
singe remnant
Location Earth
Race Root
Weakness Chest
Resistance Fire (-20%)Rot (-15%)Frost (-15%)
Ads Flame Devil

Singe is a Boss in Remnant: From the Ashes

Singe Location


Singe Rewards

Singe Strategies

Video Strategies



Strategy Writeup

Make sure you have Hydro Coolant and Ammo Box for this fight. You may also want to bring Adrenaline if you are having trouble dodging the attacks and Frenzy Dust to increase damage output. You will notice patches of oil on the battlefield, try to stay away from them as they can be ignited by Singe attacks. There are some vehicles and buildings on the battlefield. You can use them as cover, but they can be destroyed by Singe attack so use them wisely.

Ads will be turned into Immolators when you fire at them. If you use your melee weapon before they transform they are easier to dispatch.

Try to aim for his weak spot, his chest. During the fight he will stand up and summon Root. When he does, you will be able to perform a clean shot on his chest dealing additional damage.

Singe will start the fight by throwing fire balls at you, try to dodge them to either side. A good strategy is trying to maintain a medium-to long range. In this scenario, he will mostly use his fireballs and fire breath. Both attacks can be easily avoided. When you are low on health run for cover and use your Dragon Heart.

If you have a short range weapon such as the shotgun, avoid mid range, as Singe will use his fire breath that cannot be dodged. Run straight to him and stay behind his body, where you can dodge his physical attacks.

Also for short range weapons, the large arena and Singe's habit of flying away will have you running around all the time to keep close. Consider equipping one or two pieces from the Drifter's Set so you can save stamina and maintain survivability.

 If you do not have Hydro Coolant on hand, or are being attacked, rolling will reduce the duration of the burning effect, which is useful in a pinch.

Destroying Singe's tail will provide the material Dragon Links. Since you aren't attacking his weak point, it is also helpful to have a high critical strike chance from traits or weapon mods.


Attacks & Counters

Attack Counter
Phase 1
Throw Fireball: When at range, it will throw a fireball from its mouth two consecutive times You can easily dodge it by walking or running to either side. Try to avoid flames in the ground while doing it
Fire Breath: It will spread fire forward from its mouth. Try to jump backwards. If you are too close, try to run behind it. Can't be dodged, in short, manage your distance.
Charge: It will make a roaring sound and charge to your location Wait for the charge to start and then dodge either side
Fire Strike: It will fly upwards and come down sending a fire strike towards your location Wait until its diving, then dodge to either side.
Four hit combo: It can perform a three hit combo with its claws, then finish with a dive. Try to dodge backwards or run behind it. For the last hit you can dodge forward, If close enough.



Singe Lore

  • Singe is not the same dragon you fight at the end of Chronos. Ford was referencing that dragon (Clawbone). (Chronos prequel to Remnant)


Confirmed lore (0) (1)


Lore notes, information on folklore, etc go here

Lore theories should be clearly marked as such.


Singe Notes & Trivia

  • Cutting off the dragon's tail to get a unique "dragon weapon" is most likely a reference to the Dark Souls, where cutting off the tails of dragon bosses rewards you with a unique weapon


Voice Actor, homages, and other trivia go here.



Singe Image Gallery

[images go here]



Remnant: From the Ashes Bosses
Ancient Construct  ♦  Barbed Terror  ♦  Blink Thief  ♦  Brabus  ♦  Brudvaak, the Rider and Vargr, the Warg  ♦  Canker  ♦  Claviger  ♦  Dream Eater  ♦  Dreamer  ♦  Erfor, the Jackal  ♦  Gorefist  ♦  Harsgaard  ♦  Harsgaard, Root Harbinger  ♦  Ikro, the Ice Conjurer  ♦  Iskal Queen (Boss)  ♦  Ixillis  ♦  Maul  ♦  Nightmare  ♦  Obryk, the Shield Warden  ♦  Onslaught  ♦  Raze  ♦  Reanimator  ♦  Root Horror  ♦  Scald and Sear  ♦  Scourge  ♦  Sear and Scald  ♦  Shade and Shatter  ♦  Shroud  ♦  Stormcaller  ♦  The Ent  ♦  The Harrow  ♦  The Mangler  ♦  The Ravager  ♦  The Risen  ♦  The Root Mother  ♦  The Thrall  ♦  The Unclean One  ♦  The Warden  ♦  Tian, the Assassin  ♦  Totem Father  ♦  Undying King

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    • I just fought Singe and the Ent back to back in my first playthrough (I didn't want to miss out on anything on Earth, so, after entering the Ent's zone, I did an Adventure mode run of Earth), and it really is impressive just how much harder Singe is compared to the Ent - fire everywhere, devil adds that can turn into burning devils... The Ent just spawns those little angry Jiggly-Puffs and makes you cough sometimes.

      It took me three tries to kill that damned dragon, and I just barely survived, but the Ent? I still had spare heals left.

      Singe is definitely a more interesting encounter, what with him blowing up all your cover and setting the arena on fire, but I'd definitely want the RNG to give me Tree Cthulhu instead.

      • Anonymous

        I hate this boss. So many completely unavoidable attacks via dodging. This game should've included a block feature if it was going to be like this. His fire breath has 2 seconds of windup, can take your entire hp bar, and sweeps across the entire map. Not to mention the littering of hazards and mobs. I would rather do Kalameet or even inner isshin hitless than cut the tail off this garbage, as their attacks are more fair than this cluster****.

        • Anonymous

          this boss is way easier than gorefist in their part on earth. only problem i could see someone have is running out of ammo (ammo box) and shooting its tail before killing him

          • Anonymous

            I have shot exclusively his tail, in NORMAL mode, down to 25% health and no breakage. I've tried over a dozen times. Tried with melee too. I think my game is bugged. Way to completely **** up one of the coolest mechanics that you stole from fromsoft

            • Anonymous

              On hard he only shot fireballs and fire breath.... i just shot him from behind pillars... it was surprisingly easy.

              • Anonymous

                I hate this boss and Shroud in the most equal way lol
                They both have "homing attacks" and it's really hard to doge them.

                • Anonymous

                  Trying to get the goddamn tail cut is the absolute goddamn worst. It has SO MUCH HP that having to deliberately AVOID its weakpoint means the fight will last forever- and you don't friggin' have forever, its fire breath is basically unavoidable if you're anywhere within 10m of it when it starts it up, which makes flanking around to get a clear shot at the tail almost impossible, never mind that the bastard is constantly flying away. I spent about 5 minutes running around trying to take potshots at its tail with my full-upgraded level 20 weapons, and by the time I'd gone through all my Dragon Hearts I'd reduced its HP by about 1/4, because even a point-blank blast from my maxed-out Defiler's weapon mod was almost doing scratch damage to it. I definitely shouldn't be trying to do this on Hard, that's for sure, but I didn't think it'd be THIS tough.

                  • Anonymous

                    managed to ut hiis tail a couple times now, both times he seems to bug out and stop moving, first time i did it for the sword, second time i wanted to see if they bug would happen again, both times he was on a burning pool of oil

                    • Anonymous

                      An easy way to destroy the tail is by shooting it while singe is standing on its legs and charge up. That way i could deal a couple hits with a rifle while keeping my distance.

                      • Anonymous

                        Alquien sabe porque no puedo ir al dragon ¨Quemadura¨ si he pasado ya hasta el penultomo boss? entro por la puerta de la iglesia como en la partida de un amigo, pero aparezco en otro mapa diferente quee no llega al dicho dragon

                        • Anonymous

                          clarifying the tail issue. it must be destroyed, not cut like in Dark Soul. So you can use firearms. On maximum difficulty, it cost me 2/3 damage to her life until her tail was destroyed. Devastator is the weapon u need to make this easy.

                          • Anonymous

                            To be honest, Fire Strike seems a lot easier to avoid if I dodge to my left; on the right side, I always seem to get caught in the AoE mid-dodge since it appears to skew in that direction, and it seemingly auto-hits you no matter what stage of a dodge you are in.

                            • Anonymous

                              Anyone know a way of getting the Dragon Links now that Rattle Weed has been nerfed and no longer affect Singe.

                              • Anonymous

                                I like this guy, but seriously "Singe?" It just seems like such a weaksauce name for a mighty dragon. I suppose the idea is that's what the humans call it, but when I think about a dragon I don't think "slightly burnt around the edges."

                                • Anonymous

                                  Another important thing to mention is that attacking the adds that spawn with a melee weapon does not set them on fire, which makes them tankier as well as more dangerous. If you save your ammunition for enemies that get lit on fire by other means and for the boss itself you will have a far easier time with ammo management.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Please add that cutting the tail off only nets you with Dragon Links and not Blazing Heart. Cut off the tail thinking I would get both and now I have to reroll so I can get the other.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Playing on ps4.. got a Singe spawn .. add me if you want to destroy his tail before killing him so we get the sword! Add me = iamMQ

                                      • Anonymous

                                        If you encounter this one in a multiplayer game: One should kite the immolaters (kill two of them, kite one t'til the end of the fight), he'll not spawn new ones until all immonlaters are dead. One should get the attention of Singe: Dodge his attacks. One should stand on the side of him (45°), so the fire breath isn't affecting and shoot his crit point. This should do the work - pretty simple

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