0 and cause basic attacks to proc Force Burst. This ended up making the basic strikes very cumbersome as players would often knock their foes away unintentionally.
Lost Harpoon
No longer triggers Power Strike when destroying breakables
Reduced base damage slightly (after universal 50% melee increase)
Changed so that each proc applies 1 stack of new updated universal Burning effect (stacks 3x)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Since we changed how Burning worked, we adjusted the base damage to compensate for the fact that Smolder can now apply up to 3 stacks. It now does much more damage overall when it applies Burning stacks on the enemy.
Reduced Lifesteal value to balance with game-wide Melee Damage increase
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Since we updated Melee damage, the percent based Lifesteal values had to be reduced across the board. We also reduced them just enough so face-tanking with Juggernaut wasn’t as easy on higher difficulties (but it’s still possible, especially with new builds!). This change was also made to Leech Ember and Twisted Single Perk.
Weapon Mods
Hunter’s Mark
Reduced Power Requirement from 1000 to 500
Reduced duration from 60s to 30s
Changed buff icon
DEVELOPER COMMENT: In order to make Hunter’s Mark a bit more active and a bit more frequent, we halved the Power Requirement and the duration. It still has the same uptime if you manage it, but it’s less of a “set it and forget it” sort of mod. Use it in bursts… use it more frequently!
Reduced Power Requirement from 750 to 500
Reduced damage buff from 20% to 15%
Reduced duration from 30s to 15s
Added buff icon when active
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We wanted Hotshot to be a bit more interactive, so we reduced the Power Requirement used to activate. We also reduced the damage buff by 5% and halved the duration. This makes it more frequent (1000 Power for 30s total instead of 1500) but lowers the damage slightly.
Wildfire Shot
Increased Power Requirement from 350 to 400
Reduced Impact Damage from 40 to 25
Single Charge instantly applies 3 stacks of Burning
Reduced Charges from 5 to 2 (deals 6 total stacks instead of 5)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With the update to how Burning works, we wanted Wildfire Shot to excel at applying the Burning effect. A single charge now instantly applies 3 Burning stacks. Casting it again will refresh those stacks but will not exceed the cap of 3. Since 1 charge now equals 3 stacks of Burning, the total damage potential increased (from 1 charge 100 damage, to 1 charge 300 damage). We slightly increased the Power Requirement and reduced the Impact Damage to compensate.
Explosive Shot
Increased AOE damage from 170 to 240
Reduced Impact Damage from 130 to 25
Increased Power Requirement from 400 to 650
Reduced Charges from 5 to 3
Updated the radius text to accurately represent 4m range (was showing 3.5m - bugfix)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Explosive Shot was a tad too easy to store up all 5 charges then just unleash on a boss and decimate their health. We wanted the Mod to be a bit more interactive, so we reduced the number of charges, increased the total damage per charge, and reduced the penalty for missing a direct hit with actual projectile.
Mantle of Thorns
Increased min/max Melee Damage Reduction from 15/25 to 20/35
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Since Mantle only defends against Melee Damage, we increased the defensive value a bit to help any close-range builds. Keep an eye out for ranged!
Flicker Cloak
Increased Power Requirement from 1250 to 1500
Reduced max shield percentage 150% to 100%
Reduced Duration from 60s to 10s
Ignores basic impacts (but not damage) for 0.35s on startup
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Flicker Cloak ended up being much stronger than we anticipated. The original design was meant to be a reactionary lifeline – ideally, shield up and then escape to heal, or to revive an ally (both while ignoring interruptions). With the massive timer length, it ended up being less interactive and an easy/permanent damage shield that more than doubled the player’s health. We reduced the max value from 150% to 100% (still 2x), increased the power requirement, and reduced the duration. We also made it uninterruptible by basic impacts so if you have health, you can always cast it.
Reduced duration from 20s to 15s
Increased Power Requirement from 500 to 750
Ignores basic impacts (but not damage) for 0.35s on startup
Fixed a bug that set the target reacquisition to 15 instead of 20m
Fixed a bug that allowed Swarm to attack (for 0 damage) through boss doors
Fixed a bug that caused mismatched casting speeds between Male and Female animations
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Swarm has always been a beast that defied many of the traditional laws that helped us balance other Mods. It doesn’t require line of sight to retarget and can go through walls. We left this behavior but reduced the duration and increased the power requirement so that it could maintain its identity without stomping almost every other Mod.
Breath of the Desert
Reduced base damage per projectile from 30 to 25
Increased AOE damage from 20 to 25
Reduced Power Requirement from 750 to 550
Ignores basic impacts (but not damage) for 0.35s on startup
Fixed a bug that caused mismatched casting speeds between Male and Female animations
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Breath of the Desert has been a staple Mod in every major high-end build because of how much damage it could put out in a short amount of time. We reduced the total damage per cast but also reduced the Power Requirement so you could use it a bit more frequently. It’s still a strong Mod, but this brings it a bit more in-line with other options.
Blink Token
Made more responsive (starts and recovers much faster)
Ignores basic impacts (but not damage) for 0.35s on startup
Reduced the impact level on allies by 1
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Blink Token was a fun mod but suffered from a bit of lag. We adjusted it so that it starts up and recovers much faster so that players can act sooner after arriving. It also will only flinch allies instead of impacting them to make it more useful in a crowd.
Iron Sentinel
Increased target acquisition time slightly
Will now properly receive the Elder Armor: Believer damage buff
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Originally there was no target acquisition time for Iron Sentinel which made fights with multiple low health adds mostly trivial. With our adjustment to adds across the board, we've implemented a slight target acquisition time so the turret cannot instantly pop between two targets. We also fixed a bug that prevented Elder Armor: Believer set bonus from working with the turrets.
Increased start-up and wind-down speed (starts and ends faster)
Enabled moving momentum on activation and deactivation (no longer roots you on start/end)
Moved up transition windows on ending state (move, aim, dodge, melee much faster)
Increased frequency of ranged lightning bolt strikes from 1 to 1.3 per sec
Increased size of AOE Damage Aura from 250 to 300
Increased frequency of AOE Damage Aura pulses from 3 per sec to 4 per sec
Decreased the stagger damage from the AOE from 4x to 2x due to increased frequency
Enabled manual cancel of Stormcaller by recasting it (consumes all remaining power)
Increased movement speed from 450 to 650
New status effects can no longer be applied to caster while Stormcaller is active
Added text to represent the 50% damage reduction while active
Added a fall damage and instakill damage check so players cannot avoid fall or “fail” death types
Changed buff icons while active
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Stormcaller has always been a power fantasy that we never quite nailed. We made significant changes to really give you the feeling that you are the Stormcaller. Increased movement, increased damage, increased AOE pulse and bolt frequency. We enabled activating it while moving so you no longer rooted yourself in place. Stormcaller can also be cancelled any time you no longer wish to be a god of lighting! Unsure why you would prefer that… but, OK!
Veil of the Black Tear
Increased Blowback (Activation) Damage from 10 to 150
Increased minimum duration from 4s to 5s
DEVELOPER COMMENT: A very small buff to increase the effectiveness of the Mod at lower weapon levels. This doesn’t change the maximum duration.
Increased projectile speed from 1500 to 1800
Added target leading so Skulls can hit moving targets
DEVELOPER COMMENT: A small buff to make hitting moving targets easier.
Corrosive Aura
Increased Blowback (Activation) Damage from 10 to 150
Reduced Range from 10m to 4.5m
Adjusted VFX to match range of Aura
Reduced Damage Values from 20/40 to 15/30
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Corrosive Aura was giving such a dramatic damage increase at max weapon level that it outshined almost every other damage increasing Mod except when considering the convenience of the Song of Swords range. We reduced the range to promote being closer to enemies, which is better suited for melee, but ensured it still increased damage more than Song of Swords.
Song of Swords
Buff now applies to Summons
Increased Blowback (Activation) Damage from 10 to 150
Reduced Damage Values from 15/30 to 10/20
Increased range from 20m to 25m
Changed buff icon
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Song of Swords was giving too great a benefit for how long it was lasting so we reduced the damage buff but increased the range. While still powerful, it shouldn’t always be 100% perfect option for any damage scenario… but it fits a lot of them!
Howler’s Immunity
Updated text to reference all allies instead of all heroes (since it applies to Summons)
DEVELOPER COMMENT. Nothing to see here!
Updated text to clarify they don’t affect “powerful enemies”
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We wanted to ensure that players understood why the taunting and banish effects don’t apply to “powerful enemies” (bosses).
Updated all damage boosts from armor to be applied as multiplicative
Increased armor values for most armors (lighter armors received a larger increase)
Readjusted resistance values (plus/minus) to not be as extreme up or down
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Some armors were granting their damage boosts as multiplicative and others were granting boosts as additive. Since wearing full sets of armor is the largest commitment, we wanted to ensure that the behavior was consistent among all damage boosting armor sets. We also adjusted the armor values to ensure lighter armors were still viable options on higher difficulties, as well as toning down the extremes of positive and negative resistances.
Added Adventurer Goggles! (4 Armor, 2 Weight)
Increased Chest/Leg total Armor from 20 to 27
Reduced Chest/Leg total Weight from 14 to 12
Treasure Hunter Single Perk: Increased Scrap Boost from 10% to 20%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We love the Adventurer set and wanted it to be more useful at multiple levels, even if just for the Single Perk.
Fixed a bug that allowed multi-proc on certain substances/characters
Increased total Armor from 28 to 35
Increased total Weight from 15 to 17
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Very minor tweaks. Just a tad more armor!
Opportunist Single Perk: Removed 15% Crit (which required Perfect Dodge)
Opportunity Single Perk: Added Slight Evade Window increase (2f)
Opportunist Set Bonus: Increased 1-PC from 5% to 7.5%
Opportunist Set Bonus: Increased 2-PC from 10% to 15%
Opportunist Set Bonus: Increased 2-PC from 20% to 30%
Opportunist Set Bonus: Increased duration from 7s to 10s
Increased total Armor from 36 to 38
Reduced total Weight from 24 to 20
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Akari started falling behind due to always requiring a perfect dodge, even to get the single perk active. We instead decided on a static buff of iFrames to Evade Window which is more thematically cohesive with the avoidance gameplay Akari excels at. Adding 2 iFrames makes it much easier to perfect dodge and to avoid things in general. All of this coincides with a minor buff to the 1- and 2-Piece Set Bonus and a substantial increase to the 3-piece! We also reduced the Weight by a small amount to make pieces more enticing for mix/matching.
Believer Single Perk: Removed 50% ally heal on Dragon Hearts (moved to Mender's Charm)
Believer Single Perk: Added 25% chance to not consume Dragon Heart (from Mender's Charm)
Believer Set Bonus: Increased buff duration from 10s to 20s
Believer Set Bonus: Increased buff range from 30m to 40m
Believer Set Bonus: Properly applies to Mod: Iron Sentinel
Replaced placeholder icon with the appropriate Believer skill icon
Increased total Armor from 32 to 41
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Elder Armor often ended up being the "Multiplayer Only" Armor Set. In single player, you needed to play a Summoner to get the maximum benefit out of it, and even then, it didn't work quite as well as we had hoped. We've changed it so the perk can benefit the wearer in more scenarios for both SP and MP. Players can still boost ally damage and now have a chance to not consume their Dragon Heart (Heal OR Revive), which previously required the armor and the Mender's Charm. Also fixed a bug that prevented Iron Sentinel from receiving the damage boost.
Sharpshooter Single Perk: Removed static 15% Weakspot Damage
Sharpshooter Single Perk: Added a flat Ideal Range boost for all weapons (2m)
Sharpshooter Set Bonus: Changed Set Bonus to an always-active Weakspot Damage Boost (up to 50%)
Increased total Armor from 34 to 42
DEVELOPER COMMENT: As another of the starting archetypes, we found that players would often be slightly inside the ideal range for the damage boost and end up not getting much benefit from the armor at all. We've changed it so that Hunter Armor gives a slight flat range boost to all weapons (good for hitting longer distances) and moved the Weakspot Damage Boost to the set bonus. This makes the gameplay theme of the Hunter more cohesive.
Increased total Armor from 35 to 43
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Besides the general adjustments to resistances that all armor received, the Ex-Cultist Armor didn’t need many tweaks. It received a slight armor buff.
Wanderer Single Perk: Removed 50% Standing Aim Movement Speed
Wanderer Single Perk: Added 15% Stamina Regen Speed
Wanderer Set Bonus: Increased values from 10/20/35% to 15/25/40% stamina cost reduction
Increased total Armor from 47 to 52
Increased total Weight from 31 to 32
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Adjustments to make the Drifter set more thematic around Stamina consumption. Minor changes but they have a big impact, especially when mix/matching.
Assassin Set Bonus: Reduced Damage Bonus from 10/15/35% to 7.5/10/30%
Increased total Armor from 48 to 53
Increased total Weight from 32 to 34
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Slayer is one of the two most popular and powerful sets in the game (along with Void). The effect is super fun and provides an excellent damage boost, however, because the damage is so easy to access, we felt the 35% multiplicative boost was just a bit on the high side. We reduced this a small amount to bring it closer to the other armors and made a few other adjustments to Armor, Weight. It also received some small adjustments to resistances like other armors.
Bloodlust Set Bonus: Increased 1-PC from 7.5% to 10%
Bloodlust Set Bonus: Increased 2-PC from 15% to 20%
Bloodlust: Fixed bug of increasing all incoming DMG to target (includes all other players)
Increased total Armor from 51 to 56
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We liked where Osseous was at 3-PC bonus, but the lower level values were lacking. There was also a big jump between 2-PC and 3-PC. Since Osseous requires constant damage on the same target to get its bonus, you often don't do any bonus damage against low level targets. By increasing the 1-PC and 2-PC we ensure that players get a little bit more damage on larger targets (like Specials, Elites, and Bosses).
Challenger Single Perk: Removed 20% Stagger Boost
Challenger Single Perk: Added 15% incoming damage reduction against enemies within 5m
Challenger Set Bonus: Increased 3-piece damage boost from 25% to 35%
Increased total Armor from 52 to 57
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Scrapper armor is one of the starting archetype options, so we wanted the gameplay focus to be a bit more obvious. We removed the Stagger Boost and replaced with higher defense against close enemies. Since the Scrapper relies on risky gameplay to get the maximum benefit, we increased the 3-piece benefit to make the risk worth it and comparable to other armors.
Regrowth Single Perk: Reduced Lifesteal value from 3% to 2.5%
Regrowth Set Bonus: Increased 1-PC from 0.28 to 0.304 HP per sec
Regrowth Set Bonus: Increased 2-PC from 0.333 to 0.375 HP per sec
Regrowth Set Bonus: Increased 3-PC from 0.417 to 0.56 HP per sec
Increased total Armor from 63 to 67
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Like the Riven adjustment, the reduction of Lifesteal coincides with the game-wise Melee buff. This change was also made to Leech Ember and Twisted Single Perk. We also increased the base regen value to give this armor a much-needed kick!
Momentum Set Bonus: Increased buff duration from 2.0s to 2.5s
Increased total Armor from 60 to 69
DEVELOPER COMMENT: This set didn’t need a lot of work. With the updates to all the other armors, Radiant was falling just a tad behind so we increased the buff duration to make it more reliable.
Power Transfer Single Perk: Removed Slight Evade Window
Power Transfer Single Perk: Added 30% Standing Aim Movement Speed
Power Transfer Set Bonus: Increased stacks from 3 to 5
Power Transfer Set Bonus: Reduced from 2.5%, 5.0%, 10.0% (max 30%) to 1.5%, 3%, and 5% (max 25%)
Power Transfer Set Bonus: Changed icons for Damage and Defensive buff to be more clear
Power Transfer Set Bonus: Can no longer be triggered by DOTS
Increased total Armor from 69 to 70 (MASSIVE BUFF!!!)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Void has quickly become the best-in-slot armor for almost every scenario. With both a 30% damage boost and 30% damage reduction, it just did too much too well. We reduced the values by 5% and increased the stack count to 5 so that the transfer switch takes a bit longer in both directions. When you aren't taking damage back to back, you stay in damage mode longer (originally at 30%, you'd lose 10%, then 10%, then 10%, and so on - now you start at 25%, lose 5%, then another 5%, etc...). If you take repeated damage too quickly, you now stay in defensive mode a bit longer. We also removed the iFrame buff on Evade and replaced it with a Standing Aim Movement Speed increase. This is more thematically correct as you typically don't want to dodge with Void (HEAVY!). Additionally, we removed DOTS from activating Power Transfer as players were unable to control the drastic shift in offense to defense when affected with debuffs such as Burning or Bleeding.
Juggernaut Single Perk: Increased Damage Mod from 5% to 15%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: While Leto had some serious tanking potential, it often suffered from doing any real damage since it was giving so much up for stagger reduction. We increased the damage boost significantly and reduced the elemental and status resistances by a decent amount.
Item - Amulets
Gunslinger’s Charm
Increased Fire Rate from 10% to 15%
Reduced Reload Speed from 25% to 20%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Reload speeds were getting a bit out of hand and the Fire Rate buff wasn’t giving comparable damage to other DPS necks so we made a couple of tweaks to fix both issues!
Butcher's Fetish
Changed activation from Melee Crit to Melee Charge Attack
Added 15% Crit Chance (lasts 10s)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With the buffing of melee across the board, and the fact that players can now access the Butcher's Fetish buff anytime with a Melee Charge Attack, we changed the focus of the buff to be Crit Chance. This synergizes with both a Melee or close-range Firearm build.
Rock of Anguish
Reduced speed boost from 20% to 15%
Reduced reload speed boost from 50% to 25%
Increased duration from 5s to 10s
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Taking damage to gain a short-term effect didn't work out as smoothly as we hoped. We doubled the duration so players can take advantage of the buff for a longer period but reduced the movement speed boost by a small amount, and the reload speed boost by half.
Mender's Charm
Removed chance to not consume Dragon Heart (now on Elder Armor)
Dragon Hearts heal nearby allies for 50% effectiveness (old Elder Armor)
Increased self-healing effectiveness boost from 25% to 50%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Mender's Charm has gone through a few interesting changes. We've settled on a version that allows players to slot it as "the support" Amulet while still allowing it to benefit self-heals.
Cleansing Jewel
Ensured the effect still works when a Dragon Heart is used by an ally with Elder’s Armor
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Since we adjusted Elder Armor we wanted to ensure that players could still benefit from an ally wearing both Elder and Cleansing Jewel.
Galenic Charm
Removed Mod Power generation when taking damage.
Added 30% Weapon Mod Damage Boost
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We didn't like the "get hit to get an effect" gameplay of the old charm, so we decided to make it a bit more interesting but keep it in the "mod" realm.
Vengeance Idol
Reduced activation requirement from 25% Health to 50% Health
Reduced damage buff from 50% to 30%
Now includes Summons (boosts Minion Damage)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Vengeance Idol was a bit "all or nothing" and gave incredible boosts when below 25% but players had to constantly deal with the flashing screen. We wanted to make it a bit more accessible, so we lowered the threshold to activate the buff, reduced the damage bonus, but added Summons to the list. This should give it a bit more versatility.
Twisted Idol
Increased Armor boost from 25% to 30%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Slight adjustment to make this a bit more appealing!
Pocket Watch
Increased Stamina Cost reduction from 15 to 20
Increased Stamina Regen from 15 to 20
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With so many exciting amulet options, we wanted to ensure the Pocket Watch was great at delivering utility. A small couple of buffs here to make that happen.
Soul Anchor
Increased Duration from 50% to 100%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Summons are fun. Enjoy them for longer!
Item - Rings
Jewel of the Black Sun
Increased duration from 10s to 15s
Increased DMG per stack from 5% to 6%
Reduced Stacks from 4 to 3
DEVELOPER COMMENT: While Jewel of the Black Sun had high damage potential, it was very rare to reach and maintain 4 stacks. We made this a bit easier by increasing the duration of each stack by 50% but reduced the total attainable damage by 2%.
Band of Accord
Increased Ammo Boost from 15% to 25%
Changed Ammo Sharing behavior
Fixed an issue where ammo sometimes wasn’t being shared
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Band of Accord now rewards 25% bonus ammo for each player in the game and then divides the total. So, if you pick up 10 ammo in solo, you’ll get 12.5 instead. If there are 2 players, you will pick up 15 ammo and then split it 50/50 (7.5 each). The wearer ends up getting less ammo per pickup, but the team gets a nice boost!
Devouring Loop
Increased proc chance from 5% to 6%
DEVOURING COMMENT: This comment has been DEVOURED!
Reduced from 35% to 30%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We felt that a tad too much EXP was given out for simply having both Sagestone and Elder Knowledge with no real choice/trade-off so we reduced both a bit. However, we've decided to add another EXP item that more than makes up for the adjustment and allows the tradeoff for a huge amount of EXP. See if you can find it!
Hunter's Halo
Changed range boost from 20% to 4m (flat)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Most short-ranged weapons didn't benefit from Hunter's Halo because 20% of a small number is still a small number. Instead, we changed this to a flat 4m boost so that weapons with short range get considerable benefit while already long-range weapons don't benefit quite as much. As an example: Shotgun ideal range is 7.5m. With a 20% boost it becomes 9m. With a 4m flat boost, it becomes 11.5m. =)
Hunter’s Band
Increased Weakspot damage bonus from 25% to 30%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With the range requirement, we felt it fair to up the bonus a small amount.
Band of Strength
Changed activation from Melee Kill to Charge Melee Attack (100% chance)
Increased stack count from 3 to 4
Reduced buff per stack from 10% to 5% (max 20%)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Another melee build buff. We didn't like how infrequent melee kills were to proc this effect, so we decided to put it more squarely in the player's hands. Charge attack, buff melee! Since players have consistent access to the buff now, we reduced the total amount from 30% to 20%.
Changed so that it applies 1 stack of new updated universal Bleed effect (which stacks 3x)
Changed activation from Melee Crit to Charge Melee Attack (100% chance)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We like the concept of the Razorstone but it received a significant nerf with the previous reduction of 200% damage to 100% damage. The unique Razorstone Bleed effect has been replaced with the universal Bleed (Scar, Skewer, Razorstone, etc) which stacks 3x. We changed the activation from Melee Crit to Melee Charge Attack so players have more control over application.
Ring of Supremacy
Reduced damage buff from 25% to 20%
Buff icon properly displays when active
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Ring of Supremacy is a great ring, but it was granting too great of a bonus for a ring slot. It's still probably a bit high at 20% but we will continue to monitor it and see if other builds appear or if ROS remains a permanent fixture in almost every scenario.
Empowering Loop
Reduced damage buff from 30% to 25%
Reduced fire rate penalty from 20% to 15%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Like Ring of Supremacy, the Empowering Loop bonus was a bit too high for single shot weapons with almost no major real effect on automatic weapons. We reduced the top end damage but also reduced the fire rate penalty. Now, Empowering Loop still buffs single shot weapons the most but also helps automatics a bit.
Akari War Band
Reduced the Crit Damage from 30% to 15%
Increased Buff Duration from 7s to 10s
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With our goal of reducing the effect of RNG on success, we reduced the Crit Damage boost and increased the duration to match the Akari Opportunist Set Bonus buff.
Provisioner’s Ring
Doubled the speed of the reload effect
DEVELOPER COMMENT: For a Hardcore ring, the effect felt a little underwhelming. We doubled the speed at which it reloads so players can better juggle weapons.
Storm Amulet
Now only affects Shock Damage
DEVELOPER COMMENT: This is an example of a single item limiting the design space (and build creativity). Since it affected everything that did elemental damage, it ended up increasing things like Beam Rifle (Radiation), Spitfire (Fire), and of course, Hive Cannon (Corrosion) among others. This reduced our ability to buff other elements and/or unique mod types because Storm Amulet affected them all. It comes from Pan (where Shock magic is common), it's called Storm Amulet, it made the most sense for us to make this adjustment now. We left the damage value as is.
Stone of Balance
Increased Ranged/Melee bonus from 10% to 15%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: This is an increase to bring the Stone closer to other damage options. It has no penalty like some of the other rings but also does not buff Weapon Mod Damage or Summons.
Braided Thorns
Increased Duration from 6s to 10s
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We were a tad conservative on the duration here. Adjusted the duration to be a bit more lenient and more appealing.
Ring of the Admiral
Now includes Summons (boosts Minion Damage)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We wanted this to boost all damage, so we included Minions. This increases all outgoing damage sources (Ranged, Melee, Mod, and Minions).
Leech Ember
Reduced Lifesteal value to balance with game-wide Melee Damage increase
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Like the Riven and Twisted Single Perk adjustments, the reduction of Lifesteal coincides with the game-wise Melee buff.
Nightmare Spiral
Reduced healing effect from 4.5 to 2.0
DEVELOPER COMMENT: To keep the Lifesteal effect in-line with other similar abilities, we reduced this effect from 4.5% of Ranged Damage to 2%. It is still an incredibly powerful item and gets stronger as you accumulate more Ranged Damage buffs. We will continue to monitor the Nightmare Spiral!
Adjusted reward curve for all Irons
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We received numerous reports that certain Irons became near impossible to get at higher levels. We did a complete pass on all drop rates at all levels to help smooth this out.
Resource Trading
Reduced Ace’s vendor Refresh Timer from 30m to 20m
Added ability to convert Higher Quality Irons to Lower Quality Irons
DEVELOPER COMMENT: You asked for it. You got it. Ace can now convert higher resources into lower resources for a fee. In fact, even the Mad Merchant can as well… but he’s a little harder to find.
Boss Weapon Upgrade Cost
Reduced the total amount of Lumenite required to max a Boss Weapon from 73 to 40
Adjusted the Scrap costs of upgrading Boss Weapons to be less at lower levels, more at higher level
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The goal here was to reduce the initial cost of upgrading Boss Weapons early on so players are more likely to give them a try. The initial cost of entry was a tad too high so we reduced it at the lower levels and increased it for higher level upgrades – when players have more Scrap.
Frenzy Dust
Fixed a bug that granted 25% Reload Speed & Fire Rate (now gives listed 20%/15%)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Frenzy Dust was testing way above its intended design, so we did a deep dive only to find out that it was granting much more of a bonus than desired. We fixed it.
Elder Knowledge
Reduced to 20% MAX (was 40%)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: As mentioned for Sagestone; we adjusted Elder Knowledge (since it becomes an automatic/forever 20% boost) so we can incorporate more of a trade-off for builds (EXP, Utility, DMG, etc). The new item (see if you can find it) can bring the total EXP boost to well above the previous Sagestone/Elder Knowledge combination!
Increased Crit Chance from 20% to 25%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: This is a slight buff with the intention of smoothing out the RNG curve a bit by giving more consistent access to crits. This helps for crit-based procs, and along with the Kingslayer adjustment, gives a more consistent experience.
Reduced Crit Damage Boost from 50% to 25%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With Crit Damage being so high, many fights often came down to RNG. We wanted to lessen the impact of the Crit Damage Boost determining success as well as the smoothing of the crit RNG curve.
Reduced from 25% to 20%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With such a large change to all melee damage across the board, Warrior needed a reduction to compensate. Of course, overall, melee does way more damage now than it ever did, so you won't even feel this adjustment!
Cold as Ice
Reduced damage from 15% to 10%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With all our updates, especially to melee, we found that Cold as Ice was giving too great of a benefit to 2 of 3 players in coop situations. Now the total is 20% for 2 instead of 30%.
Keeper’s Blessing
Reduced from 20% to 10%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Due to how our Armor, Status, and Damage Reduction stacked together, the values got out of hand quick. Due to this, Nightmare had extremely high incoming damage which resulted in only a few select armors (Void, Radiant, Leto) being able to weather the storm. This is part of the balance pass that addresses the large disparity between all armors.
Wasteland Goodboy
Cured Wasteland Goodboy’s Scrap Sickness
Increased fluffiness of Wasteland Goodboy’s carpet/bedding
Wasteland Goodboy (aka Wasteland Very Goodboy) was under the weather for a few days after eating some excess scrap lying around Wud's shop. However, after 1 and half servings of Mudtooth's Stew and a spritz of 2 parts Adrenaline and 1 part Golden Plum, he fully recovered and now goes on spirited jogs around Rhom up to 3 times a day!
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We realized that Wasteland Goodboy needed an upgrade to his sleeping arrangements so we made his carpet a bit fluffier. We are considering buffing Wasteland Very Goodboy to Very Fast Goodboy, however we are unsure if it will go to his head.
PATCH Nº: 219976
Platforms: PC / PS4 / Xbox
Date of Patch: 7 November 2019
Full Patch Notes:
- Comms Wheel: Added a user setting to allow wheel to be a Toggle or a Hold
- Fog of War: Shared among all players as they uncover a zone together
- Matchmaking: General matchmaking improvements
- Matchmaking: Added AFK check (after 30 minutes of inactivity, set session to Private)
- General: Fixed a few attach points that caused certain primitives and items to stick to characters
- Emotes: Fixed an issue with Emotes persistence across multiplayer games
- Art: Fixed a few collision issues
PATCH Nº: 218787
Platforms: PC / PS4 / Xbox
Date of Patch: 31 October 2019
Full Patch Notes:
- New Mode: Added Hardcore Mode (permadeath) option
- New Feature: Added Communications / Ping / Emote System
- New Rewards: Added 6 new account-bound items (rewards for Hardcore Mode achievements)
- New Rewards: Added Emotes (3 base emotes, additional Emotes as gameplay rewards)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: To give players a new way to play, we added a Hardcore Mode (permadeath) option. This requires the creation of a new character and allows you to play the game on Story or Adventure Mode on any difficulty with the caveat of permadeath (die once, GG!). In multiplayer, the team does not die until everyone is knocked down. This means that even if only one person is alive, they can revive the entire team at a World Stone. We also added a few rewards for beating biomes (and the game) on Hardcore. GOOD LUCK!
Additionally, we created a new Communications system. This is the initial implementation and will only get better over time. The goal is to allow players to more-easily communicate with each-other when the tried-and-true "crouch a lot" method just won't do. You can now request either Ammo Type, point in a direction, request help, request a return to a World Stone, Request Rest at Stone or Return to Town, and play emotes! Don't forget to play the game to unlock more hidden emotes!!!
We look forward to your feedback so we can continue to make this feature even better.
- Settings: Added the ability to hide helmet (Gameplay > Show Helmet)
- Settings: Added the ability to hide Tutorial Prompts (Gameplay > Tutorial Prompts)
- Character Creation: Added ability to skip tutorial
- Gameplay: Changed Scope option to Double Tap + Hold RMB/L2 (to facilitate Comms wheel)
- General: Added the ability to support account-bound items (including the new Hardcore and Emote rewards)
- General: Added another character slot
- General: Many tooltip descriptions have been updated for clarity and accuracy
DEVELOPER COMMENT: One of the most-requested features was “Hide Helmet”... so now you can! We also added the ability to disable tutorial prompts which is extremely helpful when making new characters or playing the new Hardcore Mode. In addition, you can completely skip the tutorial sequence.
Additionally, to best support the new communications wheel, we adjusted how Scoping works. This allows players on console to have a dedicated ping button which can be used while aiming. We found it to be a fair trade-off. Players on PC can re-bind the original scope functionality on a button should they so desire.
- General: Added public session browse
- PS4: Fixed matchmaking for Power Level 20 players
- PS4: Fixed "Session is Full" error
- General: Removed minimum crit range on all weapons
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We've decided to revert this change until we have a better solution for players using weapons intended for long range at closer ranges.
- General: Many armor values adjusted (generally no greater than 1-2% up or down)
- General: Increased the speed and recovery of Light, Medium, and Heavy Rolls
- Elder: Increased healing effectiveness of Dragonheart vs NPCS by 100%
- Elder: Increased Believer buff significantly (from 20% max to 35% max)
- Osseous: Increased damage ramp-up speed
- Osseous: Increased damage ramp-down delay (damage remains higher for longer)
- Osseous: Decreased damage ramp-down speed
- Void: Reduced Power Transfer time from 10s to 5s (regain damage buff faster)
- Leto: Increased the overall resistances of Leto's for all elements and status
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We feel that most of the armors are in a good spot for different playstyles but we wanted to ensure that the focus of each primary damage-related armor is enhanced. While the effectiveness of Radiant has served as our baseline (and remains so) we've made a few tweaks to Elder, Osseous, and Void to give them a stronger unique identity.
- Seed Caller: Increased base damage from 20 to 50
- Seed Caller: Reduced power cost from 500 to 400
- Beckon: Increased base damage from 15 to 40
- Beckon: Reduced power cost from 500 to 350
- Iron Sentinel: Increased base damage from 4 to 5
- Iron Sentinel: Increased power cost from 600 to 750
- Tentacle Shot: Removed soft-collision (to reduce blocking issues)
- Tentacle Shot: Increased power cost from 350 to 400
DEVELOPER COMMENT: As promised, we've increased the overall effectiveness of the summoning playstyle. In addition to significant buff to Elder armor (from 20% to 35% max damage), we've also increased the base damage of 3 of the 4 core summons. We also removed the soft-collision on Tentacle Shot which allows enemies to get closer to them and take more hits overall.
- General: Adjusted many Trait & Item values to better coincide with heavier reliance on items/armors
- General: Fixed an issue with Shadow Walker Trait not activating properly
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Since our Trait system allows players to have all of the bonuses at end-game with no tradeoffs/choices, we are gradually reducing the massive gains from Traits and shifting more of the benefits towards items. The goal is to bring back more choice in your loadouts and allow Traits to be smaller boosts
- Gave the Wasteland Goodboy a nice bath. He immediately proceeded to roll around in the dirt, and is just as happy as ever.
PATCH Nº: 215646
Platforms: PC / PS4 / Xbox
Date of Patch: 12 September 2019
Patch Highlights
- Adventure Mode added!: A game mode that allows players to re-roll individual worlds without affecting the player's campaign progress.
- Multiple System Optimizations and Bug Fixes
- Tweaked arts, lighting passes, collision fixes
- Quality of Life
- Weapons:
- Hunting Rifle: Magazine size is increased by 1, total capacity increased from 45 to 50, base crit chance increased from 5% to 10%, added a 5% weakspot bonus.
- Hunting Pistol: Base crit chance increased from 10% to 15%, added a minimum crit range of 5m.
- Magnum Revolver: Increased impact scalar by 10%
- Sniper Rifle: Base crit increased from 10% to 20%, increased ammo reserves from 25 to 27, reload speed increased to 10%, increases unscoped sway by from 0.5 to 0.75, reduced unscoped sway delay by 90%, reduced unscoped sway blend-in time from 2.0 to 0.75, reduced scoped sway, decreased initial unscoped reticle size by 50%, increased minimum reticle size from 1.0 to 1.5, increased minimum unscoped reticle size while moving from 1.5 to 1.75, increased post-firing unscoped reticle decay speed, added minimum crit range of 12.5m
- Chicago Typewriter: Increased damage from 10 to 11, reduced initial reticle size, increased the per-shot reticle increment (shrinks faster), reduced the minimum reticle size (gets more accurate), reduced the decay speed (shrinks slower when not shooting but still in AIM)
- Particle Accelerator: Increased base crit chance from 10% to 15%, increased damage from 75 to 80, increased fire rate from 1.4 to 1.45, reduced post-shot decay delay from 1.4 to 1.3, increased post-shot decay speed from 1.15 to 1.2, educed initial reticle size by 40%, reduced scoped Sway, added minimum crit range of 7.5m, Alt-Fire (Gravity Core): Now sucks more (many enemies can no longer run out of it)
- Devastator: Reduced initial spread to better match reticle, decreased post-shot delay time before auto-reloading by 50%, base crit chance increased from 5% to 10%, no longer has 5x chance to proc Bandit Armor on a single target, each unique target hit has a chance to proc Bandit Armor, added minimum crit range of 5m.
- Defiler: Increased ideal range from 10m to 12.5m, reduced reticle size from 2.0 to 1.5, Alt-Fire (Radioactive Volley): Power Requirement reduced from 350 to 300.
- Eye of the Storm: Increased base crit chance from 5% to 10%, added 5% weakspot bonus.
- Hive Cannon: Added 20 impact damage to projectile (which benefits from weakspot modifiers), increased primary shot projectile size from 2 to 5 (better matches the VFX), fixed description showing actual AOE range of primary fire.
- Curse of the Jungle God: Alt-Fire (Tentacle Shot): Added lifeleech on Tentacle hits
- Sporebloom: Increased damage from 160 to 200, increased pellet count from 7 to 12 (less dmg loss on a single pellet miss), increased reticle size for better spread coverage, increased ideal range from 800 to 1000, reduced reload speed, spore Shot projectile damage increased from 50 to 100.
- Worldbreaker: AOE Blast now affects breakable objects
- Armor
- Adventurer Set: Increases the amount of scrap picked up by 10%, total Armor value increased from 10 to 20.
- Hunter Set: (Sharpshooter): Reduced range requirement from 15m to 10m, weakspot damage is increased by 15%, total Armor value increased from 19 to 35.
- Cultist's Set: Mod Power is slowly generated over time, total Armor value increased from 20 to 36.
- Scrapper Set: All stagger damage within Challenger range is increased by 20%, total Armor value increased from 36 to 60.
- Bandit Set: ammo acquired on pick-up is increased by 25%, total Armor value increased from 11 to 28.
- Elder Set: (Believer) Dragonhearts increases ally damage by 20% for 10 seconds (includes Minions), Dragonheart heal allies for 50% (includes Minions), Dragonheart heal now works on Liz/Liz and Root Mother (at a reduced rate).
- Akari Set: (Opportunist): Perfect Dodge increases Move, Firing, Melee, Reload, Evade Speed by 20% for 7s, Perfect Dodge increases ALL Crit Chance by 15% for 7s, total Armor value increased from 21 to 37.
- Drifter's Set: Movement Speed while in Standing Aim is increased by 25%, total Armor value increased from 28 to 45.
- Slayer Set: (Assassin): Assassin Armor Skill changed to multiplicative instead of additive (stronger), reload Speed is increased by 10%, total Armor value increased from 29 to 43.
- Twisted Set: Melee Hits steal health from enemies (original Leech Ember values), total Weight value increased from 33 to 55 (50 with Twisted Mask), total Armor value increased from 30 to 74 (62 with Twisted Mask)
- Osseous Set: (Bloodlust): Ranged/Melee hits against same target increases damage to that target, fire Rate & Melee Speed increased by 5%, total Armor value increased from 35 to 47.
- Radiant Set: Reduced recoil by 10%, total Armor value increased from 51 to 62.
- Void Set: (Power Transfer - NEW): Gain a damage stack every 10s (3 max), (Power Transfer – NEW): Taking damage removes a damage stack and adds defensive stack (3 max), slightly increases iFrames on evades (+2), total Armor value increased from 70 to 120.
- Bomber Hat: Total Armor value increased from 2 to 10.
- Rings & Amulets:
- Ring of the Admiral: (NEW): 300% bonus incoming damage, +15% Ranged & Melee damage
- Cleansing Jewel: When used with Elder Armor, cleansing applies to all allies
- Ring of Evasion: Added +1 iFrame (+4 total) & 10% Evade Speed
- Leech Ember: Slightly reduced Leech amount.
- Soul Anchor: Added +5% dmg per summon (wearer), duration from 40% to 50%, removed additional charge bonus.
- Weapon Mods:
- Summons: (Seed Caller, Beckon, Iron Sentinel, Tentacle Shot): Reduced to 2 charges per mod.
- Explosive Shot:Projectile damage increased from 60 to 130, AOE damage increased from 120 to 170, increased range from 3.5m to 4.0m, increased minimum dropoff damage from 65% to 80%.
- Swarm: Fixed bug where projectile lifetime was limited to 12s and projectile duration to 20s (and not 12 or 25).
- Mender's Aura: Now works on Liz/Liz and Root Mother (at a reduced rate).
- Iron Sentinel: Will no longer target enemies that it cannot see.
- Enemies in Nightmare Mode:
- Reduced Nightmare Mode enemy health scaling from 300% to 250%.
- Fix to allow clearing array for selecting players if a player is knocked down
- Reduced Nightmare Boss base health from 2 million to 1.5 million
- Adjusted damage modifier in Nightmare Mode based on amount of players
- Etc:
- Wasteland Goodboy has been buffed from Goodboy to Very Goodboy
Full Patch Notes:
Known Issues
- If a host has no mic connected and a client tries to speak, the game will crash. This is an issue in the latest UNREAL EDITOR build and will be fixed in the next update.
- Soul Anchor does not appear in the inventory after being collected.
- Added Adventure Mode!
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Introducing Adventure Mode - A new game mode that allows players to re-roll individual worlds. You and your party can embark on an adventure through dynamically generated Earth, Rhom, and Yaesha, beginning at a single World Stone and ending once you’ve defeated their World Boss. Dungeon locations, points of interest, enemy spawns, and more may be different than what you’ve come to expect from the main campaign. Activated from the World Stone in Ward 13, simply choose “World Settings” and select the “Adventure Mode” option to pick the world you would like to roll. This will not replace your campaign progress and can be re-rolled freely without affecting your story. Any items found or traits gained along the way will be kept by your character. More content, including Corsus, will be added in the future!
- Dozens of system optimizations and stability fixes
- Lots of art tweaks, lighting passes, collision fixes
DEVELOPER COMMENT: While this is the smallest section, it received the most amount of focus. We are always working on additional optimization and stability measures. For this update, we’ve done numerous passes on each area covering memory footprint, stability, lighting, collision, and a host of other fixes to help smooth out the gameplay experience.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the Repulsor Banish description damage modifier showing the wrong info
- Adjusted interactive volumes on doors to prevent characters warping to the other side
- Players can no longer fight Ravager if they've already solved the Bell Puzzle
- Fixed a problem preventing status updates from showing on the Advanced Stats tab
- Minions can no longer trigger melee effects
- Blink Token can no longer avoid scripted "instakill" damage
- Fixed a soft lock if certain mods were used at the end of a melee attack
- "Untouchable" achievement is now unlockable in multiplayer
- Fixed an issue preventing simplified Chinese from showing up properly
- Told Ace she REALLY needs to stick around in Ward 13 (hopefully she listens this time)
- Empty weapons should begin auto reloading after using a Mod
- Switching weapons right before activating a mod will no longer activate the new weapon mod
DEVELOPER COMMENT: In addition to optimizations, many smaller bugs have been addressed.
Quality of Life
- Stamina no longer depletes when navigating through Ward 13
- Changed DELETE CHARACTER button to a HOLD
- Added additional analog dead-zone settings for Gamepad (can be set all the way to 0)
- Reduced the time it takes for input to become active and to deactivate
- Added inverse X option for aiming
- Added a VOIP volume setting for PC
- Added ability to disable subtitles in audio menu
- Additional matchmaking optimizations
- Dragon Hearts can be used at full health (for use with Elder set)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Two of the biggest requests have been to make it harder to delete your character and giving more control over the controller dead-zone. We’ve addressed both and are working down the (huge) list of additional QOL features! A few additional fixes snuck into this update and we look forward to addressing more and more requests over time.
- General: Reduced Nightmare Mode enemy health scaling from 300% to 250%
- Wasteland Contaminator: Properly flagged as "elite" to allow Lumenite drops
- Nightmare: Fix to allow clearing array for selecting players if a player is knocked down
- Nightmare: Reduced Nightmare Boss base health from 2 million to 1.5 million
- Nightmare: Adjusted damage modifier in Nightmare Mode based on amount of players
DEVELOPER COMMENT: General feedback has been that Nightmare Mode is a bit bullet spongey. We reduced the total amount of HP boost to help with this, but we know that with updated armors it will be less of an issue. We are working hard to update values across the board which work with new armors and item updates while still maintaining the challenge. Look for this to be worked on over the next few updates as we lay the groundwork for even harder difficulties (with rewards!).
- Hunting Rifle: Increased magazine size from 9 to 10
- Hunting Rifle: Increased total capacity from 45 to 50
- Hunting Rifle: Increased base crit chance from 5% to 10%
- Hunting Rifle: Added 5% weakspot bonus
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Hunting Rifle is in a good spot, but we wanted to give it just a little bit more love and home in closer to its intended identity.
- Hunting Pistol: Increased base crit chance from 10% to 15%
- Hunting Pistol: Added minimum crit range 5m
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Hunting Pistol is meant to be a very strong mid to long-range option, so we increased its critical chance while limiting the minimum crit range to 5m or farther. This allows even bigger hits at range and allows accuracy up close without becoming a single shot “shotgun”.
- Revolver: Increased impact scalar by 10%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The identity of the Revolver is massive staggering hits. It now has a bit more kick, but we are also monitoring the damage output and overall effectiveness of the weapon.
- Sniper Rifle: Base crit increased from 10% to 20%
- Sniper Rifle: Increased ammo reserves from 25 to 27
- Sniper Rifle: Increased reload speed by 10%
- Sniper Rifle: Increased unscoped Sway by from 0.5 to 0.75
- Sniper Rifle: Reduced unscoped Sway delay by 90%
- Sniper Rifle: Reduced unscoped Sway blend-in time from 2.0 to 0.75
- Sniper Rifle: Drastically reduced scoped Sway
- Sniper Rifle: Decreased initial unscoped reticle size by 50%
- Sniper Rifle: Increased minimum unscoped reticle size from 1.0 to 1.5
- Sniper Rifle: Increased minimum unscoped reticle size while moving from 1.5 to 1.75
- Sniper Rifle: Increased post-firing unscoped reticle decay speed
- Sniper Rifle: Added minimum crit range of 12.5m
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Sniper Rifle has also gone through many changes. We want to home in on the longer range and reduce the effectiveness up close. Pre-release we had a very inaccurate non-scoped reticle, but we knew it didn’t feel right, so we tightened it up. However, much like other long-range guns, it became another close-range shotgun which prevented us from buffing any of the stats without drastically reducing close range accuracy. We’ve made tons of buffs to the long-range functionality and doubled the crit chance while limiting the close-range effectiveness.
- Chicago Typewriter: Increased damage from 10 to 11
- Chicago Typewriter: Reduced initial reticle size
- Chicago Typewriter: Increased the per-shot reticle increment (shrinks faster)
- Chicago Typewriter: Reduced the minimum reticle size (gets more accurate)
- Chicago Typewriter: Reduced the decay speed (shrinks slower when not shooting but still in AIM)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: All around buffs for the classiest of weapons. With the recent Assault Rifle buffs to accuracy / handling, the Typewriter was left behind. We’ve upped the damage, handling, and overall effectiveness to ensure its rightful place in your arsenal.
- Particle Accelerator: Increased base crit chance from 10% to 15%
- Particle Accelerator: Increased damage from 75 to 80
- Particle Accelerator: Increased fire rate from 1.4 to 1.45
- Particle Accelerator: Reduced post-shot decay delay from 1.4 to 1.3
- Particle Accelerator: Increased post-shot decay speed from 1.15 to 1.2
- Particle Accelerator: Reduced initial reticle size by 40%
- Particle Accelerator: Drastically reduced scoped Sway
- Particle Accelerator: Added minimum crit range of 7.5m
- Particle Accelerator Alt-Fire (Gravity Core): Now sucks more (many enemies can no longer run out of it)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Along with the Sniper Rifle buffs; we didn’t forget about the Particle Accelerator. It received many similar changes making it very effective at mid to long range. Additionally, we increased the suck-factor of the Gravity Core to reduce the chances of more agile enemies escaping.
- Devastator: Reduced initial spread to better match reticle
- Devastator: Decreased post-shot delay time before auto-reloading by 50%
- Devastator: Base crit chance increased from 5% to 10%
- Devastator: No longer has 5x chance to proc Bandit Armor on a single target
- Devastator: Each unique target hit has a chance to proc Bandit Armor
- Devastator: Added minimum crit range of 5m
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We talked about the Devastator / Bandit interaction in a previous update and we finally addressed it. Instead of removing the infinite-shot scenario completely, we changed it to require multiple targets, so it isn’t the go-to boss weapon, but the multi-proc gameplay still exists. We also gave the Devastator a few buffs on handling and mid-range effectiveness.
- Defiler: Increased ideal range from 10m to 12.5m
- Defiler: Reduced reticle size from 2.0 to 1.5
- Defiler Alt-Fire (Radioactive Volley): Power Requirement reduced from 350 to 300
DEVELOPER COMMENT: While having one of the most potent alt-fires in the game, the primary fire of the Defiler still fell behind many other sidearms. We’ve tightened up the spread and increased the effective range while also making the alt-fire power up slightly quicker.
- Eye of the Storm: Increased base crit chance from 5% to 10%
- Eye of the Storm: Added 5% weakspot bonus
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Since its little brother (the Hunting Rifle) got some love, we couldn’t leave Eye of the Storm out in the cold. A couple small damage increases to go along with the buffs from last update.
- Hive Cannon: Added 20 impact damage to projectile (which benefits from weakspot modifiers)
- Hive Cannon: Increased primary shot projectile size from 2 to 5 (better matches the VFX)
- Hive Cannon: Fixed description showing actual AOE range of primary fire
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Hive Cannon couldn’t hit weakspots with its initial blast, so we fixed it! We also updated the size of the primary fire projectile. It should be much easier to hit targets!
- Curse of the Jungle God Alt-Fire (Tentacle Shot): Added lifeleech on Tentacle hits
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Since we removed the interaction of minions and leech ember (and minions interacting with specific rings in general), we decided to make the Tentacle lifeleech an actual intended mechanic. We added an innate lifeleech to tentacle strikes in a more official capacity.
- Sporebloom: Increased damage from 160 to 200
- Sporebloom: Increased pellet count from 7 to 12 (less dmg loss on a single pellet miss)
- Sporebloom: Increased reticle size for better spread coverage
- Sporebloom: Increased ideal range from 800 to 1000
- Sporebloom: Reduced reload speed
- Sporebloom: Spore Shot projectile damage increased from 50 to 100
DEVELOPER COMMENT: This is my bloomstick.
- Worldbreaker: AOE Blast now affects breakable objects
DEVELOPER COMMENT: It made no sense that the “Worldbreaker” couldn’t break world objects. This was a drastic oversight and we are all ashamed. Now we are not!
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We’ve been listening to the community regarding the desire for more build variety at all levels of play. We wanted to bring up all armors instead of reducing the effectiveness of the current “best” (Radiant!). This is our initial pass to help separate each armor and give them unique playstyles while also encouraging mix and matching. Each armor set now has an additional 1-piece flat bonus that does not scale. Armor Values have also been increased. We will be actively monitoring the builds and tune numbers up or down in the next update to bring them even closer together.
- Adventure (Bonus): Increases the amount of scrap picked up by 10%
- Adventure: Total Armor value increased from 10 to 20
- Hunter (Sharpshooter): Reduced range requirement from 15m to 10m
- Hunter (Bonus): Weakspot damage is increased by 15%
- Hunter: Total Armor value increased from 19 to 35
- Ex-Cultist (Bonus): Mod Power is slowly generated over time
- Ex-Cultist: Total Armor value increased from 20 to 36
- Scrapper (Bonus): All stagger damage within Challenger range is increased by 20%
- Scrapper: Total Armor value increased from 36 to 60
- Bandit (Bonus): Ammo acquired on pick-up is increased by 25%
- Bandit: Total Armor value increased from 11 to 28
- Elder (Believer): Dragonhearts increases ally damage by 20% for 10 seconds (includes Minions)
- Elder (Bonus): Dragonheart heal allies for 50% (includes Minions)
- Elder (Bonus): Dragonheart heal now works on Liz/Liz and Root Mother (at reduced rate)
- Elder (Misc): Increased Range on Armor Skill/Bonus from 15 to 30m
- Elder: Total Armor value increased from 13 to 32
- Akari (Opportunist): Perfect Dodge increases Move, Firing, Melee, Reload, Evade Speed by 20% for 7s
- Akari (Bonus): Perfect Dodge increases ALL Crit Chance by 15% for 7s
- Akari: Total Armor value increased from 21 to 37
- Drifter (Bonus): Movement Speed while in Standing Aim is increased by 25%
- Drifter: Total Armor value increased from 28 to 45
- Slayer (Assassin): Assassin Armor Skill changed to multiplicative instead of additive (stronger)
- Slayer (Bonus): Reload Speed is increased by 10%
- Slayer: Total Armor value increased from 29 to 43
- Twisted (Bonus): Melee Hits steal health from enemies (original Leech Ember values)
- Twisted: Total Weight value increased from 33 to 55 (50 with Twisted Mask)
- Twisted: Total Armor value increased from 30 to 74 (62 with Twisted Mask)
- Osseous (Bloodlust): Ranged/Melee hits against same target increases damage to that target
- Osseous (Bonus): Fire Rate & Melee Speed increased by 5%
- Osseous: Total Armor value increased from 35 to 47
- Radiant (Bonus): Reduced recoil by 10%
- Radiant: Total Armor value increased from 51 to 62
- Void (Power Transfer - NEW): Gain a damage stack every 10s (3 max).
- Void (Power Transfer – NEW): Taking damage removes a damage stack and adds defensive stack (3 max).
- Void (Bonus): Slightly increases iFrames on evades (+2)
- Void: Total Armor value increased from 70 to 120
- Bomber Hat: Total Armor value increased from 2 to 10
- Summons (Seed Caller, Beckon, Iron Sentinel, Tentacle Shot): Reduced to 2 charges per mod
DEVELOPER COMMENT: To better facilitate summoner build, balance, and performance, we reduced all summon mod charges to 2 (each summon by the caster counts towards increased damage for them only while wearing Soul Anchor). This also helps with summons blocking the paths of enemies. In our next update, we will be looking at powering up the effectiveness and identity of the individual summons.
- Explosive Shot: Projectile damage increased from 60 to 130
- Explosive Shot: AOE damage increased from 120 to 170
- Explosive Shot: Increased range from 3.5m to 4.0m
- Explosive Shot: Increased minimum dropoff damage from 65% to 80%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: In our ongoing endeavor to increase the effectiveness of each mod, we powered up Explosive Shot for those that really love AOE damage. Enjoy!
- Swarm: Fixed bug where projectile lifetime was limited to 12s
- Swarm: Fixed projectile duration to 20s (and not 12 or 25)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: In the last update, we realized a bug (no pun intended) in the behavior of Swarm AFTER we submitted the update but before we finalized the update notes. We originally intended to increase the time and we mistakenly thought 25s would rectify the issue. We’ve since fixed the issue that forced Swarm to remain at 12s and capped it at 20.
- Mender's Aura: Nor works on Liz/Liz and Root Mother (at a reduced rate)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: This is more of a Quality of Life change, but you can now heal NPCs in combat at a reduced rate by using Mender’s Aura.
- Iron Sentinel: Will no longer target enemies that it cannot see
DEVELOPER COMMENT: If a turret loses line-of-sight on enemies and has no target, it will stop firing.
- Ring of the Admiral (NEW): 300% bonus incoming damage, +15% Ranged & Melee damage
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Added a new ring for those that like to make things more challenging. While this is a best-in-slot ring for damage, it’s also a worst-in-slot (by a longshot) for defense. It’s a great choice for making Normal and Hard “faster” experiences because you chew through enemies, but it’s also solid in Nightmare because most things already one-shot you! Give it a try!
The Ring of the Admiral can be purchased at Reggie for 2 (TWO!) scrap at the start of the game.
- Cleansing Jewel: When used with Elder Armor, cleansing applies to all allies
- Ring of Evasion: Added +1 iFrame (+4 total) & 10% Evade Speed
- Leech Ember: Slightly reduced Leech amount
- Soul Anchor: Added +5% dmg per summon (wearer)
- Soul Anchor: Duration from 40% to 50%
- Soul Anchor: Removed additional charge bonus
DEVELOPER COMMENT: These trinket changes were to help support the armor rework. We have many additional item updates coming soon!
- Wasteland Goodboy has been buffed from Goodboy to Very Goodboy
DEVELOPER COMMENT: I mean, he is a very goodboy.
Please restart your game client to apply the update. Players will need to be on the same version to group up in multiplayer.
PATCH Nº: PC-214857 | PS4-214808 | XBOX-214779
Platforms: PC / PS4 / Xbox
Date of Patch: 28 August 2019
Patch Highlights
- Weapon mods now scale with Weapons level.
- VOIP Toogle: You can now disable VOIP compleatly from options
- Weapons:
- Repeater Pistol: Reduced max spread, Reduced spread per shot, Increased decay speed (faster reticle contraction)
- Hunting Pistol: Added +2 ammo to reserve. Reduced initial spread, Increased decay speed, Reduced penalty for moving, Increased reload speed by 10% (faster)
- Hunting Rifle: Reduced spread penalty for moving, Increased initial aim decay speed and post-shot decay speed, Reduced spread per shot
- Coachgun: Increased ideal range from 800 to 900, Added +4 shells to reserves
- Assault Rifle: Added +4 bullets to reserves, Reduced initial spread, Reduced auto-fire spread curve, Increased decay speed
- Crossbow: Changed reticle behavior, Changed reticle graphic
- Eye of the Storm: Increased initial decay, Reduced initial spread, Reduced spread per shot, Added 1 extra ammo per clip (+3 total)
- Beam Rifle: Reduced initial damage from 16 to 14 (max ramp-up is still the same), Reduced reload speed by 20%
- Hive Cannon: Clip increased +2 (5 shots total), Reduced reload speed by 10%, Hive Shot Mod DOT damage increased from 80 to 150, Hive Shot Mod power requirement increased from 350 to 600, Hive Shot Mod charges reduced from 5 to 3
- Particle Accelerator: Adjusted reticle size to better represent accuracy
- Defiler: Reduced initial spread, Increased Radioactive Volley fire rate from 1.1 to 1.2s
- Curse of the Jungle God: Increased fire rate from 3.0 to 3.5, Reduced damage from 32 to 28, Decreased reload speed by 5%
- Devastator: Changed reticle behavior, Changed reticle graphic
- Repulsor: Reduced initial spread by 40%, Increased Spread Decay (faster post-shot), Increased post-banish debuff duration by 25%, Reduced banish time from 8 to 4 (less waiting - quality of life), Reduced friendly banish time from 4 to 2, Reduced Banish Charges from 8 to 5
- Armor
- Hunter Set Sharpshooter: Now increases ALL ranged DMG at 15m+
- Ex-Cultist Set Blood Pact: No longer requires Critical hits for mod power generation, Reduced max generation from 50% to 40% to compensate for no crits
- Scrapper Set Challenger: Damage increased from 15% to 25%, Scrapper Challenger: Range increased from 2.5m to 5m
- Akari Set Opportunist: Changed perfect dodge to grant 100% MELEE crit chance, Added Melee Speed buff on perfect dodge, Removed Melee damage buff on perfect dodge
- Elder Set Believer: Changed to allow Dragon Hearts to heal allies, Range increased to 15m
- Twisted Set: Health regen increased
- Rings & Amulets:
- Devouring Loop: No longer affected by Catalyst Trait
- Cleansing Jewel: Removed healing effect, added 50% status buildup resistance
- Mender's Charm: Gained old Elder Armor Skill (heal allies), Gained 25% additional self-healing (from Cleansing Jewel)
- Soul Anchor: Adds +1 max simultaneous summoned abilities
- Consumables:
- Adrenaline: Melee speed buff reduced from 15% to 10%
- Weapon Mods:
- Mods now properly scale with Weapon Level
- Limited amount of maximum "same type" summons (dupes will kill older summons)
- Added "max allowed simultaneous" summon value to summon description
- Rattle Weed: Power requirement increased from 750 to 1000, Reduced initial aggro generation pulse, Enemies can now be pulled off Rattle Weed if they take enough damage, Enabled constant "pulsing" aggro generation to pull enemies spawned after cast, Casting a 2nd Rattle Weed while first is out will remove the 1st, When expired/killed, drops aggro immediately (originally was still active for 5s), Now affected by Soul Anchor for +1 max simultaneous summons
- Veil of the Black Tear: Now unbreakable while active - duration scales with weapon level
- Swarm: Increased duration from 20s to 25s, Reduced charges to 1
- Breath of the Desert: Charges increased from 2 to 3
Full Patch Notes:
- Coop Scaling now caps at +3 levels of Host
- Enabled VOIP toggle on PC/CONSOLES
- Enabled Push-to-Talk option on PC by default (players must bind a key)
- Adjustments to help fill empty matchmaking sessions
- Added FOV slider for PC
- Adjusted right analog deadzone for PS4 controller (reduced by half)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: While we work on additional coop adjustments, we wanted to better ensure that higher level players and lower level players could work together without drastically penalizing the lower level players. We've changed it so that if a lower level player hosts the game, the game will never be more than 3 levels above them even if their teammates are much higher. This will prevent the coop scaling from getting too high and thus overly penalizing someone just starting out.
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We've also made a handful of other adjustments for general quality of life. Players can now access VOIP, bind a push-to-talk button, and disable it completely if they so choose.
- Increased performance across Corsus
- Increased memory stability across extended play experiences (less crashes)
- Fixed traits not unlocking on client (Revivalist, Exploiter, Scavenger, Sleight of Hand, Suspicion, Will to Live)
- Fixed trapdoor that Ace kept falling through in Ward 13
- Fixed client being able to reroll hosts campaign
- Fixed an issue with Lost Gantry not properly handling restarts
- Fixed issue with certain bosses respawning post "Quest Complete"
- Fixed issue with clients loading into final boss room and being stuck at World Shard
- Fixed FOV on Archetype screen for Ultrawide Monitors/resolutions
- Added FOV lock when changing resolutions to maintain proper proportions/alignment (menus/reticles)
- Fixed user settings not saving when exiting out of main menu/application too fast
- Added support to unlock certain achievements that should have been attained
- Corrected values being shown for Scrap-based achievements/trophies
- Fixed bug with Undying King "Death Warmed Over" achievement/trophy
- Many general collision fixes/updates
- Added backup profile when joining game as client
DEVELOPER COMMENT: In general, we are prioritizing performance, stability, and crashes. We've also fixed several bugs that have halted progression, side-dungeon completion, and affected achievement/trait unlocks.
- Radiant Tomb total spawns and intensity reduced
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The most notoriously difficult encounter in the game, Radiant Tomb has been re-tuned to be fairer to the player and reducing the need for a very specific loadout.
- Repeater Pistol: Reduced max spread
- Repeater Pistol: Reduced spread per shot
- Repeater Pistol: Increased decay speed (faster reticle contraction)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Repeater Pistol ended up falling off a bit due to its accuracy. We improved the overall handling without making any damage changes.
- Hunting Pistol: Added +2 ammo to reserve
- Hunting Pistol: Reduced initial spread
- Hunting Pistol: Increased decay speed
- Hunting Pistol: Reduced penalty for moving
- Hunting Pistol: Increased reload speed by 10% (faster)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: While an incredibly powerful weapon, the Hunting Pistol suffered from a smaller ammo reserve (less total damage) and had an abnormally high moving penalty for being a single-shot weapon (which is already somewhat of a penalty). The Hunting Pistol is now much more accurate - both stationary and moving - and reloads faster between shots.
- Hunting Rifle: Reduced spread penalty for moving
- Hunting Rifle: Increased initial aim decay speed and post-shot decay speed
- Hunting Rifle: Reduced spread per shot
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Hunting Rifle has always been considered the baseline for all other weapon balancing. However, even with pin-point accuracy while stationary, the initial spread was too great which prevented quick reaction shots. Additionally, the per-shot spread was a tad too high making it much harder to quickly pick off targets than desired.
- Coachgun: Increased ideal range from 800 to 900
- Coachgun: Added +4 shells to reserves
DEVELOPER COMMENT: To further separate the Coachgun from the Shotgun, we've increased the ideal range. The tighter focus, reduced drop-off, and incredible burst combined with the longer range makes the benefits of the Coachgun a bit more obvious. Additionally, we added +4 shells to the reserve ammo pool to bring the total damage in line with other longguns.
- Assault Rifle: Added +4 bullets to reserves
- Assault Rifle: Reduced initial spread
- Assault Rifle: Reduced auto-fire spread curve
- Assault Rifle: Increased decay speed
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Assault Rifle, while highly damaging, has always suffered from too much weapon spread too quickly. We've lessened the spread curve and the maximum amount of spread to bring it closer to our vision of an Assault Rifle. It also gained +4 ammo in the clip.
- Crossbow: Changed reticle behavior
- Crossbow: Changed reticle graphic
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Crossbow suffered from using the projectile reticle so we changed it to use a normal static reticle. While we still have many adjustments planned, we felt this was a solid interim solution.
- Eye of the Storm: Increased initial decay
- Eye of the Storm: Reduced initial spread
- Eye of the Storm: Reduced spread per shot
- Eye of the Storm: Added 1 extra ammo per clip (+3 total)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With the Hunting Rifle adjustments, we wanted to also update the Eye of the Storm (which is basically a lightning Hunting Rifle). It received similar handling adjustments as well as gained additional ammo.
- Beam Rifle: Reduced initial damage from 16 to 14 (max ramp-up is still the same)
- Beam Rifle: Reduced reload speed by 20%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Widely considered the most powerful weapon in the game, we wanted to bring the Beam Rifle closer to the other longguns. The initial damage was reduced by 2 requiring slightly longer DPS time to reach maximum potential. We also significantly increased the time it takes to reload so that maintaining the beam for as long as possible is the best way to maximize its potential. While it still does similar (slightly more) total DPS than the Assault Rifle, the AR always deals a constant / reliable amount of damage whereas the Beam requires a longer commitment but has a higher top-end.
- Hive Cannon: Added +2 hive grenades per clip (5 shots total)
- Hive Cannon: Reduced reload speed by 10%
- Hive Cannon: Hive Shot Mod DOT damage increased from 80 to 150
- Hive Cannon: Hive Shot Mod power requirement increased from 350 to 600
- Hive Cannon: Hive Shot Mod charges reduced from 5 to 3
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Hive Cannon is just a fun weapon. We wanted to make it more fun. We reduced the total number of Hive Shot charges and gave them to the primary shot (less reloading). We also increased the reload, while also dramatically buffing the damage of the Hive Shot DOT. As a trade-off, we increased the mod buildup requirement.
- Particle Accelerator: Adjusted reticle size to better represent accuracy
DEVELOPER COMMENT: While we have a handful of changes in the works, we wanted to first adjust the accuracy of the reticle to better represent where the shots will land. Many more tweaks to PA coming soon!
- Defiler: Reduced initial spread
- Defiler: Increased Radioactive Volley fire rate from 1.1 to 1.2s
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Defiler didn't really need much. We adjusted the initial spread by a small margin so players could better enjoy its secretly good range (for a Shotgun). We also removed a tiny bit of lag on firing Radioactive Volley back to back.
- Curse of the Jungle God: Increased fire rate from 3.0 to 3.5
- Curse of the Jungle God: Reduced damage from 32 to 28
- Curse of the Jungle God: Decreased reload speed by 5%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Curse of the Jungle God felt a little too slow for our tastes, so we sped up the fire rate and made minor adjustments to both damage and reload speed. Overall, it is a more efficient weapon.
- Devastator: Changed reticle behavior
- Devastator: Changed reticle graphic
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Like the Crossbow, the Devastator had major issues with the projectile reticle so we changed it to use a normal static reticle. There are many adjustments planning (we see you BANDIT ARMOR USERS)... but for now, this should feel much better.
- Repulsor: Reduced initial spread by 40%
- Repulsor: Increased Spread Decay (faster post-shot)
- Repulsor: Increased post-banish debuff duration by 25%
- Repulsor: Reduced banish time from 8 to 4 (less waiting - quality of life)
- Repulsor: Reduced friendly banish time from 4 to 2
- Repulsor: Reduced Banish Charges from 8 to 5
DEVELOPER COMMENT: For the final boss weapon, this felt a tad underwhelming. The goal of the Repulsor was to be a well-rounded tool that can fit on any team. By reducing the initial spread and increasing the post-shot decay speed, we've made it more reliable as a primary option. Additionally, we increased the debuff to 4 seconds so that players can easily unload all 5 shells into a post-banished enemy. The Banish time was reduced to reduce the waiting and halved against friendlies, because every team has "that guy" on it. To adjust for the upped effectiveness (as well as higher +20 scaling) we reduced the total Banish charges from 8 to 5.
- Hunter Sharpshooter: Now increases ALL ranged DMG at 15m+
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We've removed the Weakspot requirement because not every enemy has a Weakspot and because it already has a pretty strict range requirement. We will monitor the change and adjust both range and damage value accordingly.
- Ex-Cultist Blood Pact: No longer requires Critical hits for mod power generation
- Ex-Cultist Blood Pact: Reduced max generation from 50% to 40% to compensate for no crits
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Like Hunter armor, we removed the additional requirement to gain the Ex-Cultist armor bonus. In conjunction with the reduced Spirit value, the Ex-Cultist armor should be more appealing end-game as a mod-generation option.
- Scrapper Challenger: Damage increased from 15% to 25%
- Scrapper Challenger: Range increased from 2.5m to 5m
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The range requirement has been made more forgiving and the damage bonus has been increased significantly. We will monitor the change and see if players find the Scrapper armor more appealing as a close-range set.
- Akari Opportunist: Changed perfect dodge to grant 100% MELEE crit chance
- Akari Opportunity: Added Melee Speed buff on perfect dodge
- Akari Opportunist: Removed Melee damage buff on perfect dodge
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We fixed a bug that was granting players ALL crit chance when perfect dodging. We also removed the raw melee damage buff and replaced it with melee speed to better facilitate an in-close melee style. Most notably, any perfect dodge (even with only one piece) will grant 100% crit chance (which is still a 50% minimum damage increase).
- Elder Believer: Changed to allow Dragon Hearts to heal allies
- Elder Believer: Range increased to 15m
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We've changed how this set works. The original benefit (chance to not use a Dragon Heart) was not as appealing as we had hoped (especially for a full armor set). We swapped the effect with the Mender's Charm so that Dragon Hearts now heal teammates. This makes the Elder Armor an excellent support option.
- Twisted Armor: Health regen increased
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Players asked for it, we obliged. Enjoy having lots of health.
- Catalyst buff maximum reverted from 15% to 20%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Since we have removed the interaction between Catalyst and Devouring Loop, Catalyst has been reverted to its pre-nerf state.
- Rapid Strikes attack speed buff reduced from 20% to 15% (to allow Akari Armor Buff)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: To better allow the Akari Armor buff to be meaningful, we reduced the Rapid Strikes bonus.
- Spirit max reduced from 50% to 30% (to allow Ex-Cultist Armor Buff)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: To better entice/reward players using the Ex-Cultist armor for mod generation, we reduced the overall bonus of Spirit. This should make Ex-Cultist the goto set for mod generation.
- Devouring Loop: No longer affected by Catalyst Trait
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Devouring Loop was never meant to work with the Catalyst Trait as it is not a status effect but we thought it would be a cool/fun idea. Spoiler alert: We all make mistakes.
- Cleansing Jewel: Removed healing effect, added 50% status buildup resistance
- Mender's Charm: Gained old Elder Armor Skill (heal allies)
- Mender's Charm: Gained 25% additional self-healing (from Cleansing Jewel)
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With the recent shift of Elder Armor bonus and Mender's Charm, we wanted to give each of these items a proper focus. Cleaning Jewel is now focused around status buildup and cleansing, while Mender's Charm is all about healing.
- Soul Anchor: Adds +1 max simultaneous summoned abilities
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Due to the change in how summons work, we wanted to allow players the opportunity to still have more summons than the base game would allow so we added functionality to the Soul Anchor. This does not add additional charges, but it does allow you to have more than the "max" out at any one time.
- Adrenaline: Melee speed buff reduced from 15% to 10%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: To better allow the Akari Armor buff to be meaningful, we reduced the Adrenaline buff so that melee speeds didn't get out of hand.
- General: Mods now properly scale with Weapon Level
- General: Certain Mods also scale effect based on other factors (player health, triage, etc)
- General: Limited amount of maximum "same type" summons (dupes will kill older summons)
- General: Added "max allowed simultaneous" summon value to summon description
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We've converted all Mods to properly scale with weapon level. Typically they start lower than their original base but scale higher - thus, you get a bigger benefit out of slotting them in higher-leveled weapons. We've also made a change to how summons work so that there is a cap on simultaneous instances. If the max is reached and a new summon is activated, it will destroy the oldest. The max simultaneous can be increased with Soul Anchor.
- Iron Sentinel: Properly targets/shoots Ghasts and Root Frog
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Basically, just a bug fix.
- Rattle Weed: Power requirement increased from 750 to 1000
- Rattle Weed: Reduced initial aggro generation pulse
- Rattle Weed: Enemies can now be pulled off Rattle Weed if they take enough damage
- Rattle Weed: Enabled constant "pulsing" aggro generation to pull enemies spawned after cast
- Rattle Weed: Casting a 2nd Rattle Weed while first is out will remove the 1st
- Rattle Weed: When expired/killed, drops aggro immediately (originally was still active for 5s)
- Rattle Weed: Now affected by Soul Anchor for +1 max simultaneous summons
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Rattle Weed has always been "too good" in a game that has a lot of enemies that you are expected to deal with. We didn't want to change the core concept of the mod, but we did want to reduce how overpowered it was. We increased the buildup so it takes just a bit longer to fill. We reduced the initial aggro "pulse" by a significant amount so it didn't lock enemies on it until death (this allows you to pull enemies off now with damage). We also added a constant "pulse" that will pull newly spawned enemies towards it assuming you do not already have too much aggro. Additionally, when a second Rattle Weed is summoned, the first one is immediately killed. Previously, it would stick around for 5s and hold aggro which made it even more effective than it should have been. Players can still summon 2 Rattle Weed if they use Soul Anchor.
- Veil of the Black Tear: Now unbreakable while active - duration scales with weapon level
DEVELOPER COMMENT: No longer breakable while active, Veil of the Black Tear should now do the job we all thought it should be doing from the beginning.
- Swarm: Increased duration from 20s to 25s
- Swarm: Reduced charges to 1
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We wanted to make Swarm a sort of "buddy" that followed you around and attacked anything dangerous. However, there is a bug (no pun intended) in this patch that keeps the duration to 12s. It's known and will be fixed in the next patch. However, look forward to double duration in the future. Putting this note here because we know players will see that it says 25s and is still only lasting half that duration.
- Breath of the Desert: Charges increased from 2 to 3
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Reverted the reduction of charges. We want players to feel more like a caster with Breath of the Desert. With 3 charges, we may eventually need to adjust the damage. For now, rest assured that we will never again change the total charges of Breath of the Desert (unless we do).
- Shade/Shatter: Improved behavior across the board
- Undying King: Beam Rifle will properly stagger certain phases
- Undying King: No longer changes target mid attack
- Canker: Wave can no longer be killed via explosions
- Ixillis: Fixed issue with exploiting part of fight through wall
- Ixillis: Changed scream hit-reaction so as to no longer push players off bridge
- The Unclean One: Caskets no longer spawn enemies after the fight
- Kin-Caller: No longer slows game when killed during summon
DEVELOPER COMMENT: General behavior and bug feedback. The goal is to clean up the rough edges and make the fights less exploitable and more consistent!
- Nightmare: Breakout requirement reduced by 30% (was 10% of 1mil base, now 3.5% of 2mil base)
- Nightmare: Breakout phase timer variance (15-30s) removed - now 30s flat
- Nightmare: Vulnerable phase increased from 5s to 7s
- Nightmare: No longer faces away when broken out
- Nightmare: No longer changes target after starting an attack
- Nightmare: Health doubled (... we're serious.)
- Nightmare: Should no longer be fightable immediately after being defeated
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Some players found the Nightmare breakout phase to be tedious so we reduced the breakout threshold and increased the total health (by double). This is so that players can more consistently get to the "fun" part of the fight which is seeing massive numbers. We also reduced the variance of the breakout phase (for consistency) and increased the total amount of DPS time when broken. Also... some bug fixes.
- Used the Control Rod to play fetch with Wasteland Goodboy
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Wasteland Goodboy has been an extremely good boy since launch day and we felt it only right that he got some quality play time. We've been working on setting up a play date with Earth Goodboy but have yet to find him.
Please restart your game client to apply the update. Players will need to be on the same version to group up in multiplayer.
PATCH Nº 214415
Date of Patch: 22 August 2019
Platforms: PC / PS4 / Xbox
Patch Highlights
- Catalyst: Reduced buff (20% to 15%).
- Breath of the Desert: Reduced Charges (3 to 2). Increased buildup requirement (500 to 750).
- Gravity Core: DMG reduced (750 to 500). Friendly AOE reduced. Buildup requirement reduced (2000 to 1500).
- Tentacle Shot: no longer hits friendlies.
- Hunter's Mark: Increased buildup (750 to 1000).
- Slayer Set: Removed the duration for buff post reload.
Full Patch Notes:
- Increased Scar of the Jungle God bleed speed (same damage but faster).
- Vengeance Idol buffed to 50% DMG below 25% health.
- Gaelnic Charm buffed from 50% to 300% mod generation on DMG taken.
- Reduced Breath of the Desert Charges (3 to 2).
- Increased Breath of the Desert buildup requirement (500 to 750).
- Gravity Core DMG reduced (750 to 500).
- Gravity Core AOE DMG significantly reduced against friendlies.
- Gravity Core pull significantly reduced against friendlies.
- Gravity Core projectile time significantly increased.
- Gravity Core buildup requirement reduced (2000 to 1500).
- Tentacle Shot no longer hits friendlies.
- Increased Hunter's Mark buildup (750 to 1000).
- Certain mods should now properly target more enemies.
- Removed the duration for Slayer Armor buff post reload.
- Set bonuses properly update on client without needing to reequip.
- Reduced Catalyst buff (20% to 15%).
- Adjusted all Vyr Annointed weakspots (head) to be the correct size.
- Ixillis fix for secondary particle not showing up for non-host (client).
- Adjusted method for gaining additional ammo during Ixillis.
- Non-hitscan weapons (projectiles) can now deal weakspot DMG to Ixillis.
- Shade/Shatter will should no longer get pushed out of their dome.
- Projectiles used against Shade/Shatter dome will now DMG the dome.
- Shade no longer sticks in dome anim when Shatter is killed on startup.
- Fix for The Harrow alternate kill method.
- Nightmare no longer takes the same teammate every time.
- Nightmare Portals will no longer wait to appear.
- Certain Mods now properly attack Claviger's chest.
- Ace decided to sell higher quantities of Irons (less min/max variance).
- Many keybinding fixes.
- Fix for inconsistent reviving where it would often cancel (YESSSS!)
- Spectators should now see proper death/grapple/interaction animations.
- Fix for dying after obtaining Mysterious Coin / Tarnished Ring.
- Fix for saves without progression keys (Howling Key, Guardian Heart, etc).
- Fuse box fixes!
- Added persistence component to bell handler.
- Bosses dying to DOT should no longer break the game.
- Fixes for enemies grappling Rattle Weed.
- Many additional trophy/achievement fixes.
- Hair color should no longer change color when equipping Hunter Shroud.
- Force Burst should no longer cause banished enemies to suspend in air.
- Ent scream longer instakills players using Mantle of Thorns (
- Added minion tag to Monolith spawns.
- Collision adjusted on Monlith tile to prevent players from falling through.
- Added save bool for Lost Gantry to prevent lock-out if player exits on death.
- Fix for certain elemental MOD damage types being considered Melee DMG.
- Totems in Shroud dungeon should now always properly summon Shroud.
- General art/collision fixes in many zones.
- Set max players on unreal to 3.
- Matchmaking optimizations.
- Told the Wasteland Goodboy that he's a goodboy.
PATCH Nº # 214293
Platform: PC
Date of Patch: 20 August 2019
Patch Highlights
- Spitfire: Flame Thrower mod fire rate increased
- Particle Accelerator: Increased damage and buildup requirments.
- Ruin: Undying mod renegeration now scales with Triage providing 100% on max. Increased buildup requirements
- Stormcaller: Now reduces incoming damage by 50% and increases movement speed
- Seed Caller: Increased summonned Hp from 80 to 150
- Iron Sentinel: Damage and duration increased
- Veil of the Black Tear: Doubled ranged protection HP
Full Patch Notes:
- Mender's Charm range increased from 3m to 10m.
- Jewel of the Black Sun buffed.
- Spitfire alt fire (Flamethrower) fire-rate increased (MORE DMG!).
- Particle Accelerator alt fire (Gravity Core) buildup requirement increased.
- Particle Accelerator alt fire (Gravity Core) damage dramatically increased.
- Ruin alt fire (Undying) HP regeneration now scales with the Triage Trait (starts at 50%, max Triage to 100%).
- Ruin alt fire (Undying) buildup requirement increased.
- Ruin revive damage reduction reduced from 25% to 10%.
- Breath of the Desert damage reduced slightly and has a few additional cast-time frames.
- Stormcaller now reduces incoming damage by 50% and increases movement to near-sprint speed.
- Seed Caller (THE BOYS!) health increased from 80 to 150.
- Iron Sentinel damage and duration increased.
- Veil of the Black Tear base HP doubled.
- Swamp Swarm Host (Big Fat Guy) HP reduced & corrosion range reduced to better enable "no-hit" runs.
- Fixed The Ent's lack of aggression in alternate combat mode.
- Razorstone damage increase properly set to 100% (was accidentally set to 200% instead of 100%).
- When talking to Ravager, the fog wall will now disappear.
- Root Rot Mist (pink) no longer prevents you from aiming.
- Dying with the Undying Mod no longer removes the Curse of the Citadel debuff.
- Clients wearing the Ring of Evasion will not longer have infinite iFrames.
- Irradiated debuff now properly reduces any amount of stamina by half (instead of a flat 50).
- Fix for Sniper Rifle getting locked into scope mode.
- Dying on Root Horror no longer causes issues with other boss rewards showing up prematurely.
- Many fixes for Swarm/Breath of the Desert style mods allowing fire-rate exploits.
- Breath of the Desert no longer targets beams.
- Fix for end-game cinematic.
- Fix for getting knocked out of fuse-box interaction, causing door to remain permanently locked.
- Removed loot from breakables on Claviger.
- Implemented solution to prevent profiles from being corrupted.
- Properly cleared tactical points properly on end-play (causing some issues with bosses).
- Gave the goodboy in Rhom a few additional snacks.
- Achievements fixed (for PC).
- Anonymous
Today (15 august) there was a patch. So far I noticed Soul Link now heals for 10% instead of 5% and Stone of Balance now increases ranged- and melee damage by 12% instead of 15%.
- Anonymous
Ever since the newest patch I cant even play the game, no restarts work, Uninstall and reinstall does nothing, able to download/play other games perfect. (Xbox)
- Anonymous
after the patch my profile got corrupted and there seems to be no way to give my my countless hours back! seriously????
- Anonymous
did they fixed the coop lags ?? in Epic game we don't have any problem with 2 player but we lag like hell when we are 3 . it happened since august 20th update thanks to them .
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I want to scream at the Devs and ask them: Do you test anything in your game? "Uh, we didn't know that it would be that strong" oh shut up dummy. If you tested it, there'd be no lame excuse. Dumb-bell, I hate a dumb guy. Normal difficulty - Has weird scaling with the player that over time (as you level) make the overall game more difficult (nothing to cry about, just FYI) which no longer makes it "normal" difficulty (more like a Beginner Hard) Hard difficulty - Giant spike in difficulty compared to other games with difficulty setting (equal to very hard) Nightmare difficulty - DEVELOPER COMMENT: Someone on the internet said that Nightmare Difficulty was too easy. Well then… enjoy the Apocalypse. This difficulty can also be selected in Survival Mode. They're lying you idiots! Apocalypse difficulty - Impossible with no thought about scaling or anything relating. If you agree with me, that's nice, if you don't explain why. These Devs piss me off, difficutly isn't hard, scaling isn't hard, testing isn't f*cking hard!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Anybody knows how coop scaling level works as of today for different levels? I see it says that it now caps at 3 levels on top of the host. But if a higher level player joins a lower level host, does the higher player also get scaled down? Mostly asking because a friend of mine is getting the game soon, and I'm kinda hoping I don't have to make a new character, but I also don't want to just obliterate everything in his game.
- Anonymous
Does anyone know if single player progression is still hindered when playing Co-OP?
- Anonymous
"Reduced Nightmare Boss base health from 2 million to 1.5 million" ..... I think the HP is much higher than that since I did 1.5 million in one hit and only took a fraction off it's health. At 3:20
- Anonymous
Glad they've adjusted the final boss..... I still haven't beaten it yet, just a pain in the ass. I know how to do it (Kill enemies in phantom zone and get a buff), just can't be bothered at the moment. Hopefully the adjustments in the latest patch will help make it less of a chore.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Happy with latest patch (from what I'm reading - not tried it yet). Sounds like I'll get a nice damage boost for my current build.
- Anonymous
Scrapper armor bonus now 25% within 5 meters? Nice! Can you get within 5 meters of Ixillis? I hope so :D
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I’m fine with most of these changes, except for the Devouring Loop being unaffected by Catalyst and the Akiri armour no longer giving you Crit chance for guns as well? Those two thing are pretty much useless now and it sucks because they were my favourite things and I leveled all the armour pieces up to 20?
- Anonymous
why change the weakspot damage for hunter armor? sure not every enemy has a weakspot, and that is seemingly what you trade off if you run that specific build, and I'm not complaining, the extra damage after 15+ meters is cool, but i loved getting that extra damage, because i use weapons like the magnum and chigago typewriter together or assault and spitfire, and both sets benefit so much from the hunter armor now, if i want to benefit from this armor as a whole, i have to change my entire loadout to longer range weapons, weapons i don't like to use or aren't my cup of tea, but hey, just sayin' if you guys could, i'd love my old armor back and thank you~ the hunter armor is the coolest looking in the game in my opinion, and i would love it to keep it the old fashioned way, the way of the hunter for a hunter, must hunt
- Anonymous
So the catalyst trait is now completely useless since it doesn't work on th3 devouring loop which was the only proc item.. Nice one guys... real nice
The game is very good, I spend hours of my time playing to finish this game. I have a character who took all weapons and traits, missing rings and amulets, in normal mode. I created a new character in nightmare mode to do the same. I'm not enjoying a crash in survival mode or playing in co-op mode every time I buy an item, I get the message that I'm cheating, probably my second character is also suffering damage from the first character, programming bug. I hate playing cheat, it doesn't make the game challenging. So please fix this bug.