Circlet Hatchery

Location Corsus
Reward Soul Ember
Evocation Trait

Circlet Hatchery is a Random Event in Swamps Of Corsus - Remnant From The Ashes. Random events act like side quests where players need to complete some requests in order to obtain a reward. The events may or may not appear on your play through, requiring a restart for a chance of getting them.

Circlet Hatchery Description

  • Throughout the dungeon you will find large hives. Shooting them will release a swarm of Wisps that will approach and damage the players. Wisps are killed in one shot. Consider killing all nearby enemies before targeting hives. 

 Circlet Hatchery Rewards

  • Soul Ember - destroy all the hanging hives in the dungeon. 
  • Evocation Trait - destroy all the hives without getting hit by the Wisps.



Circlet Hatchery Notes & Trivia

  • Lore and other trivia go here.



Random Events
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    • Anonymous

      New to game and a bit late but easiest event so far

      Kill all enemies with your good gear once all dead use Veil then equip Cultist armor to auto Regen Veil back , rinse repeat , slower but guaranteed win

      • Anonymous

        Sporebloom mod, main fire.

        The mod kills everything the moment the hive breaks. It’s easy mode. Please do not suffer friends.

        • Anonymous

          Please, save yourself an absolute ton of frustration and avoid this trait. I have tried all of the methods mentioned here (and elsewhere) and somehow at least one of the whips always makes it through. Definitely not worth the time involved.

          • Anonymous

            Hive Cannon, primary fire or mod, insta-kills the hives and the wisps. Don't get hit, or you'll have to re-roll. Happy hunting.

            • Anonymous

              The new Iron Sentinel weapon mod works great in place of the Swarm mod and regenerates much faster. They will snipe all the wisps as long as they have a clear line of sight, while the Swarm sometimes will hunt down other enemies, the sentries are stationary and will only focus the wisps and enemies immediately around you. I got the trait first try without any close calls.

              • Anonymous

                You have only one chance to destroy each nest per play-through. Resting at the checkpoint does not bring the hives nest back so plan accordingly if you want the trait. I found 5 hives nest in my play-through and used the hive cannon to destroy them.

                • Anonymous

                  Swarm MOD will kill all the cocoon spawns before they come near you. Just make sure there are not other living mobs near you to divert them.

                  • Anonymous

                    There are 4-5 of them in the hatchery I believe, each makes a distinct, directional sound that persists after getting destroyed.

                    Use "Hive Cannon" if you have it. It'll dispose of the wisps and the cocoon in one shot. This will also contribute towards "Demolitionist" Trait, if you don't have it.

                    • Anonymous

                      If you are having trouble getting this event (I sure did, took about 1 run), I have a couple of tips on how to save time.

                      Use World Analyzer
                      Equip your pistol with Swarm
                      Activate Swarm
                      Shoot with your pistol on Hatchery
                      Let the magic happens
                      Have fun with your brand new Soul Ember and Evocation Trait

                      • Anonymous

                        If you are having trouble getting this event (I sure did, took about 60 runs), I have a couple of tips on how to save time.

                        Upon creating a corsus adventure:
                        1. Immediately when you spawn, look to the left. If you see a giant anthill looking structure, reset the run immediately. This tileset doesn't have circlet hatchery as a spawn early in the run, or possibly not at all.
                        2. After looking left, look directly behind you (180 degrees from the spawn stone). If you see a smaller ant hill, hug the left wall of the map and enter the first area leading to the caves. This area has a chance of being the circlet hatchery.
                        3. If you see neither of the things mentioned, just trees, explore forward. There are a couple of possible layouts ahead, and they can lead to circlet hatchery. Hugging the left side is still a good idea, because it is often faster.
                        4. There is about 1/4 chance of the cave area being circlet hatchery, if all the areas have similar chances to spawn (not sure about this one, it could be even lower). This can lead to 10+ runs very easily, don't get discouraged.

                        If you are looking for the trait specifically, you should know that failing the condition of not getting hit by the orbs will make the challenge impossible to complete in the same adventure. You need to create a new one and find the event again. So to save as much time as possible, be ready and careful when attempting the challenge. Here are some tips:

                        1. Do not bring any area of effect mods or other weapons that can accidentally destroy the hives.
                        2. Always clear every enemy nearby before destroying the hives, they can and will stun you for a long time in this area.
                        3. Using weapons with fast firerate and high ammo capacity per magazine is a good idea. For example the beam rifle, spitfire and assault rifle are great choices.
                        4. The orbs can pass through walls and other objects, making them impossible to kill during this time, so keeping your distance to the hives is advisable.
                        5. If you are still unsure whether you can kill all the orbs in time, or perhaps don't want to farm for a better suited weapon, the swarm weapon mod is fantastic safeguard against the orbs, as it is one of the only AI based mods that will target them and dispose of them fast.

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