Complete Edition is a DLC for Remnant: From The Ashes. The Complete Edition includes the Remnant: From the Ashes base game, the first DLC Swamps of Corsus and the upcoming premium DLC Subject 2923, will also launch digitally on August 20 on PC and consoles.
Complete Edition for Remnant: From The Ashes
What is Included in Complete Edition
Complete Edition for Remnant: From the Ashes includes the Remnant: From the Ashes base game, the first DLC Swamps of Corsus and the upcoming premium DLC Subject 2923
Release Date
Complete Edition will release on August 20th, 2020 for all the designated platforms.
How much will it cost?
Complete Edition will be the final and largest DLC for Remnant: for the Ashes and will be available for $49.99 USD
Complete Edition DLC for Remnant: From the Ashes will be coming out for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
If I get the complete edition, does it retain the progress in the base game? Or will I have to start all over again?
- Anonymous
Anyone know if the developers are planning a physical complete edition? From everything I've seen, this is all digital for every platform it's launching on