Lost Harpoon |
![]() |
A spear imbued with RADIATION ![]() |
Damage Value | 39 ![]() |
Critical Chance | 10% |
Melee Weapon Type | Spear |
Weakspot Bonus | 10% |
Special Ability | |
Power Strike
Lost Harpoon is a Melee Weapon and is one of the Weapons in Remnant: From the Ashes.
One of the few Buri known by name Kelemorn's defeat at the Black Gate is legendary. It is said he slaughtered twenty Vyr, his spear engorging itself on the strength of each victim before Kelemorn fell.
Where to find Lost Harpoon
- Lost Harpoon can be obtained during The Harrow boss fight in Rhom with an alternative kill. Shoot him in the legs several times in quick succession to stagger him and make him drop down to his knees. When he does, go behind him and grab the Lost Harpoon.
- The Harrow will summon far more minions if you stagger him via knee/leg shots, as well as be far more likely to use his instant kill grab attack in his final stage... beware if you seek this weapon.
How to use Lost Harpoon
- Each melee weapon has a primary combo of three strikes in a row before executing another melee attack, these attacks are categorized into three types:
- Lunge Attack: This can be executed by pressing the attack button while sprinting.
- Normal Attack: These can be executed by continuously pressing the attack button for the primary three-hit combo.
- Charged Attack: This type of attack is executed by holding down and then releasing the attack button for heavier and harder swings.
Lost Harpoon Upgrade Table
You can see Crafting for a complete table on upgrade requirements.
Upgrade Level | Damage ![]() |
Lost Harpoon | 39 |
Lost Harpoon +1 | 46.8 |
Lost Harpoon +2 | 54.6 |
Lost Harpoon +3 | 62.4 |
Lost Harpoon +4 | 70.2 |
Lost Harpoon +5 | 78 |
Lost Harpoon +6 | 85.8 |
Lost Harpoon +7 | 93.6 |
Lost Harpoon +8 | 101.4 |
Lost Harpoon +9 | 109.2 |
Lost Harpoon +10 | 117 |
Lost Harpoon Notes
- Easily one of the most powerful melee weapons in the game, due to both its high damage and attack speed and its special stacking damage buff.
- When paired with the Akari Set and the Band of Strength this weapon has the potential to 1-3 shot bosses when buffed up.
- Anonymous
Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room. A rubber room with rats, rats make me crazy...crazy?
Yeah I uh finally got it after hours ho man I think I have trauma now
- Anonymous
2023 Loadout as a melee build- no ranged damage talents or mods:
Magnum Revolver +20 (195 dmg) w/ Mender's Aura for adds.
Crossbow +19 (333.5 dmg) w/ Rattleweed to draw add aggro.
Frostborne +5 (100 dmg) to finish Harrow off post-stagger.
Razorwire Necklace, Bloodletter's Insignia, Razorstone ^
Full Sentinel +20 set.
The crossbow works wonders and does just the right amount of damage to get the unique stagger. No special techniques or methods- just shoot leggy. After I got the stagger, I finished all adds off and went ham on our boy in melee to get the fight done quick with little risk of dying.
Looking to get the Lost Harpoon in 2022? Repeatedly failing the stagger and watching Harrow escape? Tired of contradicting statements and tips when looking for help?
Look no further. After some testing I have some facts to provide:
1. For the alternative kill you indeed have to shoot Harrow in the legs. Both legs share a healthpool, you don't need to shoot only one, alternate between or any other fancy tricks. Just hit the boss below waist level. Knees and thighs are your best target.
2. Fighting Harrow is easiest in the middle of the arena as many have pointed out. Do not run into the narrow corridors.
3. There are two types of stagger/stumble states for Harrow. The normal stumble and the alternate kill condition where the boss drops to its knees. Harrow should NOT enter the normal stumble at any point when going for the alternate kill. The boss will drop to its knees without entering the normal stumble if the fight is executed correctly.
4. Harrow will enter the normal stumble state and proceed to run away if you deal too much damage in a given time frame (DPS). Yes, even if shot only in the legs. Yet, if you do not deal enough DPS Harrow will never stumble, even if its whole health bar is drained by only damaging the legs. To find out how much damage you need to do at first deal as much damage as possible to the legs until Harrow runs away. Then use liquid escape and do the same again, this time shooting slightly slower, thus resulting in less DPS. Remember to only target the legs. If Harrow still does the normal stumble and flees, repeat shooting even slower until the boss enters the alternate stumble state. Experiment with accessories as well if you need to.
5. After Harrow enters the alternate stumble state you have about 4 seconds give or take to circle around the boss and grab the spear from his back. The button prompt shares its keybind with reload, be careful not to start reloading by accident, this will prevent you from interacting with the boss.
6. Once you have grabbed the spear Harrow will flee and resume normal behavior (some say it becomes more aggressive, I did not notice this, however I did not test for it specifically either, be cautious). This will initiate the adds phase. Kill the adds fast and Harrow will return. Again, this is easiest when done in the middle of the arena.
7. Perhaps the most crucial part is to stay alive once you have grabbed the spear. You will not get the reward unless you beat the fight. To maximize your odds of survival do NOT try to burst Harrow after it returns if you are playing on high difficulty. Harrow will not spawn adds when its not fleeing the player. As we discovered earlier Harrow will not flee unless you deal a significant amount of damage in a short time. Watch your DPS and proceed slowly to never encounter adds again in the fight. Harrow will only gain one new move when below 50% health (the grab), so you should be safe and on the way to victory as long as you keep your cool.
The DPS check while odd, is lenient enough once you understand the mechanics of the fight. I would recommend weapons with low rate of fire and high damage per hit, they worked best for me. With the Devastator I could trigger the alternate stumble every time. Hunting pistol and sniper were great as well. Fast firing weapons oddly enough seemed almost incapable of staggering Harrow, the Chicago Typewriter for example, while leveled up to the same tier as the other weapons, could not not bring Harrow down, instead killing it without staggering it once. Good for normal clears though.
I completed the alternate kill solo on apocalypse with the following setup:
Devastator +7
Defiler +7 (for adds only)
Void set +8, +11, +9
Twisted Idol
Empowering Loop
Hopefully this helps!
Based on the lore of the weapon, perhaps The Harrow was once Kelemorn???
- Anonymous
Maybe this has been found before, but I discovered that when paired with the Razorstone, each tick of bleed will count as a melee hit and adds stacks to the buff, so it maxes out almost instantly and is sustained until the bleed wears off.
This only works if a charge attack triggers the initial bleed, however. For example, it will not trigger if you hit an enemy with Devastator's mod, nor will it trigger if you land a charge attack on an enemy already bleeding from a different attack.
- Anonymous
Feb 2021: Alternate Between Legs With Eye of the Storm Rifle, Do Not Use Mod
- Anonymous
If you stand still, dodge, then do a charge attack, the attack changes into a wide area sweep attack. Good for if your surrounded.
- Anonymous
you don't have to shoot his legs i just melee'd looking down at his legs for like 10 seconds and he fell and i was able to take the harpoon off the back
- Anonymous
The notes are pretty bull****. Extensive testing couldn't yield hits higher than 1600. Petrified maul hits for 3000. Unarmed can get up to 4000.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The boss fight is relatively easy but things can go south very quickly.
I was going for the harpoon, best way is to use a power enhancement mod like song of swords and the hunting pistol, hit him in the knee caps, it will probably stagger and kneel down saving you having to stagger him and then again while he staggers which is a pain in my opinion, grab the harpoon, then find a corner and wait for the adds/boss as you would normally do. I was having issues kneeling him down until I watched a video from boss fight score which shows a very efficient way of bringing him down quickly.
- Anonymous
I did everything - staggered him, made him fall to his knees, approached and press the interact button, the animation started and finished, but I didn't get it. Most likely it was a bug or something. I was playing solo, but some people reported playing solo is fine.
- Anonymous
My favorite melee weapon so far, very powerfull, long range and fashion as f*ck (love the glowing green light effects). It was well worth the effort to get it.
About the Harrow fight: I used the Ex-cultist set and the Magnum Revolver paired with the Hunting Rifle because of their precision and pinpoint accuracy and JUST and ONLY shot Harrow's legs. After he staggered, I let him run away and dealt quickly with the mobs using a combination of Iron Sentinel and Explosive Shot mods. When he returned, I resumed shootting his legs (always changing the leg I shot after he staggered, usually right to left). Not gonna lie, it took me a few tries, about 10 I guess with this loadout, but I managed to make him "bend the knee" twice (the first time I was too far away and couldn't run to his back in time; the second one, I kept closer to him and it worked).
Good luck out there!
- Anonymous
As of the DLC the lost harpoon is missing its prompt to be pulled from the Harrows back
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Go behind him and grab it nice what button do i press I did it he was stunned I pressed X nothing
- Anonymous
IMO Voice of the Tempest is better in every way. Compared their dps on the Wailing Wood and it wasn't even close.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
From my experience on normal- shoot until he staggers then keep shooting his leg. He may start to run away, clawing wildly as he does so, keeping shooting his leg and he will fall forward, move behind and hit E when you see the prompt. This is most easily done as soon as you enter the room and can be finished in the first 20s of the fight. If you screw it up suicide and try with a different weapon (ultimately I had the most success with the lightning semi auto gun). Keep in mind you have to kill him once you've pulled the spear to get the weapon- i.e. don't die or you gotta start from scratch pulling the spear again.
- Anonymous
to make this even easier use the devastator and put one in each leg, did this on hard and he dropped before the 1st quarter of health
- Anonymous
First you must shoot in one leg and when it staggers, you must shoot in the other leg. If you have done well, it will fall and you will have to take the harpoon from behind. If it runs away or attacks you after staggering you should try again.
- Anonymous
Shotgunning his legs in solo play seems the most efficient the times I've done it (I use Bandit Armor as well), it also reset if he runs away so it's best to just try to burst him into falling and if you fail it's a quick reset.
- Anonymous
If you're in co op and your team mate picks up the spear is it given to everyone in your team?
- Anonymous
This weapon has a sweep attack that can be performed after tapping dodge to backstep (not roll).
- Anonymous
Using Devastators Skewer weapon mod seems to work well against Horrows legs. Use the Devastator against the legs until you have charged up enough for one Skewer shot. When you have one skewer shot ready, activate the Devastators weapon mod and aim for Horrows legs and it should go down on it knees. This has worked well for me atleast.
- Anonymous
Make sure to stagger it with BOTH legs, only shooting one leg all the time will not cause him to drop. It seems to be harder in multiplayer.
- Anonymous
He staggered five times...but he didnt fall...he dies if i do more dmg...is this mb not possible anymore? I play on hard so that i can do more dmg on his legs before he dies in normal...this sucks so hard that i cant get the Harpoon ._.
- Anonymous
Another note. You can't get the Defiler if you go for the Harpoon. At least, I didn't get the Defiler when I got the Lost Harpoon.
- Anonymous
Notes. The Beam Rifle seems to not be able to stager him. Do not die after pulling it out of him. If you do you will have to pull it out again before killing him.
After the stumble Mr Harrow will try to escape, DON'T let him, by staying in the pocket while dodging his attack and constantly peppering his leg(If he escape you have to do the stumble all over again). Before long he will fall to his knee, quickly get behind him and do a pull out. He will get back up and let him escape. Recover yourself and ready to face some ads. Finally, finish him off with pleasure. One Lost Harpoon for the win.