The Grotto is a Location in Remnant: From the Ashes. Please see Walkthrough for other areas. It is the arena where you fight the boss Ixillis
[location image goes here]
General Information
- Previous: The Elf Queen
- Next: ??
- Bosses: Ixillis
- World: Corsus
Key Items
- 4x Chests past the boss
Full The Grotto Walkthrough
Walk through a small tunnel and onto a bridge, then fight the boss.
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Trivia & Notes:
According to the minimap, there is a room beyond the bridge that is blocked by a landslide of rocks, similar to the one used to prevent the player from entering campaign areas while in adventure mode. The developers have stated there are many secrets in the game, some they don't think the players will ever find. This could be one of them.
- Anonymous
Okay, so either they have patched it and the minimap is now correct or I have entered the most useless secret room ever, because there's no landslide in here, only some machinery and few destructable barrels.
- Anonymous
when i go to fight ixillis it does not say "the grotto" is says "the ancient span" i think a change was made in game.