A Tale of Two Liz's is a Random Event in Remnant: From the Ashes. Random events act like side quests where players need to complete some requests in order to obtain a reward. The events may or may not appear on your play through, requiring a restart for a chance of getting them.
A Tale of Two Liz's Description
- You will find a boss area at this location. Upon entering, you will be tasked with surviving the siege and protecting the Liz's sisters.
- If you successfully defend one Liz you will only obtain the Warrior Trait. Successfully defend both Liz's and you will acquire Liz's Key. You can use this key to open a locked door at this location where you will find the Chicago Typewriter.
- If either Liz dies, you will not be able to acquire Liz's Key.
- If you accidentally kill one of the Liz's yourself the other will fight you if she survives the main attack by the Root. You will not get Liz's Key.
A Tale of Two Liz's Location
- Location: Earth - The Warren -> Land's End
A Tale of Two Liz's Rewards
A Tale of Two Liz's Notes & Trivia
Lore and other trivia go here.
- Anonymous
Why put a quest this broken in the game. Might as well make them appear at the end or something. How do you go from balanced fun-challenging boss fights to this garbage?
Why, yes you CAN take their Chicago Typewriter and then kill them with it. Woops
- Anonymous
I have 2 keys from both liz any idea what's the 2nd one for?
- Anonymous
Managed to beat it my first try on hard, aggressor's bane is absolutely crucial here
Gear used:
Machine pistol +20 w/ very good boy
Hunting rifle +20
Hunter's set +19
Gunslinger's charm
Stone of Balance
Aggressor's bane
Worked very well, idk about higher difficulties tho
- Anonymous
tip for beating it possibly? i struggled for a bit and then i decided to just walk into the fog and stay away from the sisters and fight the ads. no agressor bane either but they bum rushed me so idk might have gotten lucky, but you can try it.
machine pistol with good boy mod
radiant set
braided thorns
burden of the gambler
gunslingers charm.
but honestly whatever does the best damage.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
had 4 or 5 goes at this and gave up, how are u meant to protect them when they run out of cover and out of menders aura as soon as u drop it on them? for a game with such great pet ui these npcs are stupid af, i saw in comments about the aggressor's bane so i may try this again when i get that but until then this is just frustrating
- Anonymous
Dear lord...this was awful. They have NO health or self-preservation
- Anonymous
Aggressor's Bane and basically any summon makes this fight a cakewalk. Summons can screen most of the root, you can focus on the bosses, and the sisters Liz will largely be ignored. They'll still take some splash and the occasional hit by a stray mob, but easy to keep them topped up with Mender's Aura on your secondary.
- Anonymous
I was running Hunting Rifle w/ hollow summon and Repeater Pistol w/ Mender's Aura. Took two tries. Hollows are the little gremlin balls, btw.
Was mainly DPS based. Crits and speed. Whenever a boss unit popped up, it got melted. Hollow summons actually hit really hard too.
- Anonymous
I highly recommend menders charm paired with veil of the black tear and menders aura. When it starts, try to find them and lead them to the platform section with the main ramp, and sit on the side with extra cover. Got it first try this way.
- Anonymous
Oh wow..
I just stayed at the door because how would I know I need to protect someone..
And than after I won only 1 NPC was alive. But she hung in the middle of the map on metal plates.
- Anonymous
Got through it after many attempts with both Liz's alive by throwing on every support item I had on hand at the time. I ended up tailing the Liz with the lowest health to protect and heal with Mender's Charm, which had the side effect of causing no enemies to spawn by the other Liz (pure luck, corralling these AIs is like herding cats).
- Mender's Charm
- Burden of the Devoted
Weapon mods:
- Beckon (Seed Caller and Very Good Boy also work)
- Rattleweed
- Anonymous
I think i found a solution. I had the same problem re-rolling advemture mode over and over without getting it.
So i tried to check for re-appearing grey areas in my campaign as one of the comments below mentioned.
Found none neither dungeons nor overworld.
However when i joined my campaign i got awarded scrap as if i had a duplicate item.
This time AFTER getting the scrap in my regular campaign i re-rolled adventure mode again and got the tarnished ring instantly.
Not the coin but it has the same spawn requirements as the coin.
So if you grind this double check your campaign if u get scraps, then join back in and re-roll adventure mode. I think the spawn rate is still 40% for ring/coin but if that bug with the invisible duplicate blocks it then you will never encounter it. is my guess.
(which would make sense since some ppl claim to have re-rolled adventure mode over 30 times without getting it and it does indeed spawn there as i can now confirm).
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
A tip for everyone.
Aggressor's Bane can make you take most if not all thr agro from the enemies. Just take care on the damage, I was full Leto's armor and lots of protection things so I could tank it.
- Anonymous
not sure if glitch but stayed near the entrance after i heard someone shout. every enemy was after me, after they died i explored the area and didn't mind the shout i heard earlier. saw a marker on the mini map and saw both npc. got the key and the gun. so i guess that worked. normal difficulty by the way. is it supposed to be that way?
- Anonymous
I just did this today and if you fail you can die and respawn the event, I used beckon x2 and very good boy and just hammered the big guys with assault rifle, the summons did most of the work and made it a pretty trivial fight
- Anonymous
Difficult: Hard
Mods: Seed Caller, Very Good Boy
Wears: Cultist's Set
Amulet: Soul Anchor
First try. If you die, the event will not reset, so it is best to complete it perfectly with both sisters surviving.
- Anonymous
On normal playing solo i used machine pistol with seed caller, and beam rifle with beckon. Menders charm, soul link and aggressors bane with labyrinth armor and cultist hat. Worked fantastic both liz's had nearly full health at the end and the fight lasted just over a minute. Used 2 dragon hearts to buff the broads. I ran to the ramp and held from there.
- Anonymous
It's the rare events like this that make me wish they went with a similar route as bloodborne, with glyphs and the like.
- Anonymous
Lol I got the key from one of them, got the typewriter and then talked to the other one, just to see what she says, and got a second key! Why would I need two keys to the same door?
Also to whoever filled this wiki, they're obviously not sisters. They have the same name for crying out loud! Do you know how confusing that would be growing up? And don't use George Foreman as a defence. He's probably the only exception.
- Anonymous
For people in solo nightmare this is how I did it: beckon and seed caller, burden of devoted and soul link. also got siphoner and triage
- Anonymous
I've run into the same glitch time after time where even when both Liz's survive the assault, when the last enemy is killed one of them despawns and the game behaves as if she died, screwing me out of a reward that is already a pain in the a** to get
- Anonymous
Doing this encounter solo is absolutely miserable. The AI of these two NPC's seems to be tuned such that both crave death. They seem to be actively trying to get themselves killed. They constantly run to opposite ends of the map from each other and frequently sprint towards enemies. They seem to have an especial fondness for trying to hug exploders.
- Anonymous
Ok, after 4 hours of beating my head against the wall that is the braindead AI, I beat it on Nightmare solo. Radiant legs/chest, cultist headpiece, aggressors bane/menders charm/burden of the devoted. Take stormcaller/rattleweed, rattleweed on main weapon. Use rattle weed on cooldown, pop stormcallers as soon as you enter the arena initially and pop again when it comes up. Go past the first row of houses and keep an eye on Liz health bars. This was hard as ****, do not expect to beat this your first try. Try to play around the high ground after the first row of houses and focus anything that is hitting a Liz. Build your second stormcaller charge on the big, slow, rotbomb throwing elites with the huge weak spot.
- Anonymous
As a summoner, this is easy as hell. I just summoned my minions and let them handle them roots.
- Anonymous
There's a small chance the sisters don't spawn at all. If you don't see them shooting from inside the first building to the left of the entrance, use liquid escape.
- Anonymous
Just equip the Aggressor's Bane and both Liz NPCs will come out mostly unharmed, the Mender's Charm helps but isn't necessary. They have quite a large hp pool, a Mender's Charm buffed dragon heart will heal them for about 1/8 of their hp. Make sure you actually talk to one of the surviving Liz NPCs after the assault is over to obtain the key. It doesn't drop on the ground.
- Anonymous
I got the Warrior trait upon surviving the assault even though both of the idiot twins died
- Anonymous
Prerequisite to finish this stupid event with both alive: Aggressor's bane or Mender's charm + elder set
This is probably the rarest quest on Earth- at least, for me. If you're looking for it, it always shows up AFTER you pass through an unnamed "pink marsh" area (the areas that have Tumblers).
When this game first came out, I actually best this quest, but because the game was so new and I had no grip of its questlines, I thought I had to HOLD ON to the key. When it disappeared and I later learned that it leads to one of the best weapons in the game, I was pissed!!!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I was never able to complete this dungeon. I came back after obtaining Warlords Armor and used it with Ring: Burden of the Devoted. with Mender's and Discord ring. worked really well
- Anonymous
F*** this s***.
The dungeon is easy.
We've done it over and over.
The most difficult part of this entire game has proven to be to get those stupid@$$ broads to drop the f***** key. We keep them both alive and the key never showed up.
The only reason I want the damn thing is because it would be the only fully automatic long gun with an EMPTY mod slot in my inventory. ... which is equally stupid if you ask me. Whoever came up with this is an idiot.
- Anonymous
I found it to be much easier using the beam rifle with hotshot and a smg with mans best friend.
- Anonymous
I dont doubt others bad luck but I managed to do this on my first go, switched to aggressor ring half way through and had a mans best friend running around with me. Stressful but not very difficult.
- Anonymous
Dumbest event I've seen yet. The AI is too damn stupid to avoid enemies, I have to become a meat shield to barely keep them alive.
- Anonymous
Btw you have to go right up next to one of the sisters to see their life bars.
If by the time you get that to show up, and only 1 does and the other one doesn't show up but doesn't say failed...the other is actually dead.
It's a very very annoying bug.
- Anonymous
The scariest horror, the most gut wrenching nightmare in the game is this event.
I did it with mender's charm and becken
- Anonymous
I read about this weapon so for the lulz I started my first adventure. Actually found this quest, but failed to protect both of them. I did not expect it so I went in with Ring of Luminosity, etc, etc.
With my luck I won't find this when I am better prepared for the next 6 months.
- Anonymous
You can heal Lizes with Mender’s Charm and Dragon Heart. Rattler Weed is helpful to take the heat off.
- Anonymous
Easiest way to get it is if you keep restarting the adventure mode and look for a small ravine. Took me over 5 hours to get it though, and the weapon is fun but its not worth it in my opinion
- Anonymous
Note to solo players, use the aggressor’s bane ring the beckon mod with the iron sentinel and just try to keep spamming the turrets and skulls to clear out as much as you can to keep them both alive but keep the liquid death on hand if one dies
- Anonymous
I'm pretty sure this event doesn't happen unless you re-roll the entire campaign. After re-rolling just Earth like 20 times I have never come across this encounter.
- Anonymous
Using the Rattle Weed mod along with any summons makes this event much easier. Rattle Weed will force aggro and summons will usually help to draw aggro as well.
- Anonymous
this is the dumbest *****ing encounter in the game. by the time im able to get my happy ass over to them they are 50-75% of the way dead.
- Anonymous
Trait is for only 1 surviving and the gun requires both to live.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
if one of the liz's dies during the battle you can just let yourself die to retry the battle with both liz's alive and at full health.
- Anonymous
With the Elder Set, you can heal them somewhat using dragon hearts
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
No sister life bars no warning, nothing, classic "protect dumb NPC" quest. I'm totally ok with door glitch, thanks for the tip. Also got trait with one sister dead.
- Anonymous
Got the trait but I did find a dead Liz on the ground. Never found the second one but I did get the trait. It looked like an enemy killed one after I got the trait. 180 door trick still works.
- Anonymous
Ok...so....won fight. Got trait. Some lady crying about liz dying??? I glitched the door bu how tf did I get the trait if her sister died???
- Anonymous
So I'm doing this quest and I kill the last enemy but then die because something blew up next to me. I go back in and now there is only one Liz, the enemies are coming all at once without a quest anymore, and I get like 500 scrap. As I start to kill them, the other remaining Liz gets one-shotted and now I am getting full aggro from every enemy at once. I die and go back. Now there are no *****ing Liz's but the enemies are coming up and I don't know how to fix this. I closed app and went back. It saved everything but the loot I picked up. No enemies or Liz's if you do that, however.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
If both liz are dead, head to the east side where you will find the room. Stand infront of locked door, face 180 degrees away from door, and press E. Viola!
The zone is seriously large, considering the sisters never once went beyond the front buildings and the ramps in every one of my attempts...
I'm pretty sure it was pure luck when I finally got both out alive, and I very nearly died to the very last enemy (one of those minigun guys).
This was during my first time playing (hard difficulty), so I didn't exactly have an overabundance of options, but I had Aggressor's Bane, without which I think it would have been impossible, and was using the Hunting Rifle with Mender's Aura, the Submachine Gun with Seed Caller, and the Hunter Armor, all at Level 3.
Btw, are you supposed to get two keys? Because they each gave me a key...