Swamps Of Corsus is a DLC for Remnant: From The Ashes. Swamps Of Corsus DLC was released April of 2020 and can be acquired as a standalone. Below you can find information on the new equipment, play modes, bosses and mechanics that this DLC adds to Remnant: From The Ashes.
Along the Swamp Of Corsus DLC, a Campaign Update was released that is not a part of the DLC and is free for all users. This updated the Corsus Campaign by added new dungeons, enemies, bosses, and rewards.
Swamps Of Corsus DLC
Survival Mode
Survival is a roguelike mode where players start off in the Labyrinth only with a pistol and some scrap that they can use to buy equipment. After players are ready, they teleport to a random location where they must find and defeat the boss to come back to the Labyrinth and spend their hard-earned Scrap. Enemies get progressively stronger as time goes by, until players are defeated. When the player dies the game ends, and the game starts over from the beginning.
Exploring the Survival mode and defeating Bosses, players can acquire Glowing Fragments, which can be used to purchase armor Skins.
You can learn more about Survival mode by clicking HERE.
Corsus Adventure Mode
A new Corsus biome that is unique to Adventure Mode can be accessed through the Swamp Of Corsus DLC. This new Adventure is built separately from the Campaign Corsus and functions more like the other larger biomes of Earth, Rhom, and Yaesha. There’s lots to explore and plenty of secrets to discover!
Armor Skins
New armor skins can be acquired through the Swamps Of Corsus DLC. There is a new skin for each armor piece in the game. Players can purchase Armor Skins from Whispers, a new NPC located at Ward 13 next to the Root Mother, by using Glowing Fragments. Glowing Fragments can be obtained in Survival Mode from Boss Kills and sometimes even Elites and Special enemies! They can also be obtained from Boss Kills in Campaign on Hard, Nightmare, and Apocalypse difficulties. The harder the difficulty, the more Glowing Fragments you can earn!
- Anonymous
Quick question do you have to be on hard made to fight the new enemies?
- Anonymous
I just bought the dlc but It doesnt show up in my library and thus im unable to download it. How do I fix this ?
- Anonymous
can i play swamp of corsus without playing of original remnant from the ashes ...
- Anonymous
Can your friends join you on Corsus even if they dont own the DLC?
I have downloaded the game and have played it for a total of 88 hours, i am on xbox one and have downloaded the survival update but i still don't have access to the mode, can anyone help me with this.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
So does anyone have a list of the new bosses? I think there is the elf queen, barber terror, dream eater, anything else?
- Anonymous
Does every need to have the dlc to play it, or just the host?
- Anonymous
How to get swamp of Corus? Cannot find dlc in ps store and my game hasn't been updated yet.
Hey, I don't know if this site is still active or not, I want to ask: Can you import your high level characters from the original game in this DLC or you have to start from LVL 1 again?