Ward 17 is a Location in Remnant: From the Ashes. Please see Walkthrough for other areas. The area consists of only hallways, walk ways and stairs leading up to the final boss of the game.
[location image goes here]
General Information
After finding the Founder, Andrew Ford, the player is given the Founder's Key, allowing the player to access a computer that controls the mirror leading to Ward 17.
Video Walkthrough
[video goes here]
Trivia & Notes:
Trivia and notes go here
- Anonymous
Minimum Item Level for Ward 17 seems to be 11. I was Item level 10 when I went into Ward 17, I had 2 single red arrows pointing down. Upgraded all my gear to +11, and got 2 white diamonds.
- Anonymous
Why does wiki have so much redundancy and literally no useful information like what the minimum level for ward 17 is. That's literally the only thing 99% of people came to this page to find.
- Anonymous
does anything special happends if you kill the kid before fighting the final boss? like if you aim at it the crossair turns yellow and if you shoot a damage number pops and your crossair turns back to white, but you still have to fight the boss, does anything change ?
- Anonymous
Even if everyone has spoken about ward 17 in my game... at the entry of the last hall i have seen ward 16 written on the wall...?
Is ward 17 story base or can you find it in adventure mode?