Obryk, the Shield Warden |
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Location | Reisum - Exiles's Trench |
Weakness | Head (You need to destroy his helmet)/ Fire (+15%)/ Radiation (+5%) |
Resistance | Frost (-15%) |
Obryk, the Shield Warden is a Boss in Remnant: From the Ashes.
Obryk, the Shield Warden Location
- Location: Reisum - Exiles's Trench
- This boss may not spawn on your playthrough, you will need to re-roll your Campaign/Adventure Mode to find it.
Obryk, the Shield Warden Rewards
- Obryk's Bracelet which can be used to forge Frozen Mist.
- Glowing Fragments:
- Hard (x3)
- Nightmare (x4)
- Apocalypse (x5)
Obryk, the Shield Warden Strategies
Strategy Writeup
Obryk is very aggressive and can deal heavy physical damage. Given his proximity to you during the fight, mods like Corrosive Aura can prove useful. Despite his relentless attacks, Obryk has long telegraphs that players will quickly recognise and a timely dodge will open a window for charged melee attacks.
Try to stay away from him and wait until he rushes towards you. Avoid his attacks and then keep shooting.
Once he Enrages stay away from him to prevent the Frost damage. Having Spiceroot can help you.
You can destroy his mask if you deal enough damage. This will reveal his head (weakspot)
You can destroy the wooden structures across the battlefield to gather Ammo
Attacks & Counters
Attack | Counter |
Phase 1 | |
Charge Attack: He will charge toward you and finish with a shield slash | Wait until he is close and dodge forward to avoid him |
Two hit combo: He will slash you with his shield and then jump and slam the ground | Dodge the first attack and then wait until he is about to land to avoid him. If you dodge too soon he will reach you |
Snow Cover: He will create a snow screen and then jump forward to attack you | Stay away from him and fire into the snow mist to harm him |
Ice Explosion: He will smash the ground creating a big AoE that causes frost damage and enrages him. While enraged, being close to him will cause freeze damage | Use your dodge to prevent the AoE. Stay away from him to prevent the frost damage. You can use Spiceroot to negate part of the damage. |
Obryk, the Shield Warden Lore
Lore notes, information on folklore, etc go here
Lore theories should be clearly marked as such.
Obryk, the Shield Warden Notes & Trivia
Voice Actor, homages, and other trivia go here.
Obryk, the Shield Warden Image Gallery
[images go here]
- Anonymous
Had difficulty. Switched to my +19 shotgun with fire mod and suddenly it was doable. Not easy, but doable.
- Anonymous
Best boss in the game. NO additional enemies, a true 1v1 and a challenging one that requires mastery
- Anonymous
Tried this a whole bunch of times before I finally figured out a pretty easy to pull off build to put him down. Weaponry and such don't really matter (though something like the Coachgun, Shotgun, or Repulsor help cause you're up close)
Main things you really need are Burden of the Reckless and the Scrapper set.
Even once he has his frost aura up perfect dodging is still pretty easy and will keep your health high, scrapper set will boost your damage and reduce most of his since he is close to you so often.
- Anonymous
Just use the Mantle of thorns mod against this guy. It gives damage reduction against melee, but more importantly reduces stagger level while it is active. You can get smacked with his melee attacks or explosion of ice and not even get staggered at all, making the fight get much easier.
- Anonymous
Don't bother going for the head. Just beat him on Apocalypse he was just annoying for my team but never killed anyone. Always went for the head but it never shattered so we just went for body.
- Anonymous
Has my favorite entrance for sure. Walking Chad vs. Virgin meme.
- Anonymous
I have no issues with delayed attacks, once you get into a rythm it’s fun to dodge, I do however have issues with the second phase and how he not only has an aura that causes freeze on at all times BUT IT CAN DAMAGE YOU AS WELL
- Anonymous
I just beat this boss on my fifth try using (Hard mode btw)
Radiant Set +19
Sniper Rifle +19 (Swarm Mod)
Hunting Pistol +19 (Hot Shot Mod)
Scar Of The Jungle God +9
Galenic Charm
Braided Thorns
Burden Of The Gambler
Basic strategy was as follows, start of the fight use swarm for burst and to build up the +crit chance and damage from the radiant set, then get a few melees in with the claws to apply a few stacks of bleed, proceed to use the Hot Shot Hunting Pistol to apply 3 stacks of burning and large chunky damage to his legs/arms/exposed back. Stay as far back as possible and it isnt that hard. (Reading all these comments after dying 3 times was absolutely hilarious btw)
- Anonymous
For the most part he mostly vulnerable in his back and stomach where his armor isn't there.
I beat him with Corrosive shield and Wildfire shot on my Hunting pistol and C.Typewriter.
After three attempts he went down when I got used to his delayed attacks.
Only problem is that his skull helmet has a lot more health than it really should have.
And the fact that he combos you if you got hit by only part of the attack chain in phase 2.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
You can have a light roll, be completely out of range of his leaping attack, and it will STILL hit you. Either the game has lingering hitbox issues or Obryk literally has an invisible AoE the size of Gorefist's wonky hitbox.
- Anonymous
SKULLCRACKER SHOULD NOT BE IN THE GAME. It is stupid and imbalanced and needs to be removed. It alone ends runs more than anything else, isn't the vicious tag already good enough for punishing you getting hit?
- Anonymous
SKULLCRACKER SHOULD NOT BE IN THE GAME. It is stupid and imbalanced and needs to be removed. It alone ends runs more than anything else, isn't the vicious tag already good enough for punishing you getting hit?
- Anonymous
Honestly I feel like FromSoftware modeled all of their Elden Ring bosses based on the attack delays Gunfire Games gave this one, lol.
- Anonymous
The problem isn't just him attacking you right after knocking you down but that freezing status even when not fully built up still slows your animations including you getting up from knockdowns. This seems like something Gunfire Games really didn't think about...or just didn't care.
- Anonymous
2nd phase is bugged. Running coop and sometimes he would stand there for a good second enraged. Till finally he got enraged and just sat there and waited for us to kill him.
- Anonymous
To anyone whos complaining about this boss:
Go beat dark souls and then complain
- Anonymous
Holly crap, this one was infuriating at first. The fact he can stun-lock you and beat you to death is just lazy design. I mean come on, on some tries you don't even get to make a single mistake.
Having said that, once you do get into his rythm, he's quite easy to overcome.
My setup for this "fellow":
Weapon: Hunting Rifle
Mod: Fan of Knives
Armor set: Hunter's Armor
Amulet: Razorwire Necklace
Ring1: Bloodletter's Insignia
Ring2: Ring of Evasion
The weapon Mod + Amulet + Ring1 work in tandem to both bleed that a-hole and give you back some health. The Evasion ring comes in handy to give you a bigger window to avoid getting hit and thus stun-locked. Especially good against that frost wave of spikes he does as you can dodge it even by doing so backwards.
- Anonymous
piece of poorly design **** rat of a boss.
Attacks that knock you into a lengthy recovery animation, which he can follow up with more such attacks which also knock you down, so get hit once? pray to RNGesus that you get a chance to keep playing.
A 'weak point' that isn't (I hit that mask with 30+ hunting rifle +15 shots, and it did not break.
can obscure vision while also having a poorly telegraphed attack (especially in the mist) which knocks down over a VERY wide radius (and which can then be followed up by any of the aforementioned combos.
Stupid, stupid design.
- Anonymous
He is not an easy boss but neither impossible. the secret is to delay your dodges and deal damage with fire mod and bleed. It is very easy to learn your move set.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
So this boss is probably one of the easiest bosses once you know his moveset, because all his moves are super easy to read. The first time I got him was with Vicious on Apocalypse, which meant every hit was insta death, using the 1 shot sniper/hunting pistol build with Hunter set. Slayer set would be better as his Helmet takes way too long to take off, in my case I tested it and only once got it of while doing half his HP on apocalyspe with almost only headshots which dealt like 85% reduced damage, so its not worth. Thats why I went for Burden of the gambler, Empowering loop and gunslinger amulet as amulet. Mods I used were Corrosive aura and Hunters mark
His attacks are all really telegraphed and almost all his attacks are very easy to dodge.
His 1 stage is simple and he has a few moves
1 - When you're close he throws a punch, if you are still close after the first he throws a 2nd punch.
2 - He screams and runs at you and goes for a jump slam
3 - he doesn't scream and runs at you and goes for punch, followed by a jump slam
4 - He throws a Smokescreen, Jumps at you with a decently delayed punch, and retreats. This is his most dangerous attack because the delay on the punch is sometimes hard to read, and dodging too early will result in getting hit.
Around 60-70% HP ge goes enraged, doing a huge AOE attack that deals frost damage, much like Riptides AOE rings, but faster. I suggest doging sideways, or if you are far away, towards him, as dodging backwards puts you in the attack and hits you unless really well timed. His moveset stays the same except for 3 things
1 - He has a small 1.5-2 meter aura around him that deal frost damage overtime. This can be avoided by staying out of range and for certain attacks dodging a bit earlier to stay out of this range, but not too early so he hits you after you dodge.
2 - The smokescreen turns into an AOE attack, the same that he used to trigger his raged mode. There will still be a huge smokescreen and he will still follow up with a jump with a delayed punch or a 3 hit combo. Now instead of always retreating, sometimes he doesn't and just starts walking at you.
3 - After the AOE, instead of just the delayed punch, he turns it into a 3 hit combo. The delayed punch, another quick punch, and a slightly delayed jump slam. This is his most dangerous attack because he doesnt telegraph if it's gonna be a 3 hit combo, or a normal punch (into retreat). If he does the AOE and goes for the punch, I suggest always dodging a 2nd time after you dodged the punch to dodge the potential 3 hit combo.
I heard his combo's can stagger you to death, I didn't have that problem as he one shot me anyway, but as his attacks are all decently easy to dodge and really really telegraphed, this is in my eyes not a problem.
The AOE attack on Vicious Apocalypse one shotted me, but did not one shot me with spiceroot, so on all other difficulties, it should not, and probably wouldn't one shot without spiceroot either
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
My load out for this:
Leto's Helm & Legs
Warlord Chest
Vulcan's Detonator
Band Of Discord & Blood Font
Pride Of The Iskal
Beam Rifle w/Cold Spear
Claws (for bleed)
- Anonymous
Really dumb that he can just spam attacks and hit you while grounded or standing up so you are basically stun locked to death
- Anonymous
I shot three magazines of Chicago typewriter and that mask did not break.
- Anonymous
Whoever designed this boss should get a rope and hang themselves.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I rolled this guy with regeneration as my first boss in Survival with no mods to speak of. Even with mods and a good weapon, he's a cursed boss. Not worth the challenge because the way he fights does not fit the game.
- Anonymous
He's a giant rat. Target his legs/feet you ninnies. Regular yellow/red damage with a crossbow and hotshot. Hunters mark to help with that bullsh*t fog.
- Anonymous
Annoying boss on Hard. Felt very unforgiving. It took me a lot of tries to kill him.
Managed to kill him with the following gear.
Full scrapper armor +10
Spitfire +5
Shotgun +15 - Swarm mod
Cleansing jewel
Stockpile ring (Didn't really need this)
Keeper's ring
Keep 3 stacks of burning on him as much as you can.
Use Swarm on cooldown.
Neutral dodge his attacks. (Dodge without pressing a movement key)
Run away when he enrages.
You can usually heal when he jumps back into his frost cloud.
- Anonymous
This Boss made me uninstall. I really had fun with this game until this one. He's a damn cakewalk every time until he's almost dead and goes completely ape ****. I'm done.
- Anonymous
Burden of the Reckless regenerates life for each dodged attack, against this boss it is very useful.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Fun fact, you actually CAN'T break his helmet. I managed to kill him by only shooting at it and it never broke, I just wasted 12 minutes dealing 5 damage per shot until he died of boredom. Maybe it requires a lot of damage in a single hit, regardless I wasn't using a weapon that hit very hard so I guess if you want to deal weakpoint damage use the sniper rifle, as it's the only weapon in the game capable of doing enough single-shot damage to maybe break it. I don't know I never tried.
- Anonymous
this guy sucked all the aids out of all the dudes with cancer and harnessed it into a not worthwhile fight
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
When you see him jump at you just remember, he will rotate in mid air to land on your character to punish your early roll. It looks stupid as **** and yet they kept it in the game.
- Anonymous
Did him on hard and he was... Ok. Was running void and twisted idol for max armor and medium rolls... Didn't find his attacks too punishing, and they are all super well telegraphed. Bring an elemental gun and just go for bodysuits.
- Anonymous
My advice is to not try to aim for the head or any weakspot on him.
When his shield is down, aim for the belly because it has zero armor; when his shield is up, he will dug his head down and an unarmored part of his back will be exposed. His attacks are not very hard to dodge, except for the insanely delayed, heat-seeking jumping slam attack; however, they are very punishing because most (maybe all) of them will knock you down and he will kill you while you're on the ground.
I fought him on HARD, with Ossesus set + Beam Rifle + Hive Cannon, either +19 or +20. The Beam Rifle shredded through his first phase in 10s by beaming at his belly. The Hive Cannon is also very effective because the explosion + the mod power can hit through his armor; and the explosion can stagger him very frequently.
- Anonymous
Frozen mist isn't worth this fight. Hell much of the games bosses aren't worth fighting for what they drop.
Players that like this game like the feeling of being ass pounded over and over until they figure out how to do the pounding.
This fight? It's one of those you just get ass pounded to varying degrees and barely get through if you're well timed.
The developers designed this boss to be gear dependant. You can't go in with anything and expect to win.
Elements, mods and statuses are your friend here as you will NEVER touch his weak spot.
- Anonymous
WORST.BOSS.DESIGN.EVER. Bring a friend if you don't want to rip out all your hair and waste your time.
100% pure cancer. Not only he's extremely tough due to the fact he hides behind his shields most of the time, you either have to try to break his helmet to do weak spot dmg or have a crit build ready. Not only that but he likes to chain his attacks together and you CAN NOT recover/get back up fast enough to dodge; making him essentially almost a 1 hit kill boss. Unlike other bosses where you died, it's mostly your fault and you can always improve to do better, Obyk feels like a very cheap boss fight design to piss you off
- Anonymous
his attacks are relatively easy to dodge but like... let me heal bro. Just once.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Worst boss ever designed. Has imdectructable armor blocking his weak point, insane damage resist l, is the most aggressive boss in the game and attacks so fast you have no chance to recover.
- Anonymous
Doing this with heavy armor solo makes me want to neck myself
- Anonymous
Using the spitfire's flamethrower ability and keeping him on 3 stacks is really easy. Explosives also deal full damage through armor e.g. Explosive Shot mod.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Seems like the weakness is his tail, but it is hard to confirm 100%.
worst boss from the dlc 100%