
riphide remnant
Location Earth - Leto’s Lab
Race Root
Weakness Red Glowing Inner Torso splitFire (+15%)
Resistance Rot (-15%)Frost (-10%)

Riphide is a Boss in Remnant: From the Ashes

Riphide Location

  • Earth - Leto’s Lab > The Cursed Station.
  • There is a chance that this boss does not spawn in your playthrough. You will need to re-roll your Campaign/Adventure Mode to find it.

Riphide Rewards






Riphide Strategies

Video Strategies

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Strategy Write-Up

  • Upon entering the arena, Riphide will divide, creating an additional instance of itself. This process will repeat throughout the fight, creating 4 total enemies during phase 2, and 8 total enemies during phase 3. For this reason, AOE weapons/mods are favoured. 
  • Riphide's primary attacks include a ranged javelin-like projectile and a high-damage shockwave, both of which can be triggered by each riphide instance - so be prepared to dodge several times in a row.  The easiest method for dodging the shockwave is to wait until the wave is just in front of you, then dodge forward or to the side. Dodging back will cause the wave to hit you. 
  • During Phase 2/3 Riphide will begin to heal itself. This can be prevented by targeting the instance with a glowing white orb in its chest. 
  • Riphide can also attack with melee, simply dodge away. 
  • The following Weapons/Mods are recommended for their AOE and CC potential. 


Phases & Changes

Phase 1 (100% health)
There will be 2 instances - attacking with melee, javelin projectiles and shockwaves. 
Phase 2 (First instance of 75% health)
The 2 instances from phase one split to produce 4 enemies. The Heal ability is introduced. Only one instance will heal at any given time.
Phase 3 (First instance of 50% health)
The four from the previous phase split into 8 enemies. The Heal ability will now be done by 2 instances, healing Riphide immensely if not taken care of.


Riphide Lore

The reason the devils took society out so fast in the first place is they never really die—some of ‘em anyway. Some of ‘em break in two and then your problems double. You gotta burn the ground after killing a splitter, else the whole damn planet’ll be covered in ‘em.

Riphide Notes & Trivia

Ammo is not scarce in this Boss fight. Breakable boxes scatter the boss room and tend to be broken by enemy attacks, plenty of ammo drops in this fight, so make sure to look around!

When a Riphide clone is under the effect of a status effect (Frozen, Burning, etc), when it splits into two more Riphides, only it's right half clone maintains the status effect, the newly created left half is unaffected.

Due to the fact that all the Riphide clones share the same health bar but not the same status effect, this means that status effects can be applied to multiple clones, allowing status effects to be 2-8 times more effective than normal bosses. This makes Area of Effect weapons mods significantly more useful as well if multiple clones can be lured into their areas.



Riphide Image Gallery




Ancient Construct  ♦  Barbed Terror  ♦  Blink Thief  ♦  Brabus  ♦  Brudvaak, the Rider and Vargr, the Warg  ♦  Canker  ♦  Claviger  ♦  Dream Eater  ♦  Dreamer  ♦  Erfor, the Jackal  ♦  Gorefist  ♦  Harsgaard  ♦  Harsgaard, Root Harbinger  ♦  Ikro, the Ice Conjurer  ♦  Iskal Queen (Boss)  ♦  Ixillis  ♦  Maul  ♦  Nightmare  ♦  Obryk, the Shield Warden  ♦  Onslaught  ♦  Raze  ♦  Reanimator  ♦  Root Horror  ♦  Scald and Sear  ♦  Scourge  ♦  Sear and Scald  ♦  Shade and Shatter  ♦  Shroud  ♦  Singe  ♦  Stormcaller  ♦  The Ent  ♦  The Harrow  ♦  The Mangler  ♦  The Ravager  ♦  The Risen  ♦  The Root Mother  ♦  The Thrall  ♦  The Unclean One  ♦  The Warden  ♦  Tian, the Assassin  ♦  Totem Father  ♦  Undying King


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    • Anonymous

      Kind of a fun option if you like melee: Scrapper set, leech ember, guardian ring, twisted idol, and riven. Mods are menders aura and the mantle of thorns. As soon as the fight begins, pop the mantle and an adrenaline, then get in close and start swinging. You won't stagger so you can basically recover all your HP with leech, especially if you use heavy attacks. Keep pounding away and pop down a menders aura if you need. I backed off when mantle wore off, popped an adrenaline and got the mod power back, and waded back in. They don't use their ranged attacks much with all the others in the way and you can leech enough back to stay topped up. After struggling with a regular ranged build I downed them second try with this.

      • Anonymous

        i beat his ass on my third try! It was so hard my hands were shaking like mad after. I used a silly combo of rattle weed on the scrapper shotgun, and an explosive shot on the repeating pistol. I would plant a rattle weed and then when they'd get close, i'd shoot a bomb into the crowd of ****ers. none of my gear was above +10, so i made sure to get the timing for the shockwaves on lock. I damn near died 2 times in the arena, but that only delayed the smackdown this bastard was to receive.

        • Anonymous

          Easiest way to kill Riphide.
          You need Chaos Armor set, Galenic charm, burden of the warlord, and spirit stone. Weapons you absolutely need is give canon. The primary can be anything with the stormcaller MOD. What you want to do is deplete his first bar of healt up until he is about to split. Switch to hive canon Mod, run around them to get them as close together as possible shoot all three hive shots and as it’s starts splitting switch to your primary and use the stormcaller mod. Move in tight circles in the center of the boss so that you can avoid getting hit as much as possible. If done correctly that should kill boss without having to do another round. This was in Nightmare Difficulty.

          • Anonymous

            My first Campaign run, on Normal difficulty... Tried it so many times and then gave up on him, luckily, he was optional and not required for the progress. I searched for ways to kill him and names of mods and weapons came up that I've never even heard of at that point.... After a while, I think after I beat the whole game once, I went back and he still killed me once, but got him on the second try. Can't remember how, maybe with Eye of the Storm?

            Anyway, if you've been to every world (not counting Reisum), this combo works: Pride of the Iskal + Ricochet Rifle with Swarm mod.

            There was one time, when I died like this: One was near to me, and he lifted up his weapons to swing the blades and I just died before the blades landed. No idea what happened there.

            I think the splitting is a cool idea, the healing and the ranged attacks also, but the area attack is bullshit. That's what killed me almost every time! I've learnt to evade it, just run to the farthest corner possible and it only hits you once or twice then. Good thing is that you can go a corner to heal, because he can't destroy the environment.

            • No Hitter (yes i have no life) here, the best way to do Rip Hide if you're starting out if to have Shotgun with Hot Shot and the Submachine Gun with any mod of your choice. the Submachine Gun should only be used for popping the ones healing as it will ALWAYS take 2 shots to break their heal. regardless of damage and distance. Submachine Gun does an incredible job popping them and Shotgun does good damage against the boss themself. for Shockwaves make sure to be counting how many have gone by, as they will cast it 2 times (phase 2) and 4 times (phase 3). the best way to dodge these is dodging to a side before it hits you. When they're about to throw their axes at you simply wait for the sound queue then dodge and they will 95% of the time straight up miss you. I have done this boss with the specified loadout on Apocalypse and did solid damage (both stats neutral, only had Ring of the Admiral equiped) ( i am the annonymous that typed this message, i just simply logged in my bad.)

              • Anonymous

                No Hitter (yes i have no life) here, the best way to do Rip Hide if you're starting out if to have Shotgun with Hot Shot and the Submachine Gun with any mod of your choice. the Submachine Gun should only be used for popping the ones healing as it will ALWAYS take 2 shots to break their heal. regardless of damage and distance. Submachine Gun does an incredible job popping them and Shotgun does good damage against the boss themself. for Shockwaves make sure to be counting how many have gone by, as they will cast it 2 times (phase 2) and 4 times (phase 3). the best way to dodge these is dodging to a side before it hits you. When they're about to throw their axes at you simply wait for the sound queue then dodge and they will 95% of the time straight up miss you. I have done this boss with the specified loadout on Apocalypse and did solid damage (both stats neutral, only had Ring of the Admiral equiped)

                • Anonymous

                  This Wiki does a poor job explaining Riphides phases. in phase 2 they will do at least 2 shockwaves after a bit (count down the line) and in phase 3, 4 shockwaves will be done consecutively. the best way i found to do this is count and watch for which one is doing it if you can. and pop any healers should they try in between. its immensely cheap when they heal and then do this move but if it helps THEY WILL NOT THROW THEIR AXES AT YOU when doing the shockwaves. keep that in mind.

                  • Anonymous

                    Would really love if this game gave me more room to move around. Lots of people keeping saying this game is fair (which isn't true); but literally you can apply that logic to any game. I think many people's problem with Gorefist was that there wasn't enough room to maneuver, and Gorefist could hit through walls. He was pretty infamous for newbies to talk about. People don't realize how important spacing is in a game like this. Riphide is also annoying to fight because there isn't enough space the more there are. If you're gonna make him chase me through the whole room, you might as well give me more room.

                    • Encountered this during my last two new character saves at the very beginning. Due to not having AoE of any description, I simply used "Hot Shot" (which you can buy from McCabe if you didn't start as a Scrapper) and used that to apply the burning DoT to as many clones as possible using my Hunting Rifle. After that, it's just a case of kiting them in a circle, dodging the AoE spam and/or projectiles, and interrupting the heal.

                      Not the fastest way of doing it, but it's an option if you encounter Riptide without any AoE unlocked.

                      • Anonymous

                        Just found this bastard for the first time (I've played through the game several times, guess I was just lucky) and got a Regenerator version. Throwing all the DPS I have in my arsenal at it is not nearly enough so I guess I'll just go cry and return when I'm way overlevelled, huh.

                        • Anonymous

                          As soon as you enter, fire two tentacles from the Curse of the Jungle God and start shooting. The fight will be over in seconds. It's no glitch, I've done it twice.

                          • Anonymous

                            What a complete and utter prick. Takes way, way, WAY too much damage to down for a boss this early in the game with the limited loadout available to me, and that's before the stupid healing ability, does WAY too much damage, and the constant AoE blast spam is just lame, cheap, unfair boss design. Absolutely awful.

                            • Anonymous

                              guys this boss is a piece of cake if you use this, 2 pieces of hunter gear 1 piece of cultist gear, the shotgun (mine was +5) and the seed caller mod...thats it. oh and just in case put menders aura on your secondary, took me no more then 2min to kill him without the explosive pustules.

                              • Anonymous

                                I found a really nice set up for rocking out some good damage on this guy. All 3 Labrinth armor pieces, Vengence Idol amulet, Spirit Stone and Gravity Stone rings, Stormcaller and Hunter's Mark mods. On normal I went in below 50% health for the Vengance buff and activated Hunter's Mark and then Stormcaller. Legit finished the boss fight in just over 15 seconds.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Had a tough time 2-manning this one on hard tonight. Very Good Boy helped but we couldn't down the boss in time, Rattle Weed also helped manage the adds but we still kept getting overwhelmed by the numbers and shockwave attacks.

                                  What finally did it for us was Stormcaller. Got Riptide down to a sliver of his last health bar and my buddy went down. I did just enough damage to get Stormcaller charged and used it right as I was being surrounded. Buzzed around with it for a second and then MY CONTROLLER DIED. Standing still and completely vulnerable, the damage reduction from Stormcaller kept me alive long enough for the mod's AoE damage to finish the boss off with no time to spare. Photo finish.

                                  Tl;dr Stormcaller is great for saving your skin and damaging the mob in the later stages. Rattle Weed also useful for managing mob aggro and getting breathing room.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    i used eye of the storm and another weapon w/ healing aura, and that kinda worked? the eots weapon mod is great against the last split if you can time it right, it deleted the boss pretty much instantly

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Wore letos's armor set. Stood next to him swinging my hammer. Popped Mender's aura. Fight was over before the aura ran out. Easiest boss ever.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Just used the storm caller mod, dmg him until he pops 4 clones then pop the mod and dance around them. Pretty quick kill!

                                        • As said below, the weapon "Curse of the jungle God" is very effective against this boss.
                                          A video to see the tentacles in action (in apocalypse difficulty) :

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Got this guy on like my fourth run through Earth. Brilliant boss, really, though the AoE spam was more cheap/unfair than clever design.

                                            He might have been a real gamestopper for me if I'd encountered him on my first run. Instead, I used the Gravity Well to basically skip the fight. If you shoot it at the group while they split for the 3rd time, it's pretty much over, on hard mode.

                                            • Easy in solo and pain in the ass while in team because developers did't think about players ping. They even don't show it in Session Browses. As a result - one of mates was oneshooted any time when boss use AOE abiliy.

                                              • This is one of the best boss fights ever done, it skill checks you on every game mechanic. That is if you get him on your first run, otherwise you might have gear that will make it easy.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Lol my main weapon Ricochet rifle just melted him, the more of him, the more bounce. Killed this plant with a Frisbee.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    This may just be the most stupidly overpowered boss i have fought in my damn life i cant beat it after 6 hours...

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Just use curse of the jungle god weapon mod, died under 15 seconds, or maybe it was a bug in my playtrough

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        If you get this first run like me get letos armour and the scrap hammer. Then take a bloodwart just before entering and then wade in and pray

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          If you're lucky enough to get Leto's Lab as your first Earth dungeon in your campaign, good luck to you. Without AoE mods this boss is extremely troublesome.
                                                          If you're hoping to get some co-op action in on this fight, for the love of God bring an AoE mod. Explosive Shot is fantastic, and Stormcaller can obliterate x4 or x8 Riphide almost instantly as the lightning strikes and damage aura affecting multiple Riphides at once will melt through their health bar like butter.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            this boss is a joke. With the right setup is kinda ok but in survival with random gear is game over. If you don't have aoe you is ****ing insane. A tons of ****ers who scream heal theirself, throw **** to you and making aoe waves who force who can't be avoided if not roll toward one hundred mother****ing copies

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Not sure exactly how it works but I've seen the healer be on fire continuously taking damage. I still had to shoot him out of it. Maybe the DOT has to be applied after he starts healing?

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Had the misfortune of having this sucker show up in Survival Mode on wave 7, around level 18 tonight. We were 2 levels behind, no AoE mods, and just using summon mods. He wiped the floor with us.

                                                                • There should be two separate pages for the Splitter and Riphide. The Spliter is the basic enemy resembling Riphide that inhabits Leto's Lab. Riphide is the boss version that divides.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    And i thought the harrow was hard to kill... unless you have crowd control when you get to him, this is not easy, at all...

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      If you use the Gravity Core mod from the Particle accelerator after it has split twice you can kill it right off if you catch all of them in the explosion

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        always fire rattle weed to lure the boss. shoot him in the chest untill he splits into 8 or 16 spillter´s and fire away with explosive shot. all the "clones" take dmg as well. killed him in 13 secounds with this combo.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          if you shoot Splitter in the center of his chest area, the dmgg numbers are always red. that would be his weakness i guess ( found the lab after reseting adventurer mode erth for 5 hours)

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Like the Butcher's Flail, the Second way to kill the boss is not available yet, the weapon exists in the game but there is no way to get it as of yet. And this boss isnt available yet awell. We will just have to wait for a future update/patch for it to be available through legit means.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Has anyone figured out where this thing spawns yet? Because I really want to get my hands on that flicker cloak weapon mod for a tank build.

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