General Information for Remnant: From the Ashes covers various elements such as DLC, Controls, and Combat that will provide players an idea of the basic mechanics of the game.
- Anonymous
This game has lots of good things about it. Great randomization, virtually all weapons are fun to use, and great stat growth. I wish the armor looked better, the healing action wasn't infuriatingly slow, a la DS2, and good God is the female character voice acting cringe. It's like they got their boomer moms to voice act. Other than that it's a solid 8/10. If they build on the strengths Remnant 2 could be a 10.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This game has stolen my life. I got gore fiend and “rip your hide” first play through and almost made me give up lol but I fought through and I’ve put over 100+ hours into it.
- Anonymous
As a hardcore dark souls fan with over 4000+ Hours in The Series. To anyone saying it, this game isn’t a “3rd rate ghetto dark souls”
It’s heavily dark souls inspired game with a looter shooter twist to it. It’s unique and I approve of it a lot good job devs
The game isn’t AMAZING or horrible
But overall its a gud game, gud game, very gud game
- Anonymous
This game is something like 4 man WoW Raids with shooting, game will definitely expand into something cool if devs add more stuff to game.. Now with teamspeak ability the game is so much entertaining.
- Anonymous
This game is a ghetto quality Dark Souls wannabe by a 3rd rate dev. It doesn't deserve a Fextra Wiki.
How do you get this map on Xbox one I can’t find it on the game anywhere