Dreamer is a World Boss in Remnant: From the Ashes. Defeating this boss will immediately trigger the fight against Nightmare.
Dreamer Location
- Location: Ward 17
Dreamer Rewards
- Dreamer's Mana
This item allows you to purchase Repulsor from McCabe. - 1x Orb of Undoing
- Mind's Eye Trait
- Nightmare Spiral (Hardcore Mode)
- High Five Emote (Hardcore Mode)
- Praise The Gun Emote
Dreamer Strategies
Video Strategies
[Video Example]
Strategy Writeup
- Aiming for the Dreamer's head is the best option as this is his weak spot. It is best to defeat the Dreamer as fast as possible as Roots will begin to spawn later in the fight. Using his attacks to damage the Root that spawn during his fight is an easy way to reduce their engagement.
- Upon defeating him, he will transform into the Nightmare.
Attacks & Counters
Attack | Counter |
Phase 1 | |
Volley | Dreamer will stop following you and fire into the air. Running can easily dodge the attack. or dodging just after he fires should give you enough distance to avoid all or most of the attack. |
Spin | Dreamer will hover close to the ground and spin, damaging you if you stay within range. Keep your distance any time he moves down to the ground, spin can be ignored for the most part if you're keeping your distance. |
Spin Slam | Dreamer will begin to add a slam after his spin when his health is low, the spin itself will pull you in. Dodging away, or running after the pull should keep you out of range of his slam. Be careful because he will also pull the root into him and they will still try to attack you. |
Ground Slam | Dreamer will land on the ground, and slam his tentacles into the ground. He will do so twice, dodging just before the wave gets to you or running in a circle around him can usually avoid the attack. This attack works well for damaging the root that spawn frequently during the first phase. |
Dreamer Lore
- The Dreamer/Nightmare is the main character from Chronos (prequel to Remnant).
- The Root used the Dreamer/Nightmare as a replacement for the original dreamer they were controlling and using as a gate to access Earth because he was stronger and practically groomed for the Roots ultimate plan which is corrupting the world's core (Earth) and the Labyrinth, therefore ending all resistance to them (Chronos events).
- The Dreamer/Nightmare killed the Krell, the Pan and the Labyrinth guardians (Chronos events).
- The Dreamer/Nightmare is called The Devourer by the Keeper of the Labyrinth because he killed the guardians.
- Remnant and Chronos main characters are from the same tribe/survivor group.
Lore notes, information on folklore, etc go here
Lore theories should be clearly marked as such.
Dreamer Notes & Trivia
Voice by Yuri Lowenthal
Dreamer Image Gallery
[images go here]
- Anonymous
The void mechanic is poorly explained. They should have made it how you still do close to zero damage even after leaving the void if you didn’t kill any roots or made it how you heal a little for each kill while in the void so that you’re not rushing out. My brother and I fought this boss for 1 hour on hard before beating it. If we were doing less damage after leaving the void then we would have realized there must be something in there but we were doing okay damage, actually very very high damage compared to the rest of the game, which gave us a false sense of decent dps even if the health bar barely moved. I thought maybe we were just not doing enough damage to make an opening(which is partially true) or we were under leveled. I really like this game but this boss was not fun nor satisfying to beat.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
You can say about this boss what you want, but you cant deny his OST is fire
- Anonymous
One of the worst designed bosses I have ever seen in a video game. There was 0 build-up during the entire game for this boss, in fact you just stumble upon the final boss while it feels like you've maybe gone through 50% of the playthrough. Yet even with 0 expectations it still disappointed. Holy crap this fight was embarrassing.
The first phase was over in like 20-30 seconds. He just dies. And that's the best part of the fight. The second phase is complete and utter bs. First of all the game doesn't tell you that you need to kill minions in the void to get a damage buff, so your first few tries will just be you wandering around confused as to what the hell you're supposed to do. Then when you do figure it out (or had to google it), you spend the next 10 minutes fighting this insanely boring enemy. Ammo issues weren't enough, the devs thought constant, unavoidable damage was a good idea too. And the thing is, this boss is piss easy. It has 1 f***ing attack in phase 2. ONE. You avoid it by walking sideways.
This entire game felt empty and linear with little reason to explore and barely any weapon variety. And then this thing exists. God damn. lol
- Anonymous
This boss is pathetically easy. Was expecting a much greater challenge.
- Anonymous
Dude as soon as I heard his voice I knew it was the Ben 10 VA
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This is the worst boss fight I have ever seen in a video game. who thought it was a good idea to make unavoidable damage a thing in a dark souls like game the concept is retarded this boss is ass rest of the game is good but what the **** is this garbage I expected something better.
- Anonymous
Page says multiplayer only transports 1 player at a time, that is false (at least in current update), as I'm playing with a buddy, we both transport to the dark realm at same time every time.
- Anonymous
Made easy work of him using turrets and the souls link ring. In phase 2, when I got whisked off to the dark place, I'd summon two turrets and thanks to the soul link, they'd heal me faster than I took damage, while also helping me kill root to rack up my damage.
Souls link + turrets is seriously powerful against most bosses.
- Anonymous
Is that... is that Wallace? That kid always said he had bad dreams, could this be a mirror of him?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
after i defeated him i didnt get anything. and i dont know if there is someone i have to talk to get the rewards or if this is a glitch and i have to replay the story again.
- Anonymous
First time I came across this boss I struggle quite a bit, the mechanics are simple, yet, I couldnt put enough damage to knock him off his state (2nd phase) and expose the little fella, I had to use breath of the dragon to do that. I was going for the head but still I was needing 2-3 runs into the void to do it, breath of the dragon only required about 2 shots. I was leaving the void with around 10x stacks. I finally got him after a couple of hours.
Now, second time I did it was the easiest boss ever. Decided to try using hunting pistol with the fusion rifle and a crit build, using swarm to clear ads in the void although after the run I dont think this was even needed and I would have probably benefited more with hunters mark.
Anyway, left the void with 10x stacks again (to see how much damage I would do and if I would be able to stagger him), started shooting, within 1 second he staggered and exposed the little fella, blasted his head, kept shooting, took about 90% of his health in one run, pretty sure I could have done better.
Just a word of advice, when you are trying to stagger him, aim for the armpits/wins circles, they are the ones you need to shoot for, not the head... I realized this way to late into my first try, otherwise you will never get him to crit in 1 run. And 8-10 stacks is enough to make him stagger. Good luck!
- Anonymous
how many players can write but cannot read ...
"Once there, kill enemies to gain a damage buff for each you kill."
"Once you have killed as many enemies as you can, leave through the portal."
"Once you come out of the portal, focus your fire on the boss until it's chest opens up, exposing the Dreamer. Once this happens, he becomes a Weak Spot so aim for him to deal maximum damage."
- Anonymous
...Wait, you gots buffs for kills in the void? Huh.
Managed it with an Assault Rifle//Unstable Quills and some ammo boxes. Use box on way into Void. Pop Bloodwort soon as you're in. Run to exit. Open fire & quills on boss (the pop does no damage, but the quill-cast itself does), repeat until victory.
Probably only works on Normal. We'll see how it goes on the next run through!
- Anonymous
This boss... in fact all bosses in this game can go **** themselves. Literally the worst aspect of this game.
- Anonymous
So I just got to this guy in a hardcore run and couldn't break the carapace in Phase 2. Turns out that it doesn't matter how strong your weapon is, for context my Hunter's Rifle was doing only 1200 damage a shot whereas Spitfire was doing 1300 a shot. So don't be like me and show up to this guy on hardcore without a long-range rapid fire weapon cause it's far too difficult to dodge his barrage when you get into SMG range and you'll die just like I did.
- Anonymous
So i've beaten all the souls games and even stuff like the surge. This is literally the most BORING and tedious boss i've ever dealt with. it really doesn't explain how to do substantial damage to him so people resort to looking online which is irritating cuz i managed to beat the entire game in a blind run. his first phase is SLIGHTLY interesting but the second face you can literally walk around and not get hit. it's just disappointing considering how much fun i had with the rest of the game. it honestly feels lazy compared to the other bosses.
- Anonymous
I'm in Solo and the boss didn't open his chest so I can't do the necessary damage I repeated many times but stills not doing it
- Anonymous
For everyone struggling in co-op: wildfire mod is very strong at his second phase, kill 8-10 in shadow realm, go back and spam wildfire.
- Anonymous
Basically I have only one advice. As soon as you moved to Shadow Realm look for a portal and run like your life depends on it. It actually does. At list your character life. Kill all that stands on your way and then stay next to portall for as long as possible killing root dudes. Only reason my toon died few times was because I choose to fight first and then run. Running and fighting should be done simultaneusly. If you have area heal even better. If you don't not a big deal as long as you have 6+ heals. Should be more then enough for 2-3 trips into Shadow Realm. In my opinion Hunters riffle is the best choice for long gun + 3-4 ammo boxes. It let you stay at dodgeable distance from boss and does very fast and decent damage with fire bullets. .
- Anonymous
So, don't die during the cutscene of this bosses death. Somehow, I died during the cutscene. After the Epilogue scene plays your screen will be pitch black. You can still shoot both your weapons and use your items, but the screen is just pitch black. At least, this is what happened to me
- Anonymous
Very easy in solo after you understand the mechanics of battle.
- Anonymous
used swarm to spam black holes that were doing 99,999 damage
- Anonymous
For anyone struggling with this boss, take a one shot weapon (sniper, crossbow, hunting pistol) and the fireball mod from the 2 fire bosses 1. Phase: just spam headshot with the weapon, ignore adds 2. Phase: wait till you get into the other dimension, kill some enemies with the one-shot-pot and exit, then spam all fireball stacks (the fireball stacks will recharge themselves after a explosion, so just spam them till the boss goes invincible again, fireball is legit broken here)
- Anonymous
So if you are looking to be done with this boss quickly, I used the crossbow to kill adds in the void (one shot them) I had swarm and breath of the desert. After killing sufficient adds, I usually got 8-10, throw swarm on him, the swarm keeps Breath up at 3 stacks pretty much the entire time, and opens his weak spot each time. Solo, I killed him with 1 void visit. with 3 people I was getting him down to 1/4 to 1/3. I did not shoot my guns at the boss. Just use swarm, then breath until his damage buff wears off.
- Anonymous
This is a bad boss. Not because it’s too hard, not because it’s so easy with the right build, but because it’s not made for multiplayer... in a multiplayer focused game. The nightmare gains way too much health with 3 players. The void mechanic Makes it so only one player gets to fight the boss at a time and nothing make sense the first time it happened. The group I was with spent 30 mins on the first attempt against the nightmare( this is the same 2 guys I played through the whole game with). Whenever someone got voided they ran for the exit because we thought it was an attack to separate the party. We saw we were doing damage even if the bar wasn’t going down so we figured we needed to stagger the dreamer out or something. I only learned how the fight was meant to work after looking here. I still like the game but jeez this is a very poorly made fine boss. It doesn’t at all consider its in a co-op game
- Anonymous
So if you are looking to be done with this boss quickly, I used the crossbow to kill adds in the void (one shot them) I had swarm and breath of the desert. After killing sufficient adds, I usually got 8-10, throw swarm on him, the swarm keeps Breath up at 3 stacks pretty much the entire time, and opens his weak spot each time. Solo, I killed him with 1 void visit. with 3 people I was getting him down to 1/4 to 1/3. I did not shoot my guns at the boss. Just use swarm, then breath until his damage buff wears off.
- Anonymous
This is a bad boss. Not because it’s too hard, not because it’s so easy with the right build, but because it’s not made for multiplayer... in a multiplayer focused game. The nightmare gains way too much health with 3 players. The void mechanic Makes it so only one player gets to fight the boss at a time and nothing make sense the first time it happened. The group I was with spent 30 mins on the first attempt against the nightmare( this is the same 2 guys I played through the whole game with). Whenever someone got voided they ran for the exit because we thought it was an attack to separate the party. We saw we were doing damage even if the bar wasn’t going down so we figured we needed to stagger the dreamer out or something. I only learned how the fight was meant to work after looking here. I still like the game but jeez this is a very poorly made fine boss. It doesn’t at all consider its in a co-op game
- Anonymous
Using Wildfire Shot on Nightmare is a pretty easy way to go about things. Just kill two Roots before leaving the Nightmare realm, then start popping off Wildfire Shots The damage done VERY QUICKLY recharges your mod again, so you can just keep popping those off until weak spot opens up, then plink away however you please.
- Anonymous
it's possible to resist the pull of the Spin Slam by activating the mod Hunter's Mark
- Anonymous
Keep running into a bug that prevents other players from reviving each other in coop against this boss. Mashing buttons kinda seemed to help but no single button would consistently fix it. Anybody getting this bug?
- Anonymous
I like how the comments are either; 1. People venting their frustrations about the boss here. 2. People trying to grow their e-peen by saying how easy the boss is. Kudos to the 1% of people actually trying to discuss tactics here.
- Anonymous
This is one of the few bosses which is mighty easier if you do it solo. No need to wait for others to do pitiful damage to the boss after realm warping and you waiting around for a long time. Its honestly one of the easiest bosses in the game, and if you rage against such an easy boss, you need to rethink on your life.
- Anonymous
This boss is stupid difficult, but like most bosses, that's only until you figure out how to work past their various quirks. I don't imagine Dreamer will give anyone much trouble who's gotten this far into the game. Once you've seen his 3~4 attacks, they're very easy to anticipate and avoid. Nightmare however takes a level of preparedness that can (and will) spank you if you don't know what to do. First off, the giant fireballs - easiest way to dodge is keeping your distance. Get far enough away, and simply running to the side is more than enough. However if you're solo, you'll be pretty close when you exit the alternate dimension bit. Quickly get some distance, then run sideways with a well timed roll or 2 should see you dodging all of it. In the alternate dimension, you want to get at least 10 kills for the stacking damage buff once you get out. However this is all happening while your health drains. So down a health potion as you're being transported in. I'd suggest taking your favorite 'standard' sidearm you have, and equipping Mender's Aura on it. Build up your mod, then place the healing AOE by the exit portal. Get your 10 kills and exit, hopefully with enough HP and stamina in case you botch the immediate fireball dodge. A good melee weapon can help (like Smolder) if you're confident in your CQC game. Now you have your damage buff, but this phase is merely a DPS check. The simplest and easiest solution to this (for me) was the Hunting Rifle with the Hot Shot mod. Trigger the mod, and proc the burning damage-over-time from Hot Shot. Those DOT's will help do a lot of damage and break the barrier faster. Don't spend all of your primary ammo on this phase however. I switched back to my SMG sidearm, cause each hit does a ton of damage from the buff already. Once the shield breaks and the Dreamer is again exposed, that's when you lay on the hurt with the Hunting Rifle. 2~3 runs through the alternate dimension (with liberal use of HP potions and ammo boxes if needed) will see you through this fight.
- Anonymous
This comment section is this "i can't learn the mechanics and beat the boss so it must he the devs fault not my own"
- Anonymous
Probably the least fun or interesting boss I've encountered in any video game.
So i was playing Dreamer/Nightmare today and...... well.... in second phase (Nightmare) i killed a lot of adds in the dimension after teleport and saw another boss hp bar pop up?? It said Gorefist, so i focused all adds and got Gorefist as well. I had 25 stacks of dmg buff and tried to kill some more adds, seems like 25 is max. Got out and did enormous amount of dmg, got teleported a second time. Tried to do the same tactic again BUT this time Shroud spawned. I have not tried yet because the boss for some reason bugged out and did not teleport anyone in about 5-7 min so i quit. What if u can spawn, i would not dare to say all the bosses but some before killing Nightmare and get some alternative ending with alternative reward? Maybe someone can confirm?
- Anonymous
A fast firing weapon like the assault rifle or smg is recommended. A single shot or shotgun will do no good, because after you got the buff in the void, every bullet deals the same damage, regardless of per hit dmg. My strategy was: Drink Bloodwart while getting ported to the void. Run to the exit portal and kill 10 enemies on the way (buff indicator bottom right). Exit the void use "hot shot" mod with assault rifle (+10) and fire away. Repeat 1 time and boss was down.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Absolutely one of the most annoying, tedious and worst designed boss fights in the game. His 2nd phase is atrocious, you do barely any damage co-op, even with 10 stacks you need to go in that*****ty void world TWICE to take down a health bar. The add spawns are even worse in this fight, than most other fights, and thats saying something.
- Anonymous
If you stay long enough in the void realm bosses start spawning. Had shroud spawn
- Anonymous
Tried team with 3, the dreamer buff only one person at a time. Most of it i was dodging the fireballs and almost fell asleep.
- Anonymous
This boss is meant for solo only. Teaming up will just make it harder and tedious. For weapon choice, imo Defiler (Harrow's normal drop) is the best for damage buffed phrase. Long weapon is Ruin for shooting roots in the realm. Save 5 charges on the Defiler, once you get out from the realm, alt shoot the boss. When the charges run out, each normal shot recharge the Defiler once. So you could simultaneously Alt shoot and normal shoot the boss. When its chest opens up, use ruin the waste the boss by zooming in and spray on its head.
- Anonymous
What is it with Yuri, and being the embodiment of “an unavoidable fate” like Ryoji from Persona 3
- Anonymous
To be fair, it's a boss with some confusing mechanics(making some orbs fly to you after kills in the void would've been better visual that you get something). We instantly noted that every weapon did same damage to the husk so naturally opted for double beam setup with fire ability(and crossbow to end p1 in 6 seconds). Shadow realm was stupidly confusing though. The boss itself is garbage that becomes a joke with a single attack in 2nd phase while also invalidating all weapons except beam in terms of efficiency.